ORDER NO. 99-499


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UM 924

In the Matter of the Investigation of the Appropriate Method of Providing Number Relief for the 503 Area Code. )



The Commission issued Order No. 99-286 on June 24, 1999, adopting a new area code plan for area code 503. It adopted a partial overlay for area code 503 under which a new area code will be imposed over all of the present area code 503 with the exception of the immediate coastal area. The order set an implementation date for the plan of July 11, 1999, with a permissive dialing period extending from that date until January 30, 2000.

On June 25, 1999, MCI WorldCom filed a Petition for Reconsideration. MCI claims that while the order sets July 11, 1999, as the "implementation" date for the new area code, according to the industry standard the new overlay area code "is not implemented until after the permissive dialing period has ended." MCI asks that the Commission clarify the implementation date for the new area code.

MCI also requests that the Commission clarify its intent with respect to the coastal area now in area code 503 but excluded from the overlay by Order No. 99-286. MCI notes that the order directs that 30 prefix codes be reserved for that area. MCI asks for clarification as to what will happen when these reserved codes are depleted. It asks also whether these coastal communities "will be required to go to mandatory 1+10 digit dialing as mandated by the FCC in an overlay situation." MCI also notes that the Order refers to the potential exhaust of area code 541. It asks the Commission to explain the relevancy of that reference to the coastal area presently in area code 503.

PUC Staff filed a response opposing reconsideration. Staff notes that from the standpoint of customers, the overlay was indeed implemented on July 11, 1999. It argues that the order is not incorrect in establishing that date as the implementation date, regardless of any industry standard. As to the treatment of the coastal area, Staff argues that it would be unwise of the Commission to attempt to definitively forecast what it will do when that area exhausts the available prefixes. The order was designed to allow flexibility to the Commission when it is required to deal with that issue. Staff also notes that all toll calls in Oregon have been on a 1+10 digit calling system for many years and that MCI’s request for clarification on that issue is a moot point.

Commission Disposition

The Commission agrees with Staff that reconsideration should not be granted. The implementation date we established is correct. The new area code did become effective on that date. Nothing would be served by setting the end of the permissive dialing period as the date of "implementation." In fact, doing so would likely create confusion on the part of the public and interfere with the attempts we and the telecommunications carriers are making to explain the new area code to the public and prepare them for the end of the permissive dialing period. We also see no benefit in attempting to forecast what will happen when the coastal area now in area code 503 exhausts the available prefixes. Many eventualities may occur between now and then and any forecast we would make now would likely be rendered obsolete before any decision on that issue becomes necessary. We also see no need for any clarification of the use of the 1+10 digit dialing. As Staff points out, all toll calls in Oregon have been on a 1+10 digit calling system for many years and there is thus no need to clarify that matter.

The Commission concludes that MCI’s Petition for Reconsideration does not meet any of the requirements for reconsideration set out in OAR 860-014-0095 and should be denied.


IT IS ORDERED that the application for reconsideration filed by MCI WorldCom is denied.

Made, entered, and effective ____________________________.

Ron Eachus

Roger Hamilton

Joan H. Smith

A party may request rehearing or reconsideration of this order pursuant to ORS 756.561. A request for rehearing or reconsideration must be filed with the Commission within 60 days of the date of service of this order. The request must comply with the requirements of OAR 860-014-0095. A copy of any such request must also be served on each party to the proceeding as provided by OAR 860-013-0070. A party may appeal this order to a court pursuant to ORS 756.580.