ORDER NO. 98-533
This is an electronic copy. Appendices and footnotes may not appear.BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION
UM 384
In the Matter of an Investigation into Alternative Means of Intrastate Separations and Settlement. | ) ) ) |
On October 28, 1998, the Oregon Exchange Carrier Association (OECA) filed a report requesting that the Commission extend the current Oregon Customer Access Plan (OCAP) until there is greater resolution of universal service and access reform issues. The Plan went into effect January 1, 1994. The Plan terminates on December 31, 1998. See Order Nos. 93-1133 and 97-484 (UM 384).
At its December 15, 1998, public meeting the Commission approved the Staff recommendation to extend the Plan to December 31, 1999. The Commission agreed with Staff that a one-year extension will allow the parties time to address access charge reform and better align OCAP funding with federal requirements. The Commission approved the Staff proposal to allow the 1997 embedded cost allocation formulas for intrastate switched access, as identified in Appendix A to the Plan, to remain in effect through 1999. A copy of the Staff memorandum is attached to this order.
IT IS ORDERED that the Oregon Customer Access Plan approved in Order No. 93-1133 is extended until December 31, 1999. The 1997 embedded cost allocation formulas for intrastate switched access, as identified in Appendix A to the Plan, shall remain in effect through 1999.
Made, entered, and effective ____________________________.
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A party may request rehearing or reconsideration of this order pursuant to ORS 756.561. A request for rehearing or reconsideration must be filed with the Commission within 60 days of the date of service of this order. The request must comply with the requirements of OAR 860-014-0095. A copy of any such request must also be served on each party to the proceeding as provided by OAR 860-013-0070. A party may appeal this order to a court pursuant to ORS 756.580.