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Index To PUC 2001 Orders

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01-1110 UM 918 Scottishpower PLC & PacifiCorp (12/28/01)
01-1109 UM 1003 Pacific Power & Light (12/28/01)
01-1108 UM 1039 Portland General Electric Company (12/27/01)
01-1107 UM 1007 Idaho Power Company (12/27/01)
01-1106 UT 138/UT 139 Phase II Unbundled Network Elements (12/26/01)
01-1104 UW 80 Avion Water Company, Inc. (12/26/01)
01-1103 WA 2 T J Water System (12/24/01)
01-1102 NC 49 PUC v. Metolius Development Company, LLC (12/21/01)
01-1101 UF 4185 Avista Corporation (12/27/01)
01-1100 WA 42 Eastridge Water Company (12/24/01)
01-1099 CP 982 Nehalem Telephone & Telegraph Company (12/24/01)
01-1098 UT 125 Qwest Corporation (12/21/01)
01-1097 CP 985 KMC Data LLC (12/24/01)
01-1096 CP 986 Wired or Wireless, Inc., dba Wired or Wireless Telecommunications, WOW-Tel (12/24/01)
01-1095 CP 988 United Technological Systems, Inc., dba UNITEL (12/24/01)
01-1094 CP 992 Next Gen Phone Systems, Inc. (12/24/01)
01-1093 CP 994 Qualitylife Intergovernmental Agency (12/24/01)
01-1092 CP 996 TAC License Corp. (12/24/01)
01-1091 UM 1004 Portland General Electric (12/21/01)
01-1090 NC 53 PUC v. Verizon Northwest, Inc. (12/21/01)
01-1089 NC 51 PUC v. Mealue Excavating (12/21/01)
01-1088 NC 47 PUC v. Richard Lasan, dba Dig & Excavation (12/21/01)
01-1087 NC 43 PUC v. Steve Pilling, dba Steve P. Pilling Excavation (12/21/01)
01-1086 NC 46 PUC v. R. Kevin Zachary, dba Earth Design (12/21/01)
01-1084 DR 29 WorldCom, Inc. & AT&T (12/21/01)
01-1081 ARB 377 Preferred Carrier Services, Inc., dba Phones For All and Telefonos Para Todos, & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (12/19/01)
01-1075 UT 125 Qwest Corporation (12/20/01)
01-1071 ARB 390 Oregon Telecom, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (12/18/01)
01-1070 ARB 96(1) Covad Communications Company & Qwest Corporation (12/18/01)
01-1067 UW 79 Avion Water Company, Inc. (12/18/01)
01-1064 ARB 389 Regal Diversified, Inc., dba Regal Telephone Company, Inc., & Qwest Corporation (12/14/01)
01-1063 UM 731 AT&T - Universal Service (12/14/01)
01-1062 CP 528 Enhanced Communications Network, Inc. (12/12/01)
01-1061 CP 980 Telecents Communications, Inc. (12/12/01)
01-1059 ARB 22(2) RCC Holdings, Inc. (formerly known as BMCT L.P.) & Qwest Corporation (12/12/01)
01-1058 ARB 387 NOW Communications, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (12/12/01)
01-1057 ARB 388 Oregon Trail Internet, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (12/12/01)
01-1056 UM 1045 Northwest Natural Holdco (12/13/01)
01-1055 ARB 371 Western Radio Services Co., Inc. & CenturyTel of Oregon, Inc. (12/12/01)
01-1053 UM 1042 Energy Trust of Oregon, Inc. & Public Utility Commission of Oregon (12/12/01)
01-1051 UM 993 Echo Telephone Exchange (12/12/01)
01-1050 UM 973 US West Communications, Inc. (12/12/01)
01-1048 UF 4179 Portland General Electric (12/10/01)
01-1047 AR 401 Errata Order (12/10/01)
01-1045 ARB 386 Idealist Financial Services & Qwest Corporation (12/06/01)
01-1044 ARB 385 Nextel West Corp. & United Telephone Company of the Northwest/Sprint (12/06/01)
01-1043 ARB 383 Premiere Network Services, Inc. & United Telephone Company of the Northwest/Sprint (12/06/01)
01-1042 ARB 334(1) Zama Networks, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (12/06/01)
01-1041 ARB 199(5,6,7,8) Eschelon Telecom of Oregon, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (12/06/01)
01-1040 UP 181 Marina Water Company (12/07/01)
01-1039 UM 779 Commission Determination of Late-Payment Rate and Interest Accrued on Customer Deposits (12/7/01)
01-1038 ARB 370 Sprint Communications Limited Partnership & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (12/06/01)
01-1037 ARB 13(2) Sprint Spectrum LP & Qwest Corporation (12/06/01)
01-1036 ARB 375 CI2, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (12/06/01)
01-1035 ARB 374 Automotive Experts Group, Inc., dba Bend Data Center & Qwest Corporation (12/06/01)
01-1034 ARB 376 BG Enterprises, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (12/06/01)
01-1033 ARB 372 Preferred Carrier Services, Inc. & United Telephone Company of the Northwest/Sprint (12/06/01)
01-1032 ARB 378 Tel West Communications, LLC & Qwest Corporation (12/06/01)
01-1031 ARB 6(5) MCImetro Access Transmission Services, LLC & Qwest Corporation (12/06/01)
01-1030 UI 192 Portland General Electric (12/05/01)
01-1028 NC 55 PUC v. B & R Excavating, Inc. (12/06/01)
01-1027 ARB 369 Digital Telecommunications, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (12/04/01)
01-1025 AR 418 OAR 860-027-0031 (12/03/01)
01-1024 AR 420 OAR 860-021-0050 (12/03/01)
01-1023 AR 424 OAR Amended Rules Adopted as Modified (12/03/01)
01-1018 AR 423 OAR 860-026-0035 (12/03/01)
01-1012 NC 52 PUC v. HK & T Landscape Services, Inc. (11/30/01)
01-1011 NC 54 PUC v. PacifiCorp (11/30/01)
01-1010 WA 14 Charles Tracts Water Company (11/30/01)
01-1009 CP 978 Tel West Communications, LLC (11/30/01)
01-1008 CP 975 Vartec Telecom, Inc. (11/30/01)
01-1007 UM 1043 Northwest Natural (11/29/01)
01-1006 UM 994 Northwest Natural (11/29/01)
01-1004 CP 977 American Digital Communications, Inc., dba Adcomm (11/29/01)
01-1003 UF 4186 Avista Utilities (WPNG) (11/29/01)
01-1002 UF 4185 Avista Utilities (WPNG) (11/29/01)
01-994 UE 131 Idaho Power Company (11/26/01)
01-991 WA 60 Sunriver Water LLC (11/21/01)
01-989 UW 77 Westland Estates Water (11/21/01)
01-988 UE 115 Portland General Electric Company (11/20/01)
01-986 UM 1028 Sprint/United Telephone Company (11/16/01)
01-984 UA 91 Pine Telephone System, Inc. (11/20/01)
01-982 UW 78 Illahe Estates Water System, Inc. (11/20/01)
01-970 NC 44 PUC v. C & M Construction, Inc. (11/16/01)
01-968 ARB 332 Level 3 Communications, LLC & Qwest Corporation (11/16/01)
01-965 UF 4167 PacifiCorp (11/13/01)
01-964 UF 4184 Cascade Natural Gas (11/13/01)
01-950 EA 1 RHT Enterprises Inc., dba RHT Energy Solutions (11/09/01)
01-947 UW 77 Westland Estates Water (11/08/01)
01-945 UM 875 RSPF Surcharge (11/05/01)
01-944 ARB 331(2) Allegiance Telecom of Oregon, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (11/06/01)
01-940 UC 595 Northwest Centers Insurance, Inc. vs. Qwest Corporation (11/05/01)
01-938 ARB 105(2) Ernest Communications, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (11/02/01)
01-937 ARB 359(1) AGI Oregon, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (11/02/01)
01-936 ARB 322(1,2,3) Ionex Communications North, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (11/02/01)
01-935 ARB 6(3+4) MCIMetro Access Transmission Services, LLC & Qwest Corporation (11/02/01)
01-934 ARB 149(5) New Edge Network, Inc., dba New Edge Networks, & Qwest Corporation (11/05/01)
01-933 ARB 1(3+4) MFS Intelenet, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (11/02/01)
01-932 CP 961 Regal Diversified, Inc., dba Regal Telephone Company (11/02/01)
01-931 UM 940 Telecommunications Fee Level Set for 2002 (10/31/01)
01-919 ARB 368 Intrado, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (10/31/01)
01-918 ARB 331(1) Allegiance Telecom of Oregon, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (10/31/01)
01-917 ARB 219(4) Integra Telecom of Oregon, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (10/31/01)
01-916 ARB 39(1) North County Communications Corporation & Qwest Corporation (10/31/01)
01-915 ARB 3(2) AT&T Corporation & Qwest Corporation (10/31/01)
01-914 ARB 2(3) TCG-Oregon & Qwest Corporation (10/31/01)
01-911 UF 4179 Portland General Electric Company (10/31/01)
01-908 UW 81 Willamette Water Company (10/31/01)
01-904 NC 48 Public Utility Commission of Oregon & Mark Latham Excavation, Inc. (10/29/01)
01-903 NC 45 Public Utility Commission of Oregon & Northwest Earthmovers, Inc. (10/29/01)
01-902 CP 962 Douglas Services, Inc. (10/25/01)
01-901 CP 963 Ntera, Inc. (10/25/01)
01-900 CP 965 Coastcom, Inc. (10/25/01)
01-899 CP 972 DPI Teleconnect, LLC (10/25/01)
01-898 CP 973 Umatilla Electric Cooperative Association (10/25/01)
01-897 CP 970 Northwest Open Access Network Oregon (10/25/01)
01-896 AR 415 Rulemaking to Transfer Certificates of Authority (10/25/01)
01-895 AR 414 OAR Division 016 Mediation & Arbitration, Amended Rules Adopted (10/25/01)
01-894 WA 32 Skyview Acres Water Company, Inc. (10/25/01)
01-893 CP 966 Vitcom Corporation (10/25/01)
01-892 ARB 367 TDS Telecommunications Corporation and AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. (10/23/01)
01-891 WA 4 Labish Gardens Water System (10/24/01)
01-883 CP 958 HJN Telecom, Inc. (10/23/01)
01-882 AR 417 OAR 860, Division 038 / Rule Amended; Temporary Rule Repealed (10/22/01)
01-881 UE 127 Pacific Power & Light, dba PacifiCorp (10/22/01)
01-880 CP 971 Hood River Electric Cooperative (10/25/01)
01-878 UM 973 US West Communications, Inc. (10/22/01)
01-874 UM 973 US West Communications, Inc. (10/16/01)
01-873 UM 1002 Wah Chang vs. PacifiCorp (10/15/01)
01-872 UI 191/UP 188 Portland General Electric Company (10/15/01)
01-871 UM 1035 PacifiCorp (10/15/01)
01-870 UP 189 Portland General Electric Company (10/15/01)
01-863 WA 4 Labish Gardens Water System (10/15/01)
01-855 DR 29/UM 1038 Worldcom, Inc. & AT&T (10/09/01)
01-852 ARB 366 Citizens Telecommunications Company of Oregon & DPI Teleconnect, LLC (10/09/01)
01-851 ARB 362 1-800-Reconex, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (10/09/01)
01-850 ARB 353 NOS Communications, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (10/09/01)
01-848 CP 424 Satellink Paging LLC (10/04/01)
01-849 ARB 348 Regal Diversified, Inc., dba Regal Telephone Company & Verizon Northwest, Inc.(10/05/01)
01-847 UM 1020 Portfolio Options (10/02/01)
01-846 UE 116 PacifiCorp (10/01/01)
01-844 UM 953 Numbering Resources and Review of Rate Center Consolidation (10/01/01)
01-843 UM 1030 Northwest Natural (09/28/01)
01-842 UE 115 Portland General Electric (09/28/01)
01-841 UF 4183 Cascade Natural Gas (09/28/01)
01-840 UF 3279 Northwest Natural Gas (09/28/01)
01-839 AR 401 Rulemaking to Amend OAR (09/28/01)
01-838 UF 4182 Portland General Electric (09/28/01)
01-837 UG 145/UM 1032 Avista Utilities (09/28/01)
01-836 UE 79 Portland General Electric (09/27/01)
01-835 UG 144/UM 1033 Northwest Natural (09/28/01)
01-834 UG 146/UM 1031 Cascade Natural Gas (09/28/01)
01-832 UM 1036 Crooked River Ranch Water Company (09/27/01)
01-831 UT 142 Data Distribution Center (09/26/01)
01-830 UP 187 PacifiCorp (09/26/01)
01-829 CP 827 SNIP LINK LLC (09/26/01)
01-828 AR 413 Emergency Rulemaking, Water Service Standards (09/25/01)
01-825 ARB 364 1-800-Reconex, Inc. & United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Sprint) (09/21/01)
01-826 LC 25 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation (09/28/01)
01-824 ARB 361 Ciera Network Systems, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (09/21/01)
01-823 ARB 227(5) SBC Telecom, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (09/21/01)
01-822 ARB 360 Axxis Communications, Inc. & United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Sprint) (09/25/01)
01-821 UM 1029 Northwest Natural (09/25/01)
01-820 ARB 363 Verizon Wireless & United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Sprint) (09/25/01)
01-819 UM 873 Designated Eligible Telecommunications Carriers (09/24/01)
01-818 UF 4171 Avista Utilities (09/20/01)
01-817 UF 4181 Idaho Power Company (09/19/01)
01-815 CP 959 IAG, Inc. (09/19/01)
01-814 UF 4079 Avista Utilities (09/19/01)
01-812 CP 469 Rhythms Links, Inc. (9/14/01)
TOC&01-810 UT 125 Qwest Corporation (09/14/01)
01-809 ARB 332 Level 3 Communications, LLC & Qwest Corporation (9/13/01)
01-807 ARB 271(1) Integra Telecom of Oregon, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (09/11/01)
01-806 ARB 236(3) United Communications, Inc. dba UNICOM & Qwest Corporation (09/11/01)
01-805 ARB 297(1) Adelphia Business Solutions Operations, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (09/11/01)
01-804 ARB 347 United Communications, Inc. dba UNICOM & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (09/11/01)
01-803 ARB 346 Z-Tel Communications, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (09/11/01)
01-802 ARB 345 American Prepaid Telephone Service, LLC dba Oregon Prepaid Telephone Service & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (09/11/01)
01-801 ARB 208(2) Advanced Telcom, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (09/11/01)
01-800 ARB 203(1) Weblink Wireless, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (09/11/01)
01-799 ARB 16(1) AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (09/11/01)
01-797 WA 36 Willamette Water Company (09/12/01)
01-796 ARB 354 New Access Communications, LLC & Qwest Corporation (09/11/01)
01-795 ARB 344 CityNet Telecom, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (09/11/01)
01-794 ARB 264(1) Cook Telecom, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (09/11/01)
01-793 ARB 219(3) Integra Telecom of Oregon, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (09/11/01)
01-792 ARB 52(4) Global Crossing Local Services, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (09/11/01)
01-788 AR 408 OAR 860 Division 038 Temporary Rule (09/11/01)
TOC&01-787 UE 116 PacifiCorp (09/07/01)
01-778 UM 1011 Legal Standard for Approval of Mergers (09/04/01)
TOC&01-777 UE 115 Portland General Electric Company (08/31/01)
01-745 UM 1020 Portfolio Advisory Committee's Recommendations for Portfolio Options Pursuant to OAR 860-038-0220(6)  (08/21/01)
01-773 UM 1018 Extended Area Service by the Days Creek Telephone Exchange (08/30/01)
01-760 UM 1025 Qwest Corporation
01-753 UM 995 / UE 121/ UC 578 PacifiCorp regarding Excess Net Power (UM 995); PacifiCorp Partial Amortization; and ICNU & CUB vs. PacifiCorp (UC 578) (02/21/01)
01-752 UM 731 Investigation of Universal Service (08/23/01)
01-749 UE 116 PacifiCorp (08/23/01)
01-741 CD 13 Delegation of Authority Authorized (08/21/01)
01-739 UW 77 West land Estates Water (08/20/01)
01-738 CP 956 Oregon Telecom Inc. (08/17/01)
01-737 CP 955 Automotive Experts Group, Inc., dba Bend Dara Center (08/17/01)
01-733 ARB 238(2) Sprint Communications Company, LP & Qwest Corporation (08/17/01)
01-732 ARB 302(2-4) McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (08/17/01)
01-731 ARB 343 One Point Communications Colorado, LLC dba Verizon Avenue & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (08/17/01)
01-730 ARB 192(2-5) FairPoint Communications & Qwest Corporation (08/17/01)
01-729 ARB 142(1+2) XO Oregon, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (08/17/01)
01-728 AR 395 Triennial Review of Chapter 860 of the Oregon Administrative Rules (08/17/01)
01-726 UF 4179 Portland General Electric (08/14/01)
01-725 UF 4180 Pacific Power & Light (08/14/01)
01-724 UE 115 Portland General Electric (08/13/01)
01-722 UM 954 Portland General Electric (08/10/01)
01-721 UM 973 US West Communications Inc. (08/09/01)
01-719 DR 23 Northwest Natural Gas (08/09/01)
01-700 UM 1020 Portfolio Options (08/08/01)
01-695 UM 1014 Portland General Electric Company (08/01/01)
01-694 ARB 246(2) Verizon Advanced Data, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (08/01/01)
01-693 ARB 215(1) RCC Holdings, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (08/01/01)
01-692 ARB 167(1) AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (08/01/01)
01-691 ARB 342 American Fiber Network, Inc. & United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Sprint) (08/01/01)
01-690 ARB 341 Fuzion Wireless Communications, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (08/01/01)
01-689 UM 1026 Qwest Corporation (08/01/01)
01-688 UM 993 Echo Telephone Exchange(08/01/01)
01-687 UM 998 Ione Telephone Exchange (08/01/01)
01-683 UM 995/ UE 121/ UC 578 PacifiCorp regarding Excess Net Power (UM 995); PacifiCorp Partial Amortization; and ICNU & CUB vs. PacifiCorp (UC 578) (02/21/01)
01-609 CP 943 City of Portland dba Integrated Regional Network Enterprise (07/26/01)
01-608 CP 942 All-Phase Utility Corporation (07/26/01)
01-607 CP 939 AT&T Broadband Phone of Oregon LLC (07/26/01)
01-606 CP 938 Eschelon Telecom of Oregon Inc (07/26/01)
01-605 CP 935 TDS Long Distance Corporation (07/26/01)
01-602 UM 903/AR 357 Northwest Natural Gas Company (07/26/01)
01-601 UM 903/AR 357 Avista Utilities (07/26/01)
01-600 UM 903/AR 357 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation (07/26/01)
01-599 AR 404 860-038-0080(4) Permanent Rule
01-598 ARB 321(1) Citizens Telecommunications Company of Oregon & Edge Wireless, LLC (07/25/01)
01-592 UE 115/116 Portland General Electric Company (UE 115) & PacifiCorp (UE 116) (07/20/01)
01-591 NC 42 PUC vs. Robert Klaver Landscaping, Inc. (07/18/01)
01-590 ARB 335 Ciera Network Systems, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (07/17/01)
01-589 ARB 132(5) HighSpeed.Com of Oregon, LLC & Qwest Corporation (07/17/01)
01-588 ARB 101(6) Advanced Telcom Group & Qwest Corporation (07/17/01)
01-587 ARB 184(3) Wantel Telecommunications, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (07/17/01)
01-586 ARB 52(3) Global Crossing Local Services, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (07/17/01)
01-585 ARB 338 New Access Communications, LLC & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (07/17/01)
01-584 ARB 337 American Prepaid Telephone Service, dba Oregon Prepaid Telephone Service & Qwest Corporation (07/17/01)
01-583 ARB 336 CresComm Services, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (07/17/01)
01-582 ARB 198(3) Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (07/17/01)
01-576 UM 1017 Investigation into Expansion of the Oregon Universal Service Fund to include Rural Telecommunications Carriers (07/13/01)
01-575 UE 115 Portland General Electric Company (07/13/01)
01-573 UM 1021 PacifiCorp Holdings, Inc. & PacifiCorp (07/10/01)
01-567 UE 122 PacifiCorp (07/06/01)
01-563 UM 953 Investigation into Conservation of Number Resources (07/06/01)
01-562 UI 190 Odell Water Company (07/06/01)
01-561 NC 41 PUC vs. Bradley Jacobson dba Brad Jacobson Construction (07/06/01)
01-560 UM 1004 Portland General Electric Company (07/06/01)
01-559 UM 1003 PacifiCorp (07/06/01)
01-557 UM 784 Portland General Electric Company (07/03/01)
01-556 UM 734 WP Natural Gas (07/03/01)
01-555 UM 632 Northwest Natural Gas Company (07/03/01)
01-554 UM 605 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation (07/03/01)
01-553 UM 595 Idaho Power Company (07/03/01)
01-552 UM 564 PacifiCorp (07/03/01)
01-551 UI 183 Idaho Power Company (07/03/01)
01-550 NC 40 PUC vs. Reinhart Construction Inc (06/30/01)
01-549 ARB 330 Zephion Networks Communications, Inc. & United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Sprint) (06/30/01)
01-548 ARB 211(3) Network Access Solutions Corporation & Qwest Corporation (06/30/01)
01-547 ARB 236(2) United Communications, Inc., dba UNICOM & Qwest Corporation (06/30/01)
01-546 ARB 227(3+4) SBC Telecom, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (06/30/01)
01-545 ARB 198(2) Pac-West Telecom, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (06/30/01)
01-544 ARB 238(1) Sprint Communications Company, LP & Qwest Corporation (06/30/01)
01-543 ARB 328 Metropolitan Telecommunications of Oregon, Inc. & United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Sprint) (06/30/01)
01-542 ARB 13(1) Sprint Spectrum LP & Qwest Corporation (06/30/01)
01-540 UM 1019 PacifiCorp (06/28/01)
01-539 UI 175/UP 156 Portland General Electric Company (06/28/01)
01-538 UF 4177 Avista Corporation (06/28/01)
01-536 UW 76 Odell Water Company (06/27/01)
01-535 IC 2 Rio Communications, Inc. vs. Qwest Corporation (06/27/01)
01-534 UM 1005 EAS Petition by Veneta Telephone Exchange (06/27/01)
01-531 CP 934 Enron Telecommunications Inc (06/26/01)
01-530 CP 933 Nos Communications Inc (06/26/01)
01-529 CP 931 One Point Communications-Colorado LLC dba Verizon (06/26/01)
01-528 CP 930 Scindo Networks Inc (06/26/01)
01-527 CP 926 Zama Networks Inc (06/26/01)
01-526 CP 924 Quantum Communications LLC (06/26/01)
01-525 CP 828 Nexbell Communications Inc (06/25/01)
01-524 ARB 327 American Fiber Systems, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (06/25/01)
01-523 ARB 326 Digital Telecommunications, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (06/25/01)
01-522 ARB 325 Telephone Company of Central Florida, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (06/25/01)
01-521 ARB 324 Eastern Oregon Telecom, LLC & Qwest Corporation (06/25/01)
01-520 ARB 323 Morgan Enterprises I, LLC, dba Golden Eagle Telecommunications & Qwest Corporation (06/25/01)
01-519 ARB 292(1-3) Metstream Communications, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (06/25/01)
01-518 ARB 179(1) Metromedia Fiber Network Services, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (06/25/01)
01-517 ARB 132(3,4) Highspeed.Com of Oregon, LLC & Qwest Corporation (06/25/01)
01-516 CP 672 Voice Vision International Inc (06/25/01)
01-515 CP 822 eVulkan Inc (06/25/01)
01-514 CP 807 CRG International Inc (06/25/01)
01-503 UM 995/ UE 121/ UC 578 PacifiCorp regarding Excess Net Power (UM 995); PacifiCorp Partial Amortization; and ICNU & CUB vs. PacifiCorp (UC 578) (02/21/01)
01-502 UE 94 PacifiCorp (06/22/01)
01-499 WA 17 Laurelhurst Park Improvement District (06/19/01)
01-498 WA 19 Little Jack Falls Water System (06/19/01)
01-497 CP 810 Urjet Backbone Network Inc (06/19/01)
01-491 UE 123 Idaho Power Company (06/18/01)
01-489 UE 125 Portland General Electric Company (06/15/01)
01-488 AR 398, AR 400, & AR 410 Rulemaking (06/15/01)
01-487 AR 407 Rulemaking 860 (06/15/01)
01-486 AR 406 Rulemaking 860-027-0040, 860-027-0041, 860-027-0100, & 860-034-0396. (06/15/01)
01-477 ARB 318 Metromedia Fibert Network Services, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (06/14/01)
01-476 ARB 276(1) Allegiance Telecom of Oregon, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (06/14/01)
01-475 ARB 183(2) Firstworld Communications, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (06/14/01)
01-473 UM 1014 Portland General Electric Company (06/13/01)
01-472 UI 189 PacifiCorp (06/12/01)
01-471 UM 1023 PacifiCorp (06/12/01)
01-470 UM 1020 Portfolio Options Pursuant to ORS 757.603(2) & OAR 860-038-0220 (06/12/01)
01-469 UM 995 / UE 121/ UC 578 PacifiCorp regarding Excess Net Power (UM 995); PacifiCorp Partial Amortization; and ICNU & CUB vs. PacifiCorp (UC 578) (02/21/01)
01-468 UA 89 PacifiCorp (06/11/01)
01-467 UM 936/938 Petitions for EAS filed by Ridgeview (UM 936) and Adrian (UM 938) Telephone Exchanges. (06/11/01)
01-466 UF 4079 Avista Corporation (06/08/01)
01-465 UF 4178 Portland General Electric Company (06/08/01)
01-464 UM 1022 Portland General Electric Company (06/08/01)
01-463 WA 3 Elderberry Nehalem Water System (06/06/01)
01-462 CP 538 Opex Communications Inc. (06/05/01)
01-461 NC 34 PUC vs. Donald E. Waibel, dba D.E.W. Concrete (06/05/01)
01-460 NC 36 PUC vs. Jason Heinrick (06/05/01)
01-459 NC 26 PUC vs. T.J. Lund & Sons Inc (06/05/01)
01-458 CP 826 Sigma Net2works Telecommunications Inc (06/04/01)
01-457 CP 667 Enhanced Communications Group, LLC (06/04/01)
01-456 CP 860 Metropolitan Telecommunications of Oregon (06/04/01)
01-448 UE 124 PacifiCorp (05/31/01)
01-445 ARB 226(3) Z-Tel Telecommunications, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (05/31/01)
01-444 ARB 134(1) Computer Business Sciences, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (05/31/01)
01-443 ARB 317 Bend Cable Data Services, LLC & Qwest Corporation (05/31/01)
01-442 ARB 6(2) MCI Metro Access Transmission Services, LLC & Qwest Corporation (05/31/01)
01-441 ARB 184(2) Wantel Telecommunications & Qwest Corporation (05/31/01)
01-440 ARB 1(2) MFS Intelenet, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (05/31/01)
01-439 CP 923 Nxgen Network Inc (05/25/01)
01-438 CP 921 El Paso Networks LLC (05/25/01)
01-435 CP 922 American Prepaid Telephone Service LLC (05/25/01)
01-434 AR 412 Rulemaking to Amend OAR 860-038-0080(5)(a)  (05/25/01)
01-428 AR 399 OARS 860-023-0055, 860-032-0012, 860-034-0390 (05/23/01)
01-427 UM 926 Bonneville Power Administration (05/22/01)
01-425 UE 122 PacifiCorp (05/14/01) (Protective Order)
01-423 UE 122 PacifiCorp (05/14/01) (Tariff Suspended)
01-420 UM 995/ UE 121/ UC 578 PacifiCorp regarding Excess Net Power (UM 995); PacifiCorp Partial Amortization; and ICNU & CUB vs. PacifiCorp (UC 578) (02/21/01)
01-414 UM 1024 Juniper Utility Company (05/11/01)
01-412 UM 983 Detroit Telephone Exchange (05/11/01)
01-411 UM 995/ UE 121/UC 578 PacifiCorp regarding Excess Net Power (UM 995); PacifiCorp Partial Amortization; and ICNU & CUB vs. PacifiCorp (UC 578) (02/21/01)
01-409 UP 186 Portland General Electric Company (05/10/01)
01-408 UE 123 Idaho Power Company (05/10/01)
01-407 IC 2 Rio Communications, Inc. vs. Qwest Corporation (05/09/01)
01-395 CP 888 SCC Communications Corp. (05/04/01)
01-394 CP 258 Inmark Inc (05/04/01)
01-393 AR 416 OAR 860-038-0080 Temporary Rule Adopted (05/03/01)
01-392 WA 9 Smallwood Estates (05/01/01)
01-343 ARB 315 Reflex Communications, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (04/26/01)
01-342 ARB 272(1) & ARB 272 (2) @Link Networks, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (04/26/01)
01-341 ARB 101(2), (3), (4), & (5) Advanced Telcom, Inc. dba Advanced Telcom Group & Qwest Corporation (04/26/01)
01-337 UM 1020 Portfolio Options Pursuant to ORS 757.603(2) (04/26/01)
01-328 UM 943, 948, 965, 969, 972  EAS Petitions for Telephone Exchanges:  OREGON SLOPE (UM 943), MILL CITY (UM 948), GRASS VALLEY (UM 965), RUFUS (UM 969), HEREFORD/UNITY (UM 972) (04/26/01)
01-327 UM 974 Investigation regarding Cost models for Deaveraging Loop Rates (04/26/01)
01-326 UM 928 US West Communications Inc to Mercy Medical Center (04/26/01)
01-325 UE 115 Portland General Electric (04/26/01)
01-324 UM 981 Chemult Telephone Exchange (04/26/01)
01-322 UF 4176 Avista Corporation (04/26/01)
01-321 UM 926 Bonneville Power Administration (04/26/01)
01-320 CP 919 CityNet Telecom Inc (04/25/01)
01-319 CP 918 Essex Communications Inc (04/25/01)
01-318 CP 916 VIVO-OR LLC (04/25/01)
01-317 CP 915 Arbros Communications Licensing Company West LLC (04/25/01)
01-316 CP 911 NTC Network LLC (04/25/01)
01-315 CP 910 Wilshire Connection LLC (04/25/01)
01-314 CP 909 @Link Networks Inc (04/25/01)
01-313 ARB 78(1) Compass Telecommunications, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (04/25/01)
01-312 ARB 255(1) Casco Communications, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (04/25/01)
01-311 ARB 227(2) SBC Telecom, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (04/25/01)
01-310 ARB 313 Direct2Internet Corporation & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (04/25/01)
01-309 ARB 199(4) Eschelon Telecom of Washington, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (04/25/01)
01-308 UP 185 Portland General Electric Company (04/25/01)
01-307 UM 1007 Idaho Power Company (04/25/01)
01-305 CP 487 Alliance Group Services Inc. (04/20/01)
01-304 UP 184 Salem Development, Inc. (04/20/01)
01-303 WA 5 Avion Water Company (04/18/01)
01-302 WA 28 Pinecrest Water Company (04/18/01)
01-295 CP 599 Ciera Network Systems Inc (04/17/01)
01-293 NC 39 PUC vs. Ocean Pacific Excavation (04/16/01)
01-292 NC 35 PUC vs. Collins & Sons Inc. (04/16/01)
01-289 CP 595 Maxxis Communications Inc (04/16/01)
01-288 UM 980 Crater Lake Telephone Exchange (04/16/01)
01-286 NC 35 PUC vs. JAL Construction Inc (04/16/01)
01-281 CP 598 Direct One Inc. (04/12/01)
01-280 CP 906 City of Ashland, Oregon dba Ashland Fiber Network (04/12/01)
01-279 UM 970 Portland General Electric Company (04/09/01)
01-278 UM 971 PacifiCorp (04/09/01)
01-277 CP 903 KMC Telecom V Inc (04/06/01)
01-276 CP 905 Canby Telephone Association dba CTA Long Distance (04/06/01)
01-269 ARB 87(4) Northpoint Communications, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (04/03/01)
01-268 ARB 310 Essex Communications, Inc., dba eLec Communications, & Qwest Corporation (04/03/01) 
01-267 ARB 250(1) Electric Lightwave, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (04/03/01)
01-266 ARB 10(2)+(3) Sprint Communication Co. L.P. & Qwest Corporation (04/03/01)
01-265 ARB 308 ReFlex Communications, Inc. & Verizon Northwest Incorporated (04/03/01)
01-264 ARB 307 Max-Tel Communications, Inc. & United Telephone Company of the Northwest/Sprint (04/03/01)
01-263 ARB 304 Metrocall, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (04/03/01)
01-261 CP 907 Hunter Construction Inc (03/30/01)
01-260 CP 904 Gobeam Services Inc (03/30/01)
01-259 CP 902 Molalla Telephone Company (03/30/01)
01-258 CP 901 Zephion Networks Communications Inc (03/30/01)
01-253 UM 1016 OPUC Internal Operating Guidelines (03/26/01)
01-252 UI 183 Idaho Power Company (03/23/01)
01-250 NC 37 PUC vs. Mike's Fence Center Inc (03/21/01)
01-249 UE 115 &  UE 116 Portland General Electric (UE 115) & PacifiCorp (UE 116) (03/21/01)
01-247 AR 396 Affiliated Interest Filings (03/21/01)
01-244 UM 979 Newport Telephone Exchange (03/19/01)
01-242 ARB 2(2) TCG-Oregon & Qwest Corporation (03/19/01)
01-241 ARB 302(1) McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (03/19/01)
01-240 ARB 306 Preferred Carrier Services, Inc. & Verizon Northwest Incorporated (03/19/01)
01-239 ARB 41(1) U.S. Cellular & Verizon Northwest Incorporated (03/19/01)
01-238 ARB 262(1) IONEX Communications North, Inc. & Verizon Northwest Incorporated (03/19/01)
01-237 ARB 199(3) Eschelon Telecom of Washington, Inc. & Qwest Corporation (03/19/01)
01-235 UM 1008 & UM 1009 OPUC Staff Application for Deferred Accounting (UM 1008) Portland General Electric (UM 1009) (03/16/01)
01-233 AR 390 Rule Adopted: OAR 860-038-0590 (03/13/01)
01-232 UX 24 Qwest (03/13/01)
01-231 UM 1008 & UM 1009 OPUC Staff Application for Deferred Accounting (UM 1008) Portland General Electric (UM 1009) (03/14/01)
01-230 UF 4177 Avista Utilities (WPNG) (03/13/01)
01-228 UI 116(5) Verizon Northwest Inc (03/13/01)
01-223 UM 1010 AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest (03/12/01)
01-221 UT 138/UT 139 Phase II Unbundled Network Elements (03/12/01)
01-220 UF 4166 Avista Corporation (03/09/01)
01-219 UE 116 PacifiCorp (03/09/01)
01-217 UM 1014 Portland General Electric Company (03/07/01)
01-215 CP 470 Lightyear Telecommunications LLC (03/06/01)
01-214 CP 876 Eugene Water & Electric Board/City of Eugene (03/05/01)
01-212 CP 774 Adelphia Business Solutions Operations Inc (03/05/01)
01-208 UM 953 Investigation into the Conservation of Number Resources (03/05/01)
01-203 AR 411 OAR 860-038-0080(5)(a) Temporary Rule Adopted (03/01/01)
01-201 UM 1012 Annual Regulatory Fee Level Set for 2001 (03/01/01)
01-200 UM 995/UE 121/ UC 578 PacifiCorp regarding Excess Net Power (UM 995); PacifiCorp Partial Amortization; and ICNU & CUB vs. PacifiCorp (UC 578) (02/21/01)
01-197 CP 898 Pilgrim Telephone Inc. (02/23/01)
01-196 CP 897 Yipes Transmission Inc (02/23/01)
01-195 CP 896 Vivo-Or LLC (02/23/01)
01-194 CP 895 Cascade Access LLC (02/23/01)
01-193 CP 892 RCN Telecom Services Inc .(02/23/01)
01-192 CP 891 Telseon Carrier Services Inc (02/23/01)
01-187 ARB 238 Sprint Communications Company & Qwest Corporation (02/21/01)
01-186 UM 995/ UE 121 / UC 578 PacifiCorp regarding Excess Net Power (UM 995); PacifiCorp Partial Amortization; and ICNU & CUB vs. PacifiCorp (UC 578) (02/21/01)
01-185 UM 1002 Wah Chang vs. PacifiCorp (02/21/01)
01-184 NC 12 PUC vs. Desert Sage Construction LLC (02/20/01)
01-183 ARB 2(1) TCG-Oregon & Qwest (02/20/01)
01-181 CP 379 United Services Telephone LLC (02/16/01)
01-180 CP 362 ConnectAmerica Inc (02/16/01)
01-179 CP 280 Claricom Networks Inc (02/16/01)
01-178 CP 792 Claricom Networks Inc dba Staples Communications Network (02/16/01)
01-174 UM 937 In the Matter of the Investigation regarding the Service Adequacy of Chart Subdivision (02/14/01)
01-173 UW 73 South Coast Water District (02/14/01)
01-172 UI 188 South Coast Water District (02/13/01)
01-171 UM 995 PacifiCorp (02/13/01)
01-170 UM 384 Investigation into Alternative means of Intrastate Cost Separations & Settlements (02/13/01)
01-169 UF 4079 Washington Water Power Company (02/13/01)
01-168 CP 880 American Fiber Systems Inc (02/09/01)
01-167 ARB 298 aka
ARB 223(1)
SBC Telecom, Inc. & Verizon Northwest, Inc. (02/12/01)
01-166 UG 142 Avista Utilities (02/09/01)
01-165 LC 28 Avista Utilities 2000 (02/09/01)
01-164 UM 1011 In the Matter of a Legal Standard for Approval of Mergers (02/09/01)
01-163 NC 29 PUC vs. Charles Beith dba Charlie Beith Construction (02/07/01)
01-161 UW 76 Odell Water Company (02/08/01)
01-159 CP 881 Nehalem Telephone & Telegraph Company (02/08/01)
01-158 CP 644 American Farm Bureau Inc (02/08/01)
01-156 AR 390 SB 1149 (02/08/01)
01-155 NC 30 PUC vs. Ross Bros Company (02/06/01)
01-154 AR 390 SB 1149 (02/05/01)
01-153 AR 403 860-038-0080(4) (02/05/01)
01-152 UM 989 Portland General Electric (02/02/01)
01-151 UM 857 First Hill Water Inc. (02/02/01)
01-149 UM 1002 Wah Chang vs. PacifiCorp (02/02/01)
01-145 CP 889 Talk.Com Holding Corp (01/30/01)
01-144 CP 886 Inflow Inc (01/30/01)
01-143 CP 883 Local Telecom Holdings LLC (01/30/01)
01-142 CP 882 Vectren Communications Services Inc (01/30/01)
01-141 CP 880 American Fiber Systems (01/30/01)
01-140 UM 731 Universal Services (01/29/01)
01-138 CP 766 Onsite Access Local LLC (01/26/01)
01-137 AR 380 SB 1149 (01/26/01)
01-136 UW 75 Avion Water Company (01/26/01)
01-135 ARB 198(1) Pac-West Telecomm Inc & Qwest Corp (01/25/01)
01-134 ARB 3(1) AT & T Corp & Qwest (01/25/01)
01-133 ARB 10(1) Sprint Communications Co & Qwest Corp (01/25/01)
01-132 ARB 149 (3) (4) New Edge Network & Qwest Corp (01/25/01)
01-131 ARB 52(2) Global Crossing Local Services Inc & Qwest Corp (01/25/01)
01-130 ARB 301 USA Digital inc & Qwest (01/25/01)
01-129 ARB 300 Cricket Communications Inc & Qwest (01/25/01)
01-128 ARB 296 Winstar Wireless Inc & United Telephone (01/25/01)
01-123 UM 982 Portland General Electric (01/24/01)
01-122 UM 973 USWC (01/24/01)
01-120 ARB 294 VoiceStream Wireless Corp & United Telephone (01/23/01)
01-119 ARB 274(1) Sprint Communications Company LP & Verizon (01/23/01)
01-118 ARB 259(1) Broadband Office Communications Inc & United Telephone Company of the Northwest (01/23/01)
01-117 AR 393 Attachments to Poles owned by Electric, Telecommunications & Consumer-owned Utilities (01/23/01)
01-116 AR 392 Rulemaking to Revise Rules relating to Telecommunications Utilities (01/23/01)
01-115 NC 33 PUC vs. WRG Design Inc (01/22/01)
01-113 UM 994 Northwest Natural Gas (01/22/01)
01-111 NC 32 PUC vs. CTL Construction Inc (01/22/01)
01-110 NC 31 PUC vs. McCafferty-Whittle Construction Company (01/22/01)
01-109 NC 28 PUC vs. Keeton-King Construction Inc (01/22/01)
01-108 NC 25 PUC vs. PacifiCorp (01/22/01)
01-099 ARB 37(1) Verizon Select Services (01/18/01)
01-097 WA 13  Champion Park Subdivision (01/16/01)
01-096 UW 71 South Fork Water (01/16/01)
01-095 UM 1001 PacifiCorp (01/16/01)
01-094 ARB 289 Servisense.Com & Verizon (01/11/01)
01-091 ARB 299 Pilgrim Telephone Inc (01/10/01)
01-090 ARB 149 (2) New Edge Network Inc dba New Edge Networks & Qwest Corp (01/09/01)
01-085 UM 995 PacifiCorp (01/09/01)
01-081 CP 878 Eagle Valley Communications Inc (01/04/01)
01-080 CP 875 American Fiber Network Inc (01/04/01)
01-079 CP 874 Contact Communications Inc (01/04/01)
01-078 CP 868 Morgan Enterprises I, LLC dba Golden Eagle Telecommunications Inc (01/04/01)
01-077 CP 866 Casco Communications Inc. (01/04/01)
01-074 UW 73 South Coast Water District (01/04/01)
01-073 AR 390 Code of Conduct, Aggregation & Allocation of Funds (01/03/01)
01-072 AR 380 SB 1149 (01/03/01)
01-071 UM 999 Verizon Select Services Inc (01/03/01)
01-060 UM 1006 ICNU SB 1149 (01/02/01)
01-059 UE 120 Pacific Power & Light (01/02/01)
01-058 UM 1004 Portland General Electric (01/02/01)
01-057 UM 1003 Pacific Power & Light (01/02/01)
01-001 To