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Index to PUC 1999 Orders

Note: You will need to have  a PDF Reader to view some documents.

99-791 CP 710 01 Communications of Oregon LLC (12/28/99)
99-787 UT 148 U. S. West  Protective Order (12/27/99)
99-786 UF 4167 PacifiCorp (12/23/99)
99-783 ARB 166 ATTI/U. S. West Communications Arbitration Withdrawn (12/22/99)
99-782 CP 692 Monroe Telephone Company (12/22/99)
99-781 UM 384 OCAP Extension (12/22/99)
99-780 ARB 172 Comm South/United Agreement (12/22/99)
99-779 ARB 173 Choctaw d/b/a/ Smoke Signals/United Agreement (12/22/99)
99-776 CP 719 McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. (12/22/99)
99-775 CP 720 ATL Communications d/b/a Sunriver Telecom (12/22/99)
99-774 CP 708 Win Telecommunications (12/22/99)
99-773 CP 711 Eastern Oregon Telecom LLC (12/22/99)
99-772 CP 709 Monroe Area Communications, Inc.  (12/22/99)
99-771 CP 715 Correcomm Oregon, Inc. (12/22/99)
99-765 UE 102 PGE Customer Choice/Auction Process Order (12/16/99)
99-763 CP 277 Beaver Creek Cooperative Telephone Company (12/16/99)
99-762 UG 136/ UM 949 Cascade Natural Gas (Gas Tracker) (12/14/99)
99-761 UG 138/ UM 951 WP Natural Gas (Gas Tracker) (12/14/99)
99-760 UM 956 Northwest Natural Gas (Mist III) (12/14/99)
99-759 UG 137/ UM 950 NW Natural (Gas Tracker) (12/14/99)
99-757 CP 704 Phone Connection (12/14/99)
99-755 NC 6 PUC vs. Alpine (12/12/99)
99-753 UM 909/UT 147 Centrex Related Issues ( 12/12/99)
99-752 UM 955 PacifiCorp's Request for EWG Determinations (12/12/99)
99-751 NC 1 PUC vs. DeRoest (12/12/99)
99-748 DR 22 Portland General Electric (12/12/99)
99-747 CP 705 CP NW 1, LLC (12/06/99)
99-746 ARB 171 NorthPoint/GTE Resale Agreement (12/06/99)
99-745 ARB 170 Comm South/GTE Resale Agreement (12/06/99)
99-743 UM 957 Investigation of EAS Process and Standards (12/06/99)
99-742 UI 93 (25) GTE Northwest Incorporated (12/03/99)
99-739 CP 701 @Link Networks (12/03/99)
99-738 CP 700 Now Communications (12/03/99)
99-737 ARB 153 Interconnection Agreement AirTouch Paging/U S West  (11/29/99)
99-735 ARB 143 Supplemental Interconnection Agmt DSLnet/GTE (11/29/99)
99-734 AR 362 PUC Fees (11/30/99)
99-730 UP 165/170 Portland General Electric Sale of its Share of Centralia (11/29/99)
99-729 UM 953 Investigation into Conservation of Telephone Number Resources Opened (11/24/99)
99-727 ARB 167 AT&T Wireless/GTE NW Agreement (11/22/99)
99-725 CD 9 Delegation of Certain Duties/Powers (11/22/99)
99-722 ARB 28 (1) Integra/U. S. West Communications Agreement Amendment (11/18/99)
99-721 NC 3 PUC vs. Willow Creek Quarry (11/17/99)
99-720 NC 5 PUC vs. Riverland Excavating (11/17/99)
99-719 ARB 159 NOW Communications/GTE Resale Agreement (11/17/99)
99-718 ARB 160 NOW Communications/United Resale Agreement (11/17/99)
99-712 UA 68 Central Lincoln PUD Amends Order 99-408 (11/17/99)
99-711 UP 171 Portland General Electric (11/17/99)
99-710 UM 779 Late-Payment Rate/Interest on Deposits (11/17/99)
99-702 UA 71 Northern Wasco County PUD (11/16/99)
99-701 UM 731 Special Protective Order (11/16/99)
99-700 UE 111 PacifiCorp Rate Case Protective Order (11/16/99)
99-697 UG 132 Northwest Natural Gas Company (11/12/99)
99-690 UW 67 Alsea Water (11/08/99)
99-688 UG 132 Northwest Natural Gas (suspension order) (11/03/99)
99-680 CP 682 SATLINK 3000 (10/28/99)
99-679 CP 684 Prismn Oregon Operations LLC (10/28/99)
99-678 CP 678 Fairpoint Communications Corp. (10/28/99)
99-677 CP 688 Teligent Services, Inc., (10/28/99)
99-676 CP 689 Casco Communications, Inc. (10/28/99)
99-675 CP 690 PATHNET, Inc. (10/28/99)
99-674 CP 696 Universal Access, Inc. (10/28/99)
99-672 ARB 168 Tel West Communications/ U. S. West Communications (10/28/99)
99-671 ARB 158 DialTek/U. S. West Communications (10/28/99)
99-670 ARB 156 1-800-Reconex/United Agreement (10/28/99)
99-669 ARB 155 Dakota Services/United Negotiated Agreement (10/28/99)
99-664 ARB 153 AirTouch/U. S. West Communications Joint Motion to Dismiss (10/28/99)
99-663 ARB 169 Sunriver/U. S. West Communications (10/28/99)
99-662 UD 12 United Petition to Price List (10/26/99)
99-656 NC 4 PUC vs. Thacker Excavating (10/26/99)
99-655 UM 940 Imposition of Annual Regulatory Fees (10/26/99)
99-652 UM 924 New Area Code Delayed (10/21/99)
99-651 ARB 165 MCImetro/GTE Letters of Adoption (10/21/99)
99-650 AR 369 Temporary Rules: Water Service Territory/ Wastewater Regulation
99-649 UW 65/UW 68 Juniper Tariff Suspension (10/21/99)
99-643 UM 931 Culver EAS (10/21/99)
99-642 ARB 152 Metro One/GTE Arbitration Protective Order (10/21/99)
99-635 UM 922 Echo EAS (10/18/99)
99-634 UM 932 Mitchell EAS (10/18/99)
99-633 UM 915 Jefferson to Salem EAS (10/18/99)
99-631 AR 359 Rulemaking: Enforcing Interconnection Agreements (10/18/99)
99-630 UI 93 (24) GTE Northwest Incorporated (10/15/99)
99-628 NC 2 PUC vs. Vic Russell Construction (10/14/99)  (OUNC complaint)
99-627 DR 22 Portland General Electric Request for Declaratory Ruling (10/14/99)
99-621 UF 4153 Avista Corporation (10/13/99)
99-618 ARB 162 Alpha-Beta CLEC, Inc./U. S. West Communications (10/06/99)
99-617 UP 168 PacifiCorp (Centralia Sale Protective Order) (10/05/99)
99-616 UM 918 Scottish Power/PacifiCorp Merger (10/6/99)
99-615 ARB 161 Digital Communications/U. S. West Communications (10/06/99)
99-614 UM 930 U. S. West Communications Construction Budget (T-1) (10/05/99)
99-610 UW 66 Marina Water Company (10/05/99)
99-607 CP 666 Jato Operating Corp. (10/01/99)
99-606 CP 668 Computer Business Sciences (09/29/99)
99-604 CP 674 Internet Communications (09/30/99)
99-603 CP 677 CI2, INC.
99-602 CP 661 New Edge Networks (09/30/99)
99-601 CP 675 McLeodUSA Telecommunications (09/29/99)
99-600 UP 169 Portland General Electric Company (10/04/99)
99-599 UF 4165 Portland General Electric Company (10/04/99)
99-589 CP 676 Triad Communications of Oregon Inc. (09/30/99)
99-585 UX 22 U. S. West Communications Petition to Exempt IntraLATA Toll (10/04/99)
99-556 ARB 154 GST/U. S. West Communications Arbitration (Protective Order)
99-553 UP 165 Portland General Electric (Sp. Protective Order) (09/20/99)
99-551 ARB 97 Covad Communications/GTE Northwest (09/22/99)
99-549 ARB 148 Radio Paging/Malheur (09/22/99)
99-548 ARB 145 RegioNet/U. S. West Communications (09/22/99)
99-547 ARB 157 Universal Telecommunications/U. S. West Communications (09/22/99)
99-544 ARB 100 Metro One/U. S. West Communications Arbitrated Agreement (09/20/99)
99-543 UI 175/UP 156/UM 814 Portland General Electric (09/17/99)
99-542 UI 179 Avista Utilities (09/17/99)
99-541 UI 113 (8) GTE Northwest (09/17/99)
99-540 UI 178 GTE Northwest (09/17/99)
99-538 AR 363 Temporary Rule (SB 622) (09/21/99)
99-534 UM 942 PGE EWG Determination (09/10/99)
99-529 ARB 151 OregonTel/GTE Letter of Adoption (08/30/99)
99-528 UM 935 Azalea EAS Petition (08/30/99)
99-526 ARB 132 HighSpeed.com/U. S. West Communications Amendments (08/30/99)
99-525 ARB 150 GTE CC/GTE NW (08/30/99)
99-524 ARB 52 Frontier Local Services/U. S. West Communications (08/30/99)
99-522 UP 163 Hillview & Wilderness Sale to Hiland (08/26/99)
99-521 UI 180 Avista Utilities/Avista Energy (08/26/99)
99-519 UM 941 GTE Northwest Tariff No 15 (08/27/99)
99-515 ARB 128 Universal/ U. S. West Communications (08/24/99)
99-514 ARB 149 New Edge Networks/U. S. West Communications (08/24/99)
99-513 UM 929 Ukiah Telephone Exchange EAS (08/20/99)
99-512 UM 910 Selma Telephone Exchange EAS (08/20/99)
99-511 UM 933 Starkey Telephone Exchange EAS (08/20/99)
99-510 CP 660 American Telephone Tech (08/20/99)
99-509 CP 659 Nuwave Communications Inc (08/30/99)
99-508 CP 658 1-800-RECONEX INC (08/20/99)
99-507 CP 657 WANTEL INC (08/20/99)
99-506 CP 656 Digital Communications, Inc. (08/20/99)
99-502 UG 132 Northwest Natural Gas further suspension (08/19/99)
99-501 ARB 140 Topp Comm/GTE Northwest (08/19/99)
99-500 ARB 147 DSLnet/U S West Communications (08/19/99)
99-499 UM 924 503 Area Code (08/17/99)
99-498 UP 158 Portland General Electric (08/17/99)
99-497 AR 353 Rulemaking Re: Amendment OAR 860-032-0200(b) (08/03/99)
99-496 UA 74 Portland General Electric sale to WOEC (08/12/99)
99-495 ARB 146 North Santiam Comm/GTE (08/19/99)
99-494 AR 358 U. S. West Communications (08/19/99)
99-493 UD 11 U. S. West Communications (08/19/99)
99-492 DR 24 Petition of Certain CLECs (08/17/99)
99-488 AR 352 Rulemaking Re Consumer Issues (08/10/99)
99-476 ARB 139 Litchfield County Cellular/U. S. West Communications (08/20/99)
99-475 ARB 138 NOW Comm/U. S. West Communications (08/12/99)
99-474 ARB 143 DSLnet.GTE (08/12/99)
99-473 ARB 7 Western Wireless/U. S. West Communications (08/20/99)
99-472 ARB 144 Triton/GTE (08/12/99)
99-470 UM 937 Chart Subdivision (08/04/99)
99-469 UP 158 Portland General Electric (08/04/99)
99-468 AR 349 Rulemaking Re Coops (08/03/99)
99-466 ARB 137 Western Radio Services/U. S. West Communications (08/6/99)
99-464 UA 73 Pine Telephone (Granite) (08/02/99)
99-463 UA 72 U. S. West Communications (Granite) (08/02/99)
99-460 CP 648 Worldwide Fiber Networks (08/04/99)
99-459 CP 651 Valence Communications (08/04/99)
99-458 CP 654 EDALC (08/04/99)
99-457 CP 645 Positive Telcom Inc. (08/04/99)
99-455 ARB 135 Avista Communications/U. S. West Communications (07/27/99)
99-453 ARB 142 NEXTLINK/U. S. West (07/27/99)
99-452 ARB 141 Centel Communications/U. S. West Communications (07/27/99)
99-451 UM 921 Shedd EAS (08/02/99)
99-450 UW 68 Juniper Utility Company (sewer) (07/27/99)
99-449 UA 70 Central Lincoln PUD (07/26/99)
99-448 UA 65 Central Lincoln PUD (07/26/99)
99-447 UA 64 Central Lincoln PUD (07/26/99)
99-446 UM 925 Siltcoos Water (07/26/99)
99-445 ARB 136 FirstWorld/GTE (07/26/99)
99-444 ARB 134 Computer Business Sciences/U. S. West Communications (07/26/99)
99-443 ARB 131 Direct Tel/U. S. West Communications (07/26/99)
99-441 UD 8 U. S. West Communications (07/14/99)
99-436 LC 21 Portland General Electric Least Cost Plan (07/15/99)
99-435 UM 784 Portland General Electric (07/08/99)
99-433 UM 734 WP Natural (07/08/99)
99-432 UM 632 Northwest Natural Gas (07/08/99)
99-431 UM 605 Cascade Natural Gas (07/08/99)
99-430 UM 564 PacifiCorp (07/08/99)
99-429 UM 595 Idaho Power Company (07/08/99)
99-428 CP 642 DSLNET Communications LLC (07/15/99)
99-427 UA 66 Tillamook PUD (07/15/99)
99-426 UA 67 Tillamook PUD (07/15/99)
99-425 CP 634 Concert Communications Sales LLC (07/15/99)
99-424 CP 629 TLC Communications, Inc. (07/15/99)
99-423 CP 630 NET-TEL Corporation (07/15/99)
99-422 CP 631 Winstar Wireless Inc. (07/15/99)
99-421 CP 633 Intellicall Operator Services (07/15/99)
99-420 CP 637 Global Naps Inc. (07/15/99)
99-419 CP 638 DPI- Teleconnect, LLC (07/15/99)
99-418 CP 641 All-Phase Utility Corp. (07/15/99)
99-416 UP 162 Portland General Electric (07/07/99)
99-415 UP 161 Portland General Electric (07/07/99)
99-412 UF 4166 Avista Corporation (07/06/99)
99-411 ARB 100 Metro One/U. S. West Communications Arbitration (07/15/99)
99-410 UX 21 U. S. West Communications (Add'l suspension) (07/14/99)
99-409 UM 574 et al EAS Tariffs Approved (07/02/99)
99-408 UA 68 Central Lincoln PUD (07/15/99)
99-406 UM 896 Westport EAS Petition (07/15/99)
99-402 UP 159/ UW 62 Hurtley Irrigation System (06/30/99)
99-401 UM 928 U. S. West Communications (06/28/99)
99-398 UI 93 (21) GTE Northwest (06/25/99)
99-397 ARB 91 ELI/GTE Arbitration (06/22/99)
99-396 UM 841/ UM 851 Long Creek and Monument Petitions for EAS (06/25/99)
99-395 CP 175 TTI National (06/17/99)
99-393 UM 806 Oakridge EAS (06/25/99)
99-392 UD 10 U. S. West Communications (06/25/99)
99-386 UP 158 Portland General Electric (Additional Protection) (06/22/99)
99-385 UI 93 (23) GTE Northwest (06/16/99)
99-384 UI 116 (4) GTE Northwest (06/16/99)
99-383 UI 56 (13) U. S. West Communications (06/16/99)
99-381 UA 69 Central Lincoln PUD (06/08/99)
99-380 UM 926 BPA Subscription Power Additional Protection (06/09/99)
99-378 UE 102 PGE Customer Choice Plan (06/09/99)
99-377 ARB 132 HighSpeed.Com & U. S. West Communications Agreement (06/09/99)
99-376 ARB 130 WinStar Wireless & U. S. West Communications Agreement (06/09/99)
99-370 ARB 133 Pacific Wave Communications & GTE Agreement (06/09/99)
99-368 ARB 127 Teligent/GTE Agreement (06/09/99)
99-367 CP 623 Avista Communications of Oregon, Inc. (06/10/99)
99-366 CP 620 Valley Internet Company, LLC (06/10/99)
99-365 CP 619 Choicetel, Inc. (06/10/99)
99-364 CP 627 Casco Communications, Inc. (06/10/99)
99-363 CP 625 Compass Telecommunications Incorporated (06/10/99)
99-362 CP 624 Avista Fiber, Inc. (06/10/99
99-361 CP 610 EZ Talk Communications, LLC (06/10/99)
99-360 CP 611 Qwest Communications Corporation (06/10/99)
99-359 CP 609 Commcotec Corporation (06/10/99)
99-358 CP 612 Excel Operations, Inc. (06/10/99)
99-357 CP 67 LandsEdge Communications, Inc. (06/10/99)
99-354 ARB 126 dPi-Teleconnect/United Agreement (06/07/99)
99-353 UM 926 BPA Subscription Power Protective Order (05/28/99)
99-351 UI 93 (22) GTE Northwest (05/24/99)
99-348 UX 22 U. S. West Communications Protective Order (05/21/99)
99-345 CP 531 Economic Development Allicance of Lincoln County (05/20/99)
99-343 UG 132 Northwest Natural Gas (05/20/99)
99-342 CP 202 Nynex Long Distance (05/21/99)
99-340 UI 93 (21) No Link  Order is Null and Void
99-339 UE 102 PGE Customer Choice Plan Reconsideration Granted (05/18/99)
99-338 ARB 122 Convergent Communications/U. S. West Communications Agreement (05/18/99)
99-336 ARB 123 PageNet/United Agreement (05/18/99)
99-334 ARB 106 ECI/U. S. West Communications Agreement Reconsideration Denied (05/18/99)
99-332 UP 160 Portland General Electric (05/12/99)
99-331 UP 124 (1) Northwest Natural Gas (05/10/99)
99-330 UI 93 (19) GTE Northwest (05/10/99)
99-329 ARB 125 TCG/GTE Letters of Adoption (ARB 5 terms)(05/10/99)
99-319 UX 22 U. S. West Communications Petition to Exempt IntraLATA Toll Services (05/04/99)
99-318 ARB 119 Gold Tel/U. S. West Communications Agreement (05/04/99)
99-317 ARB 87 3rd Amendment to NorthPoint/U. S. West Communications Agreement (05/04/99)
99-316 ARB 36 (1) 1st Amendment to Reconex/U. S. West Communications Agreement (05/04/99)
99-315 ARB 18 (1) 1st Amendment to GST/U. S. West Communications Agreement (05/04/99)
99-314 UI 148 GTE Northwest Supplemental Application (05/04/99)
99-310 ARB 124 Gold Tel/GTE Letter of Adoption of ARB 9 Term (04/29/99)
99-309 ARB 49 1st Amendment to ELI/U. S. West Communications Agreement (04/29/99)
99-308 CP 600 Lake Charles Enterprises dba Cascade Telephone Company (04/29/99)
99-307 CP 601 Pacific Wave Communications (04/29/99)
99-306 CP 602 Rocky Mountain Broadband Inc. (04/29/99)
99-305 CP 604 Landsedge Communications, Inc. (04/29/99)
99-304 CP 605 BG Enterprises (04/29/99)
99-303 CP 593 DIALTEK LLC (04/29/99)
99-302 UI 93 (20) GTE Northwest (04/27/99)
99-301 CP 73 et al 4 Competitive Providers Cancellations of Certificates Rescinded (04/28/99)
99-298 UF 4165 Portland General Electric (04/27/99)
99-293 UM 918 ScottishPower/PacifiCorp - Additional Protection (04/27/99)
99-286 UM 924 503 Area Code Relief (04/26/99)
99-284 AR 357 Purchased Gas Adjustments Rulemaking (04/21/99)
99-282 LC 24 PacifiCorp (04/16/99)
99-281 UE 102 Portland General Electric Company (04/16/99)
99-280 UW 58 Juniper Utility Company (04/16/99)
99-279 LC 22 PacifiCorp RAMPP-5(Least Cost Plan) (04/16/99)
99-278 ARB 121 Harmony International/GTE Agreement (04/16/99)
99-277 UM 919 Portland General Electric Company (04/19/99)
99-276 UM 927 PacifiCorp (04/19/99)
99-272 UM 903 Purchased Gas Adjustments Procedures (04/19/99)
99-261 UI 143 (2) GTE Northwest (04/14/99)
99-260 UI 17 (2) PacifiCorp (04/14/99)
99-259 UI 160 (2) GTE Northwest (04/14/99)
99-258 UI 176/    UP 157 Portland General Electric Company (04/13/99)
99-257 ARB 65 (1) First Amendment to TCG/GTE Interconnection Agreement (04/09/99)
99-256 ARB 118 Teligent/U. S. West Communications Interconnection Agreement (04/09/99)
99-255 CP 582 CenturyTel Long Distance (04/09/99)
99-254 ARB 80 (1) First Amendment to CDS/U. S. West Communications Interconnection Agreement (04/08/99)
99-253 CP 583 Centel Communications Inc.  (04/09/99)
99-252 CP 578 Universal Telecommunications (04/09/99)
99-251 CP 580 Gold Tel Corporation (04/07/99)
99-250 CP 586 CCCOR, Inc., dba CONNECT! (04/07/99)
99-249 CP 584 Eastern Oregon Net Incorporated (04/09/99)
99-248 ARB 96 Covad/U. S. West Communications Interconnection Agreement (04/09/99)
99-247 UP 158 Portland General Electric Company (Protective Order) (04/08/99)
99-244 ARB 120 Level 3/U. S. West Communications Agreement (04/06/99)
99-243 UW 56 Bumblebee Water Investigation Closed (04/05/99)
99-242 ARB 100 Metro One/U. S. West Commission Decision (03/29/99)
99-241 UM 930 U. S. West Investigation of Construction Budgets (Protective Order) (04/02/99)
99-240 UX 21 U. S. West Petition to Exempt from Regulation DS3 Service (Protective Order)  (03/31/99)
99-239 UM 930 U. S. West's Communications Construction Budgets (03/31/99)
99-238 UM 904 Halsey Petition for EAS to Corvallis/Albany and Shedd
99-235 UD 9 U. S. West Communications, Inc.
99-233 CP 566 H-CORP dba COMM PLUS WIRELESS (03/18/99)
99-232 CP 565 Highspeed.Com of Oregon, L.L.C. (03/18/99)
99-231 ARB 115 United States Telecommunications/GTE Resale Agreement (03/18/99)
99-230 CP 572 Winstar Wireless, Inc. (03/18/99)
99-229 CP 574 PAC-WEST TELECOMM., INC. (03/18/99)
99-228 CP 568 Regal Telephone Company (03/18/99)
99-227 CP 573 NEXTLINK OREGON INC. (03/18/99)
99-226 ARB 117 Preferred Carrier Services/GTE Resale Agreement (03/18/99)
99-224 ARB 26 (2) U. S. West Communications/GTE 2nd Amendment to Exchange Carrier Agreement (03/18/99)
99-223 ARB 112 Topp Comm/U. S. West Communications Resale Agreement (03/18/99)
99-222 ARB 87(2) NorthPoint/ U. S. West Communications 2nd Amendment to Agreement (03/18/99)
99-220 ARB 114 JATO/U. S. West Communications Negotiated Interconnection Agreement (03/18/99)
99-218 ARB 91 ELI/GTE Arbitration Commission Decision (03/17/99)
99-207 UA 56 CenturyTel Transfer to U. S. West Communications (03/15/99)
99-202 CP 532 Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County (03/11/99)
99-201 UA 63 U. S. West Communications to Pioneer Transfer of Territory (03/12/99)
99-200 UM 888 CenturyTel (03/12/99)
99-199 DR 21 Columbia River PUD (03/12/99)
99-198 UT 142 Data Distribution Center (03/12/99)
99-197 UM 731 III Universal Service Phase III Administration Issues (03/11/99)
99-196 UP 155 Portland General Electric Company (Bethel Generating) (03/05/99)
99-194 UT 138/ UT 139 U. S. West Communications and GTE Compliance Tariffs Order on Reconsideration (03/08/99)
ARB100DEC ARB 100 U. S. West Communications/Metro One Arbitrator's Decision (03/05/99)
99-188 UA 61 Portland General Electric Company/Columbia River PUD
99-187 UM 928 U. S. West Communications, Inc. (03/02/99)
99-186 UM 923 1999 Regulatory Fees (03/02/99)
99-117 UM 881 Northwest Natural Gas (02/23/99)
99-116 UF 4164 PacifiCorp (02/23/99)
99-109 UX 21 U. S. West Petition to Deregulate Certain Services (02/19/99)
99-108 ARB 109 Commsouth/United Telephone (02/19/99)
99-107 ARB 106 ECI/U. S. West Communications (02/19/99)
99-106 UM 918 Scottish Power/PacifiCorp Additional Protection (02/19/199)
99-105 UM 924 Number Relief-503 Area Code Docket Opened (02/19/99)
99-104 ARB 107 Teligent/United Telephone (02/19/99)
99-103 ARB 108 United States Telecommunications/United Telephone (02/19/99)
99-102 ARB 27 UNICOM/U. S. West Communications Agreement Amendment (02/19/99)
99-089 UM 779 Late Payment Rate/Interest on Customer Deposits (02/18/99)
99-087 UM 920 U. S. West Communications Deferred Accounting (02/17/99)
99-086 UW 59 Hillview Acres Water (02/17/99)
99-085 UW 61 Wilderness Canyon Water (02/17/99)
99-079 LC 23 Idaho Power Company (02/17/99)
99-072 CP 556 Juniper Network Communications, Inc. (02/16/99)
99-071 UT 146 U. S. West Communications Advice No. 1726  (02/16/99)
99-070 CP 555 US Mobile Services, Inc. (02/16/99)
99-069 CP 564 Bend Cable Services LLC  (02/16/99)
99-068 CP 557 International Telcom, Ltd.  (02/16/99)
99-067 CP 558 PDGT.COM, Inc.  (02/16/99)
99-066 CP 562 Transport Logic  (02/16/99)
99-061 ARB 9 MCImetro/GTE Arbitration (02/16/99)
ARB91DEC ARB 91 Arbitrator's Decision Issued (02/12/99
99-055 UM 925 Siltcoos Heights Water System Investigation Opened
99-049 ARB 116 Tel West/GTE Agreement
99-048 ARB 102 Nextel/GTE Agreement
99-047 ARB 103 Regal Telephone/U. S. West Communications Agreement
99-046 ARB 104 ACT/U. S. West Communications Agreement
99-045 ARB 113 Connect!/U. S. West Communications Agreement
99-038 UM 189(2) EAS Between NonContiguous Exchanges
99-033 UE 102 Portland General Electric Company Customer Choice Plan
99-030 CP 544 U. S. West Communications, Inc.
99-029 UM 918 Scottish Power/PacifiCorp Protective Order
99-028 ARB 5 GTE/AT&T Interconnection Agreement Approved
99-027 UE 110 Idaho Power Company
99-026 CP 548 TotalTel, Inc.
99-025 CP 547 HJN Telecom, Inc.
99-024 CP 530 North Santiam Communications
99-023 CP 541 Vartec Telecom, Inc.
99-021 CP 545 Access Communications, Inc.
99-020 CP 549 MVX Communications, LLC
99-019 UW 63 Roats Water
99-017 ARB 111 Harmony Internations/U. S. West Communications
99-016 ARB 99 Preferred Carrier Services/United Telephone
99-006 ARB 98 NET-tel/U S West Communications
99-005 UM 867 U. S. West Communications Service Quality
99-004 UM 901 PGE Depreciation Study
99-001 UM 751/ UM 760 EAS--Scio Telephone Exchange and Huntington Telephone Exchange



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