ORDER NO. 99-079


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LC 23

In the Matter of the Request For Authority to Postpone the Scheduled June 1999 Integrated Resource Plan Filing. )



Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power) filed a letter with the Public Utility Commission of Oregon (Commission) on September 8, 1998, requesting that the Commission authorize Idaho Power to postpone its scheduled June 1999 Least Cost Plan (LCP) until June 2000, with subsequent filings due every two years thereafter.

Idaho Power states that the one-year delay is being requested because of the recent and anticipated future changes in the electric industry at the national and state levels, and that the delay will allow an assessment of the scope and role of LCPs in future electric resource planning. In addition, the delay will allow Idaho Power to consider the impact of other Commission proceedings such as docket Nos. UE 102 and UM 834. Idaho Power also notes that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) granted a postponement of its scheduled IRP filing until June 2000.

The Commission considered Staff’s Report at its January 19, 1999 Public Meeting. Staff recommends that the Commission grant the requested postponement, subject to the condition that Idaho Power be required to supply to the Commission information concerning cost-effective Demand Side Management (DSM) on a total system basis in its next Conservation Plan, which is due in April 1999. While Staff has no objections to the postponement, especially in light of the IPUC’s granting of a similar extension, Staff notes that Idaho Power did not do an adequate job of evaluating DSM as a resource in its last (June 1997) IRP plan. Staff specifically references the Commission’s Order No. 98-254 in docket LC 19.

Consequently, Staff recommends that the Commission order Idaho Power to provide the following information in its April 1999 Conservation Plan as a condition of granting the postponement:

Supply curves (up to 3 cents/kWh, real levelized) for lost-opportunity (new) DSM, on a total system basis, from 1998 to 2006 (the end of the planning period used in the 1997 IRP). Regional data would be applied to the Idaho Power system for this analysis.

Supply curves (up to 3 cents/kWh, real levelized) for discretionary (retrofit) DSM, on a total system basis, from 1998 to 2006. Regional data would be applied to the Idaho Power system for this analysis.

The Commission finds that a one-year postponement in the filing of Idaho Power’s IRP plan is reasonable, given the IPUC’s decision and the changes in the electric industry. The delay, in general, should not have an adverse impact on the IRP process. However, given the inadequacy of Idaho Power’s DSM planning in its June 1997 IRP plan, the Commission finds that Staff’s caveat to the grant of the requested postponement is reasonable. Therefore, the Commission will require Idaho Power to file the information requested by Staff as part of its April 1999 Conservation Plan.



Idaho Power Company’s request for postponement of its scheduled June 1999 Integrated Resource Plan until June 2000 is granted with the conditions described in this order.

Idaho Power Company shall file with its scheduled April 1999 Conservation Plan the following information:

Supply curves (up to 3 cents/kWh, real levelized) for lost- opportunity (new) DSM, on a total system basis, from 1998 through 2006 (the end of the planning period used in the 1997 IRP). Regional data would be applied to the Idaho Power system for this analysis.

Supply curves (up to 3 cents/kWh, real levelized) for discretionary (retrofit) DSM, on a total system basis, from 1998 through 2006. Regional data would be applied to the Idaho Power system for this analysis.

Made, entered, and effective ____________________________.

Ron Eachus

Roger Hamilton

Joan H. Smith

 A party may request rehearing or reconsideration of this order pursuant to ORS 756.561. A request for rehearing or reconsideration must be filed with the Commission within 60 days of the date of service of this order. The request must comply with the requirements of OAR 860-014-0095. A copy of any such request must also be served on each party to the proceeding as provided by OAR 860-013-0070. A party may appeal this order to a court pursuant to ORS 756.580.