ORDER NO. 98-339


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UM 826

In the Matter of an Investigation into a Permanent Database Solution to Local Number Portability. )




On February 9, 1998, the Oregon Exchange Carrier Association (OECA) filed a list of switches that it recommends be scheduled for initial implementation of local number portability (LNP) within the Portland Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). OECA also identified those switches in the Portland MSA it recommends not be included in the initial LNP implementation phase.

On February 26, 1998, MCI Telecommunications Corporation (MCI) filed an objection to OECA’s list of switches, stating that four switches served by GTE Northwest Incorporated (GTE)—Orient, Valley View, Banks, and Gaston—also should be scheduled for initial LNP implementation.

On April 21, 1998, Michael Grant, an Administrative Law Judge for the Commission, presided over a prehearing conference to address MCI’s objection to OECA’s filing. After discussion off the record, the parties agreed to conduct a settlement conference to address LNP switch selection. The parties also agreed to develop a procedural schedule to resolve any outstanding issues related to this matter.

After an unsuccessful attempt by the parties to meet and discuss outstanding issues, ALJ Grant adopted a procedural schedule for this docket. Pursuant to that schedule, Staff and GTE filed comments in response to OECA’s list of switches on July 8, 1998. No other party filed comments.


The Telecommunications Act of 1996 requires local exchange carriers (LECs) to provide number portability in accordance with requirements prescribed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The 1996 Act defines "number portability" as "the ability of users of telecommunications services to retain, at the same location, existing telecommunications numbers without impairment of quality, reliability, or convenience when switching from one telecommunications carrier to another."

In proceedings held pursuant to the statutory mandate, the FCC ordered that all telecommunications carriers, including incumbent LECs and competitive providers, provide LNP in the 100 largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) according to a phased deployment schedule. The implementation date for the Portland MSA is currently scheduled for September 21, 1998.

After January 1, 1999, when LNP has been deployed in the 100 largest MSAs, competitive providers may request LECs to deploy LNP in other cities and exchanges. Incumbent LECs will be obligated to fulfill those requests within six months. Eventually, based on demand from competitive carriers, LNP will be implemented throughout the state.


Following the passage of the 1996 Act, the OECA established Docket 96-04 to address issues related to LNP implementation in Oregon. In that docket, the OECA Network Standards Subcommittee, consisting of representatives from both incumbent LECs and competitive providers, held several meetings to discuss which switches in the Portland MSA should be designated for initial LNP implementation. Several interexchange carriers and representatives of the Commission Staff also participated in the discussions.

After several meetings, the OECA Network Standards Subcommittee developed a list of switches for initial LNP implementation. The list, which is attached as Appendix A, consists of two parts. The first part is a list of switches the subcommittee recommends be scheduled for initial implementation in the Portland MSA. The second part identifies the remaining switches within the Portland MSA that would not be scheduled for initial implementation under the subcommittee’s recommendation.

The OECA Network Standards Subcommittee requests that the Commission designate the identified switches for initial implementation on September 21, 1998. It notes that LECs serving five of the switches not recommended for implementation have received a request from a competitive carrier for LNP service. These switches are the Orient, Valley View, Banks, and Gaston switches operated by GTE Northwest Incorporated, and the Scappoose switch operated by CenturyTel. The subcommittee did not believe it was appropriate, however, to include those switches in its list of those for initial implementation.

Parties’ Comments

MCI initially filed an objection to the subcommittee’s list of switches, stating that the four switches served by GTE Northwest Incorporated (GTE)—Orient, Valley View, Banks, and Gaston—should also be scheduled for initial implementation. MCI, however, did not pursue its objection, and made no filing during the official comment period.

The two parties that did file comments, GTE and Staff, did not oppose the subcommittee’s recommendation. Both parties agreed that the switches identified in the first part of Appendix A should be scheduled for initial LNP implementation in the Portland MSA.


The Commission has reviewed the OECA Network Standards Subcommittee’s recommendation and the parties’ comments filed in this matter. Based on that review, we agree with the subcommittee’s recommendation and designate the identified switches for initial implementation on September 21, 1998. As stated above, that list of switches was developed through a cooperative effort by LECs, competitive providers, interexchange carriers, and Staff. No party filed objections to that list. Accordingly, the subcommittee’s recommendation is approved.


IT IS ORDERED that the recommendation of the Network Standards Subcommittee, Oregon Exchange Carrier Association, is approved. The switches listed in the first part of Appendix A are designated for initial implementation of local number portability in the Portland Metropolitan Statistical area.

Made, entered, and effective _________________.


Ron Eachus



Roger Hamilton




Joan H. Smith


A party may request rehearing or reconsideration of this order pursuant to ORS 756.561. A request for rehearing or reconsideration must be filed with the commission within 60 days of the date of service of this order. The request must comply with the requirements in OAR 860-014-0095. A copy of any such request must also be served on each party to the proceeding as provided by OAR 860-013-0070(2). A party may appeal this order to a court pursuant to ORS 756.580.