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Index to PUC 1998 Orders

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98-546 UA 58/UA 60 Central Lincoln PUD
98-545 CP 523 City of Ashland
98-544 UE 100 Portland General Electric (Order No. 96-306 amended)
98-543 UM 903 Purchased Gas Adjustment Mechanisms
98-542 UW 62 Hurtley Irrigation (2nd suspension order)
98-540 UM 907 GTE ADSL Service
98-536 UT 138/139 Motion for Extension of Time to File Revised Tariffs
98-534 UE 102 PGE Customer Choice Plan-Motion for Generic Proceeding
98-533 UM 384 OCAP Extended
98-532 ARB 87 U S West Communications/Northpoint Communications
98-531 ARB 110 U S West Communications/Triton Cellular Interconnection Agreement
98-530 UT 132 Dialing Parity in Oregon/Motion for Delay
98-529 UW 58 Juniper Utility Company
98-526 UW 54/UM 857 First Hill Water
98-508 ARB 5 GTE/AT&T Commission Decision on Disputed Issues
98-506 UM 917 Order for Survey of Competition for Local Exchange Services
98-505 UG 132 Northwest Natural Gas Special Protective Order
98-498 UM 859 Madras EAS to Redmond/Bend and to Prineville
98-497 ARB 105 Ernest Communications/U S West Communications
98-496 ARB 95 Nevada Wireless/U S West Communications
98-495 ARB 94 EZ Talk/United Telephone
98-494 ARB 93 Preferred Carrier Services/U S West Communications
98-493 ARB 92 United States Telecommunications/U S West Communications
98-492 ARB 90 Frontier Local Services Incorporated/GTE
98-491 ARB 89 Frontier Telemanagement Incorporated/GTE
98-490 ARB 88 Pre-Paid Local Access Phone Co/GTE
98-485 ARB 101 Advance Telcom Group/U S West Communications
98-484 UM 905 United Telephone Company of the Northwest
98-483 CP 498 ICG Telecom Group, Inc.
98-482 CP 501 Tel West Communications, LLC
98-481 CP 502 GTE Northwest Incorporated
98-480 CP 505 Level 3 Communications, LLC
98-479 CP 506 Metromedia Fiber Network Services, Inc.
98-478 CP 507 Omnicall, Inc.
98-477 CP 513 American Telephone Technology, Inc.
98-476 CP 499 INTRAN
98-475 CP 486 Z-Tel Communications, Inc.
98-467 ARB 9 MCImetro/GTE Contract Revisions Ordered
98-455 ARB 82 RamCell/Citizens Interconnection Agreement
98-454 ARB 81 RamPaging/Citizens Interconnection Agreement
98-453 ARB 83 Firstlind/U S West Communications Interconnection Agreement
98-452 ARB 84 BG Enterprises/U S West Communications Resale Agreement
98-451 ARB 86 Montana/ U S West Communications Resale Agreement
98-448 UE 107 Idaho Power Company
98-447 UD 7 U. S. West Communications Petition to Price List
98-444 UT 138/UT 139 U. S. West Communications/GTE Compliance Tariffs
98-442 ARB 55 (1) UNICOM/GTE Amendment to Interconnection Agreement Approved
98-441 ARB 78 Compass Telecommunications/U S West Communications Interconnection Agreement Approved
98-440 ARB 79 Knight Communications/U S West Communications Resale Agreement Approved
98-439 ARB 80 CDS Networks/U S West Communications Interconnection Agreement Approved
98-438 CP 469 ACI Corp.
98-437 UM 826 Local Number Portability
98-435 UM 830 Public Payphone Investigation
98-434 UT 143/UT 145 U S West Communications, Inc.
98-433 UT 132 Dialing Parity
98-431 LC 19 Idaho Power Company Reconsideration Order
98-430 UM 731 (II) Universal Service Phase II Reconsideration Issues Resolved
98-417 CP 495 CDS Networks Inc.
98-415 CP 492 United States Telecommunications, Inc.
98-411 CP 483 Unicom
98-406 ARB 76 Clark Communications/U S West Communications Wireless Interconnection Agreement
98-405 ARB 73 Tin Can Communications/U S West Communications Resale Agreement
98-404 ARB 75 Clark Communications/U S West Communications Paging Agreement
98-403 ARB 74 U.S.TELCO/United Resale Agreement
98-402 ARB 85 International Telecom/U S West Communications Interconnection Agreement
98-401 ARB 77 Union-Wallowa/GTE Interconnection Agreement
98-400 ARB 72 West TEL/U S West Communications Resale Agreement
98-390 UM 859 Madras EAS
98-389 UE 102 PGE Customer Choice Plan Filing Suspended until 1/99
98-388 UT 141 GTE Northwest Incorporated
98-387 UW 54/UM 857 First Hill Water Supplemental Order
98-385 UM 899 Meacham Exchange Petition for EAS
98-383 ARB 71 U S West Communications/Phone Solution Agreement
98-378 UT 144 U S West's  Communications ADSL Service
98-377 UW 54/UM 857 First Hill Water
98-375 UM 908 U S West Communications Service Quality MOU Adopted
98-374 UM 827 Methods for Estimating Marginal Costs for Electric Utilities
98-362 UT 144 U S West's Communications ADSL Service
98-357 ARB 70 Dakota Services Ltd/U S West Communications
98-356 UA 59 Portland General Electric/Canby Utility Board
98-353 UM 834 Transition Costs for Electric Utilities
98-344 UA 58 Central Lincoln PUD
98-343 CP 191 & CP 215 Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County & Lincoln County
98-342 UT 144 Date for Accepting Mega Subscriber Orders Further Extended
98-341 UM 895 Veneta EAS Petition
98-340 UT 144 Date for Accepting Mega Subscriber Orders Extended
98-339 UM 826 Local Number Portability
98-338 UM 892 Borwnsville EAS Petition
98-337 UM 891 Drain EAS Petition
98-333 UM 661 et al EAS Tariffs/Petitions: Molalla, Prospect, Harper, Paisley, Mt. Angel, Haines, Powers, Dufur, Sprague River, North Umpqua, Boardman, Scappoose, Spray, Clatskanie and Culver
98-331 CP 465 Omniplex Communications
98-330 CP 466 Gateway Technologies, Inc.
98-329 UP 145 Skyview Acres Water Company
98-328 CP 467 Computerpros Telecommunications
98-318 ARB 50 (1) U S West Communications/U S West Wireless
98-316 UM 352 et al Portland Region EAS
98-307 CP 225 Statewide Rural Application of AT&T
98-300 ARB 66 AT&T Wireless/CenturyTel Agreement
98-299 ARB 19 First Amendment to Advanced Telecommunications/U S West Communications Agreement
98-298 ARB 67 Momentum/GTE Agreement
98-297 ARB 68 Max Tel/United Telephone Agreement
98-296 UE 109 Portland General Electric Company
98-294 UE 102 Reconsideration of ALJ Ruling
98-280 UE 102 Motion for Public Conference Granted - August 3, 1998
98-279 UE 102 Reconsideration of Order No. 98-163 Granted/Order Modified
98-278 UM 731 II Reconsideration of Order No. 98-094 Granted
98-276 AR 348 Errata Order
98-275 CP 455 Viser Telecom Inc
98-274 CP 457 Wallowa Telephone LLC
98-273 CP 448 Comm South Companies Inc.
98-272 CP 460 Northpoint Communications Inc.
98-271 CP 449 Pacific Fiber Link LLC
98-270 CP 459 ICON Communications
98-268 UT 144 U S West Communications MegaBit (DSL)
98-257 CP 441 CDS Networks Inc.
98-256 ARB 69 Village Telephone/U S West Communications Interconnection Agreement
98-255 CP 413 U S West Communications, Inc.
98-254 LC 19 Idaho Power Company 1997 Least-Cost Plan
98-249 CP 439 Centurion Telecommunications
98-248 CP 444 Rio Communications
98-247 CP 442 Electric Lightwave Inc
98-246 CP 443 Simply Cellular & Telephone LLC
98-239 UD 5 United Telephone
98-237 UE 102 Portland General Electric --2nd Suspension Order
98-236 ARB 63 Cable Plus/GTE Interconnection Agreement
98-235 ARB 26 First Amendment to USW/GTE Local Interconnection Agreement
98-233 AR 330/AR 331 Order on Reconsideration
98-232 UD 6 U S West Communications Petition to Price List Certain Services
98-226 CP 120, 191, 215 Siuslaw Public Library/EDALC/Lincoln County Applications
98-225 ARB 60 Momentum/U S West Communications Service Resale Agreement Approved
98-222 ARB 61 ECI/U S West Service Resale Agreement Approved
98-221 ARB 62 Comm South/U S West Communications Service Resale Agreement Approved
98-212 UA 58 Central Lincoln PUD/Order on Motion
98-211 ARB 64 Cable Plus/U S West Communications Interconnection Agreement Approved
98-210 ARB 65 TCG/GTE Interconnection Agreement Approved
98-208 UW 60 South Hills Water
98-201 UM 189(1) Generic EAS Docket
98-199 UM 872 Horton Telephone Exchange
98-197 UM 903 Investigation Opened: Purchased Gas Adjustments
98-192 ARB 59 Great West/GTE Negotiated Agreement (Adopts ARB 9 terms)
98-191 UE94 II PacifiCorp - Distribution Only AFOR
98-190 AR 336 Rulemaking: Petitions for Alternative Access/Shared Service
98-187 CP 399 Phone Solution, Inc.
98-186 CP 428 Marathon Communications, Inc.
98-185 UM 861 Triangle Lake EAS
98-184 CP 426 GST Telecom Oregon, Inc.
98-183 UI 162 Portland General Electric Company
98-181 ARB 56 U. S. West Communications/GTE Interconnection Agreement, Adopts ARB 9
98-178 CP 409 TCG Oregon
98-177 UW 58 Juniper Utility Company Investigation Opened
98-168 CP 417 Europa Communications, Inc.
98-166 ARB 58 Western Paging I/U. S. West Communications Negotiated Agreement
98-165 ARB 57 NEXTEL/U. S. West Communications Negotiated Agreement
98-164 ARB 20 GST/GTE Amendment to Agreement
98-163 UE 102 Portland General Electric Company (Additional Protection)
98-162 UM 900 Beaver Creek Cooperative Telephone Company Revised Access Charge Rates
98-161 UE 106 Portland General Electric Company Advice No. 97-17
98-160 UG 128 Northwest Natural/Oregon Metallurgical Suspension Period Extended
98-159 UM 790 U. S. West Communications Petition to Amend Order No. 94-1055
98-157 UE 105 PacifiCorp Experimental Customer Choice Program
98-150 UM 840 GTE Depreciation Rates
98-132 AR 340 Rules Relating to Mediation and Arbitration
98-125 AR 329 Amendment of Rules Relating to Fees, Taxes, & Other Assessments
98-120 UM 893 PacifiCorp
98-112 UX 19 GTE Petition to Exempt AIS
98-107 UE 94 PacifiCorp AFOR/Ruling on ICNU Motion
98-105 UW 57 Shadow Wood Water Service
98-104 LC 20 Cascade Natural Gas Company Least Cost Plan
98-103 CP 398 Eclipse Communications Corp.
98-102 CP 396 Teltrust Communications Services, Inc.
98-100 CP 400 Convergent Communications Services, Inc.
98-094 UM 731 II Universal Service
98-089 CP 397 ABT Ltd.
98-081 UE 91 Idaho Power Company
98-079 UT 125 U. S. West Communications, Inc.
98-060 AR 330/AR 331 Rules Using Terms Telecommunications Utility & Joint and Through Services
98-056 UM 877 Idaho Power Company
98-051 UA 57 Umatilla Electric Cooperative
98-050 ARB 55 UNICOM/GTE NW Agreement
98-049 ARB 53 United States Cellular/Citizens Agreement
98-048 ARB 54 GTE Communications Corp./GTE NW Agreement
98-038 CP 390 Great Western Services Ltd
98-037 CP 391 Driftwood Media Services
98-036 CP 388 North American Telecommunications Corp
98-035 UM 867 U. S. West Communications Service Quality
98-034 UT 136 Pacific Telecom Inc.
98-033 ARB 52 Frontier Local Services/USWC Agreement
98-032 ARB 51 SIMCOM/U. S. West Communications Agreement
98-031 ARB 43 Reconex/GTE Agreement
98-024 UM 871 PTI Depreciation
98-023 UW 54/UM 857 Order on First Hill Petition for Reconsideration
98-022 UM 838 Universal Service for Rural Health Care Providers
98-021 ARB3/ARB 6 MCImetro & AT&T/U. S. West Communications Interconnection Contracts
98-020 UE 102 PGE Customer Choice Plan Protective Order
98-018 UX 18 U. S. West Communications Request to Deregulate VMS
98-014 ARB 47 Rio Communications/USWC Agreement
98-013 ARB 50 Access2/USWC Agreement
98-012 ARB 46 North County Communications/GTE NW Agreement
98-011 ARB 45 U. S. West Communications New Vector Group/GTE NW Agreement
98-010 ARB 42 Telnet/U. S. West Communications Agreement
98-009 ARB 48 U S Telco/U. S. West Communications Agreement
98-008 ARB 44 Simply Cellular and Telephone/U. S. West Communications Agreement
98-007 CP 374 Accurate Communications, Inc.
98-006 CP 372 Frontier Local Services, Inc.
98-005 CP 377 International Telcom, Ltd.
98-004 CP 369 North Santiam Communications
98-003 ARB 49 Electric Lightwave, Inc./U. S. West Communications Agreement



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