Docket Summary
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* This docket is a contested case. See the Internal Operating Guidelines and OAR 860-001
Subject Company:  PACIFIC POWER    
         See also:  UM 1812   UM 1813
In the Matter of PACIFICORP, dba PACIFIC POWER, Applications for Transportation Electrification Programs. Filed by R. Bryce Dalley. [Confidential pages in locked cabinet, env. no. 820]
Filing Date:  12/27/2016      
Case Manager:  ERIC SHIERMAN Phone:  971-239-3916
Email:   eric.shierman@puc.oregon.gov
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Date: 12/27/2016 Action:  INITIAL (APPLICATION, COMPLAINT, PETITION)  Searchable Doc  
In the Matter of PACIFICORP, dba PACIFIC POWER, Applications for Transportation Electrification Programs. Filed by R. Bryce Dalley. [Confidential pages in locked cabinet, env. no. 820]  
Date: 1/6/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PACIFICORP's Motion for Protective Order, filed by Etta Lockey.  
Date: 1/9/2017 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Petition to Intervene, with contacts of Jesse Cowell, Riley Peck, and Bradley Mullins, filed by Jesse Cowell.  
Date: 1/10/2017 Action:  NOTICE  Searchable Doc  
CITIZENS' UTILITY BOARD OF OREGON's Notice of Intervention, with contacts of Michael Goetz, CUB Oregon Dockets, and Bob Jenks; Filed by Michael Goetz. 
Date: 1/10/2017 Action:  CONFERENCE  Searchable Doc  
(Amended) NOTICE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE; Copies served electronically to dockets UM 1810, UM 1811, UM 1812, UM 1813 and Electric List and via U.S. Mail to those without email addresses 1/11/17 (SEE NOTICE OF RESCHEDULING issued 2/1/17). CONFERENCE scheduled 2/3/2017 10:00 AM City: SALEM Room: HEARING RM Building: PUC Address: 201 HIGH ST SE If dial in needed contact AHD at puc.hearings@state.or.us or 503-378-6678 Reporter: DIGITAL Law Judge: HARPER, RUTH 
Date: 1/10/2017 Action:  PROTECTIVE ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   17-008 
Protective Order No. 17-008, signed by Ruth Harper, Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER GRANTED. Copies served 1/11/17. 
Date: 1/17/2017 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Signatory Pages related to Protective Order No. 17-008; Filed by Jesse E. Cowell. Qualified persons thereunder: Jesse E. Cowell, Tyler C. Pepple, Jesse O. Gorsuch, Teresa D. Slominski, Rebecca Zagorski, Riley G. Peck, and Bradley Mullins. 
Date: 1/17/2017 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 17-008; Filed by Michael Goetz. Qualified persons thereunder: Michael Goetz, Bob Jenks, Liz Jones, Sarah Ryan-Knox, and Jaime McGovern. 
Date: 2/1/2017 Action:  CANCELLATION/CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
UM 1811, UM 1810, UM 1812, UM 1813--NOTICE OF RESCHEDULING OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE. Copies served electronically to dockets UM 1810, UM 1811, UM 1812, UM 1813 & Electric List and via U.S. Mail to those without email addresses 2/1/17. CONFERENCE scheduled 2/13/2017 2:30 PM City: SALEM Room: HEARING RM Building: PUC Address: 201 HIGH ST, SALEM If dial in needed contact AHD at puc.hearings@state.or.us or 503-378-6678 to obtain dial in number and reserve a port. Reporter: DIGITAL Law Judge: HARPER, RUTH 
Date: 2/2/2017 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
CHARGEPOINT, INC's Petition to Intervene, with contacts of Scott F. Dunbar, Anne Smart, and Amanda Dalton; Filed by Scott F. Dunbar. 
Date: 2/2/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
CHARGEPOINT's Petition for Admission Pro Hac Vice, with supporting documents; Filed by Scott F. Dunbar. 
Date: 2/6/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Notice of Intent to Request an Issue Fund Grants; Filed by Michael P. Goetz. 
Date: 2/8/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Request for Issue Fund Grant and Proposed Budget filed by Bob Jenks 
Date: 2/8/2017 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   17-042 
Order No. 17-042 signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Michael Grant; Disposition: Proposed Budget for Issue Fund Grant Approved. Copies served 2/9/17. 
Date: 2/9/2017 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
DRIVE OREGON's Petition to Intervene, with contacts of Jeff Allen, Jeanette Shaw, and Emmaline Pohnl; Filed by Jeff Allen 
Date: 2/9/2017 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY's Petition to Intervene, with contacts of Jesse D. Ratcliffe, Rick Wallace, and Wendy Simons; Filed by Jesse D. Ratcliffe. 
Date: 2/13/2017 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
GREENLOTS' Petition to Intervene, with contact of Thomas Ashley. Filed by Mr. Ashley. 
Date: 2/13/2017 Action:  MOTION   
UM 1810, UM 1812, & UM 1813--PACIFICORP's oral motion to consolidate the three applications; Made by Etta Lockey at 2/13/17 prehearing conference. 
Date: 2/22/2017 Action:  LAW JUDGE CONFERENCE REPORT  Searchable Doc  
UM 1810, UM 1812, UM 1813--ALJ Ruth Harper issues Prehearing Conference Memorandum and Ruling; DISPOSITION: SCHEDULE ADOPTED; DOCKETS CONSOLIDATED; PETITIONS TO INTERVENE AND MOTION GRANTED. Notice of Contested Case Rights pursuant to ORS 183.413 attached. Copies served to dockets UM 1810, UM 1812, & UM 1813 on 2/22/17. 
Date: 2/22/2017 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA   
UM 1810, UM 1812, UM 1813--ALJ Ruth Harper issues Ruling (and Prehearing Conference Memorandum); DISPOSITION: SCHEDULE ADOPTED; DOCKETS CONSOLIDATED; PETITIONS TO INTERVENE AND MOTION GRANTED. Copies served 2/22/17. (See PHC Memo entry for electronic version--combined document). [SEE docket UM 1810 for all calendar entries, action entries, and service list information regarding dockets UM 1810, UM 1812, & UM 1813.] 
Date: 2/22/2017 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Dockets UM 1810, UM 1812, & UM 1813 Consolidated by ALJ Harper Ruling 2/22/17. Docket UM 1810 is controlling 
Date: 2/24/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
UM 1810, UM 1812, UM 1813--ICNU's Notice of Intent to Request Issue Fund Grant and Request for Issue Fund Grant and Proposed Budget; Filed by Jesse E. Cowell. 
Date: 2/28/2017 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   17-073 
UM 1810, UM 1812, UM 1813 - Order No. 17 -073 signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Michael Grant; Disposition: Proposed Budget for Issue Fund Grant Approved. Copies served 3-1-17. 
Date: 4/10/2017 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Request for Change to Service List, removing Riley G. Peck and adding Patrick J. Oshie; Filed by Jesse O Gorsuch. 
Date: 4/10/2017 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 17-008; Filed by Jesse E. Cowell. Qualified persons thereunder: Patrick J. Oshie and Samantha N. Javier.  
Date: 4/12/2017 Action:  SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION  Searchable Doc  
PACIFICORP's Supplemental Application; Filed by R. Bryce Dalley. (CONFIDENTIAL portion is located in locked cabinet, env. no. 820(1)). (See separate action entry for Testimony). 
Date: 4/12/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
PACIFICORP's Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Eli M. Morris (PAC/100-101, Morris) and Robert M. Meredith (PAC/200-201); Filed by R. Bryce Dalley. 
Date: 4/14/2017 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
DRIVE OREGON's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 17-008; Filed by Jeanette M. Shaw. Qualified persons thereunder: Jeff Allen, Emmaline Pohnl, and Jeanette M. Shaw. 
Date: 4/27/2017 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Ruth Harper issues Ruling; DISPOSITION; SCHEDULE AMENDED. Copies served 4/27/17. 
Date: 5/8/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
UM 1810, UM 1811, & UM 1813--ICNU's Request for Huddle Access; Filed by Haley M. Thomas. 
Date: 5/11/2017 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
GREENLOTS' Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 17-008; Filed by Thomas Ashley. Qualified persons thereunder: Thomas Ashley, Lin Khoo, and John McLean. 
Date: 5/18/2017 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
ODOE's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 17-008; Filed by Jesse D. Ratcliffe. Qualified persons thereunder: Jesse Ratcliffe, Wendy Simons, Dan Avery, and Rick Wallace. 
Date: 5/19/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
FORTH's Request for Huddle Access; Filed by Jeanette Shaw. (See also 5/19/17 Notice of Name change from Drive Oregon). 
Date: 5/19/2017 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
DRIVE OREGON's Notice of Name change to FORTH and update to contact information; Filed by Jeanette Shaw. 
Date: 5/19/2017 Action:  NOTICE   
DRIVE OREGON's Notice of Name change to FORTH and update to contact information (combined document); Filed by Jeanette Shaw. (See 5/19/17 service list change entry for electronic version). 
Date: 5/19/2017 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
FORTH's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 17-008; Filed by Jeanette Shaw. Qualified persons thereunder: Jeanette Shaw, Jeff Allen, and Emmaline Pohnl. 
Date: 5/24/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
STAFF's Reply Testimony and Exhibits of Jason Salmi Klotz (Staff/100-102, Klotz), filed by Kay Barnes.  
Date: 5/24/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
GREENLOTS' Reply Testimony of Thomas Ashley (Greenlots/100, Ashley), filed by Thomas Ashley.  
Date: 5/24/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Reply Testimony and Exhibit of Bradley G. Mullins (ICNU/100-101, Mullins), filed by Jesse Gorsuch.  
Date: 5/24/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Reply Testimony and Exhibit of Bob Jenks (CUB/100-101, Jenks), filed by Michael Goetz.  
Date: 5/24/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
ODOE's Reply Testimony of Jesse Ratcliffe (ODOE/100, Ratcliffe), filed by Jeff Seeley.  
Date: 5/24/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
CHARGEPOINT's Reply Testimony of David Packard (ChargePoint/100, Packard), filed by Scott Dunbar.  
Date: 5/24/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
FORTH's Reply Testimony and Exhibits of Jeff Allen (Forth/100-105, Allen), filed by Jeanette Shaw. [See 5/25/17 Errata. Errata corrects exhibits to have page number] 
Date: 5/25/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
FORTH's Errata to Reply Testimony and Exhibits of Jeff Allen (Forth/100-105, Allen), filed by Jeanette Shaw. (Adds Headers and Page Numbers to Exhibits) 
Date: 5/30/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
ODOE's Request for Huddle Access; Filed by Wendy Simons. 
Date: 5/30/2017 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 17-008; Filed by Michael Goetz. Qualified person thereunder: Taylor Coronel. 
Date: 6/1/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
STAFF's Motion for Additional Time to File Procedural Schedule; Filed by Kaylie Klein. 
Date: 6/2/2017 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Allan J. Arlow issues Ruling for ALJ Ruth Harper; DISPOSITION: MOTION GRANTED. Copies served 6/2/17. 
Date: 6/5/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
UM 1810, UM 1812, & UM 1813--ICNU's Request for Change to Huddle Users; Filed by Haley M. Thomas. 
Date: 6/5/2017 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 17-008; Filed by Jesse E. Cowell. Qualified person thereunder: Haley M. Thomas. 
Date: 6/12/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PACIFICORP's Motion to Modify Procedural Schedule and Request for Expedited Consideration; Filed by Dustin T. Till. 
Date: 6/13/2017 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Ruth Harper issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE MODIFIED. Copies served on 6/13/17.  
Date: 7/7/2017 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
PACIFICORP's Request to Change the Service List, removing Etta Lockey and adding Dustin Till. Filed by Etta Lockey. 
Date: 7/14/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PACIFICORP's Notice of Settlement, Unopposed Motion To Suspend the Procedural Schedule, and Request for Expedited Consideration. Filed by Dustin Till.  
Date: 7/14/2017 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Allan J. Arlow for ALJ Ruth Harper issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: MOTION GRANTED; PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE SUSPENDED. Copies served on 7/14/17.  
Date: 7/28/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Settlement Status Report filed by Dustin T. Till. 
Date: 8/11/2017 Action:  STIPULATION  Searchable Doc  
Stipulation between PacifiCorp, PUC Staff, CUB, ICNU, Forth, GreenLots and ODOE with supporting Joint Testimony (Morris-Klotz-Mullins-Jenks-Allen-Ashley-Avery) filed by Etta Lockey. 
Date: 8/11/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS   
Stipulating Parties Joint Testimony in Support of Stipulation (Stipulating Parties/100, Morris-Klotz-Mullins-Jenks-Allen-Ashley-Avery) and Stipulating Parties/101, Avery) filed by Etta Lockey. [Please see Stipulation for the electronic version] [Confidential pages in locked cabinet, env. no. 820(2)] 
Date: 8/25/2017 Action:  PROTEST/EXCEPTION/OBJECTION  Searchable Doc  
CHARGEPOINT'S Objection to Stipulation and Request for Hearing, filed by Scott Dunbar.  
Date: 9/6/2017 Action:  CONFERENCE  Searchable Doc  
NOTICE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE. Copies served on 9/6/17. CONFERENCE scheduled 9/11/2017 10:00 AM City: SALEM Room: HEARING ROOM Building: PUC Address: 201 HIGH ST SE Law Judge: HARPER, RUTH Please contact AHD at (503) 378-6678 or e-mail to puc.hearings@state.or.us for the dial-in number and participant access code.  
Date: 9/13/2017 Action:  LAW JUDGE CONFERENCE REPORT  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Traci A. G. Kirkpatrick for ALJ Ruth Harper issues Prehearing Conference Memorandum and Ruling; DISPOSITION: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL ROUNDS OF TESTIMONY AND HEARING GRANTED; PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE ADOPTED. Copies served on 9/13/17.  
Date: 9/13/2017 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA   
ALJ Traci A. G. Kirkpatrick for ALJ Ruth Harper issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL ROUNDS OF TESTIMONY AND HEARING GRANTED; PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE ADOPTED. Copies served on 9/13/17. [See Conference Report for electronic verison]  
Date: 9/22/2017 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
SIEMENS' Petition to Intervene, with contacts of Chris King and Bonnie Datta. Filed by Chris King.  
Date: 10/4/2017 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
Chief ALJ Michael Grant for ALJ Ruth Harper issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: PETITION TO INTERVENE GRANTED. Copies served on 10/4/17.  
Date: 10/4/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
CHARGEPOINT's Response Testimony of David Packard (ChargePoint/200, Packard) and Anne Smart (ChargePoint/300, Smart). Filed by Scott Dunbar.  
Date: 10/6/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CHARGEPOINT's Request for Huddle Access, filed by Scott Dunbar.  
Date: 10/24/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
SIEMENS' Reply Testimony of Chris King (Siemens/100, King). Filed by Chris King.  
Date: 10/24/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
ICNU Request for Final Payment and Reallocation of Issue Fund Grant filed by Jesse E.Cowell. Confidential to locked cabinet #820(3). 
Date: 10/25/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
STAFF's Reply Testimony of Jason Salmi Klotz (Staff/200-201, Klotz). Filed by Kay Barnes.  
Date: 10/25/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
PACIFICORP's Reply Testimony and Exhibits of Eli M. Morris (PAC/300-303, Morris). Filed by Etta Lockey.  
Date: 10/25/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Reply Testimony of Bob Jenks (CUB/200, Jenks). Filed by Michael Goetz.  
Date: 10/25/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
ODOE's Reply Testimony of Jesse Ratcliffe (ODOE/200, Ratcliffe). Filed by Jeffery Seeley.  
Date: 10/25/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
FORTH's Reply Testimony (Forth/200-Allen-Shaw) filed by Jeanette Shaw. 
Date: 10/27/2017 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   17-433 
Order No. 17-433 signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Michael Grant; Disposition: Issue Fund Grant Request Approved. Copies served 10/27/17. 
Date: 11/6/2017 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
STAFF's Cross-Examination Statement and List of Prefiled Exhibits, filed by Kaylie Klein.  
Date: 11/6/2017 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Cross Examination Statement, filed by Michael Goetz.  
Date: 11/6/2017 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Cross-Examination Statement, filed by Jesse Cowell.  
Date: 11/6/2017 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
FORTH's Cross-Examination Statement, filed by Jeanette Shaw.  
Date: 11/6/2017 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
SIEMEN's Cross-Examination Statement, filed by Chris King.  
Date: 11/6/2017 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
ODOE's Cross-Examination Statement, filed by Jesse Ratcliffe.  
Date: 11/6/2017 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
PACIFICORP's Cross-Examination Statement and List of Stipulated Exhibits, filed by Dustin Till.  
Date: 11/6/2017 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
CHARGEPOINT's Cross-Examination Statement, filed by Scott Dunbar.  
Date: 11/13/2017 Action:  CANCELLATION/CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF 11/28/17 HEARING. Copies served on 11/13/17.  
Date: 11/15/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
ODOE's Motion to Admit Prefiled Testimony, with Affidavits of Dan Avery and Rick Wallace. Filed by Jesse Ratcliffe.  
Date: 11/16/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Request for Partial Payment of Issue Fund Grant filed by Bob Jenks. Confidential to locked cabinet #820(4). 
Date: 11/17/2017 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   17-475 
Order No. 17-475 signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Michael Grant; Disposition: Issue Fund Grant Request Approved. Copies served 11/17/17. 
Date: 11/17/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Motion to Admit Prefiled Testimony, with Declaration of Bob Jenks. Filed by Michael Goetz.  
Date: 11/20/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Motion to Admit Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits, with Affidavit of Bradley Mullins.  
Date: 11/30/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
Forth's Motion To Admit Pre-Filed Testimony with Declarations of Jeff Allen and Jeanette Shaw filed by Jeanette Shaw. 
Date: 12/11/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
STAFF's Motion to Admit Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits, with Declaration of Jason Salmi-Klotz.  
Date: 12/13/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PACIFICORP's Motion to Admit Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits and Additional Exhibits PAC/400-415, with Affidavits of Eli Morris, Robert Meredith. Filed by Etta Lockey.  
Date: 12/13/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS   
PACIFICORP's Additional Exhibits (PAC/400-415), filed b Etta Lockey. [See Motion for electronic version]  
Date: 12/14/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
ChargePoint's Motion to Admit Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits and Additional Exhibit ChargePoint/400, with Affidavits of Anne Smart and David Packard. Filed by Scott Dunbar.  
Date: 12/14/2017 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS   
ChargePoint's Additional Exhibit ChargePoint (ChargePoint/400), filed by Scott Dunbar. [See motion for electronic version]  
Date: 12/14/2017 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Opening Brief filed by Kaylie Klein. 
Date: 12/14/2017 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
Joint Opening Brief of PacifiCorp, CUB, Forth and Greenlots filed by Dustin Till. 
Date: 12/14/2017 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
Siemens's Opening Brief, filed by Chris King.  
Date: 12/14/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
ICNU Notice re Brief Filing filed by Jesse E. Cowell. 
Date: 12/15/2017 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Request to Change the Service List, removing Jesse Cowell and adding Tyler Pepple, filed by Haley Thomas. 
Date: 12/19/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
SIEMENS' Motion to Admit Prefiled Testimony, with Affidavit of Chris King. Filed by Chris King.  
Date: 12/20/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
GREENLOTS' Motion to Admit Prefiled Testimony, with Declaration of Thomas Ashley. Filed by Thomas Ashley.  
Date: 12/29/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Request to Change Huddle Access, filed by Haley Thomas.  
Date: 1/9/2018 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
ChargePoint's Post-Hearing Reply Brief, filed by Scott Dunbar.  
Date: 1/24/2018 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
Siemens's Reply Brief, filed by Chris King.  
Date: 1/24/2018 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Reply Brief, filed by Kaylie Klein.  
Date: 1/24/2018 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp, CUB, Forth, and Greenlots' Reply Brief, filed by Dustin Till.  
Date: 2/27/2018 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   18-075 
Order No. 18-075, signed by Lisa D. Hardie, Stephen M. Bloom, and Megan W. Decker; DISPOSITION: STIPULATION ADOPTED IN PART; MODIFIED IN PART. Copies served on 3/1/18. See Amended Order No. 19-087  
Date: 3/9/2018 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB Request for Final Payment of Issue Fund Grant filed by Bob Jenks. Confidential to locked cabinet #820(5). 
Date: 3/13/2018 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   18-083 
Order No. 18-083 signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Michael Grant; Disposition: Issue Fund Grant Request Approved. Copies served 3/13/18. 
Date: 4/3/2018 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
Alliance of Western Energy Consumers' (AWEC) (f/k/a the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities) requesting changes to service list. Filed by Haley M. Thomas. 
Date: 10/2/2018 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp’s Public Charging Pilot Program Data Collection and Learning Objectives, filed by Etta Lockey.  
Date: 2/25/2019 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Motion to Amend Order No. 18-075. Filed by Ajay Kumar. 
Date: 3/14/2019 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   19-087 
Order No. 19-087, signed by Commissioners Megan W. Decker, Stephen M. Bloom, and Letha Tawney; DISPOSITION: ORDER NO. 18-075 AMENDED. Copies served on 3/14/19.  
Date: 3/29/2019 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Transportation Electrification Pilot Update filed by Etta Lockey. 
Date: 4/26/2019 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
FORTH's Request to Change the Service List, removing Jeff Allen, adding Thor Hinckley and Kelly Yearick. Filed by Jeanette Shaw.  
Date: 12/4/2019 Action:  NOTICE  Searchable Doc  
STAFF's Notice of Assignment of Counsel, removing Kaylie Klein and adding Elizabeth Uzelac. Filed by Elizabeth Uzelac.  
Date: 1/14/2020 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
PACIFICORP's Request for Service List Change, removing Dustin Till and adding Ajay Kumar. Filed by Etta Lockey.  
Date: 3/26/2020 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   20-096 
Order No. 20-096, signed by Nolan Moser, Chief Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: TIME LINE SPECIFIED IN ORDER NO. 19-087 AMENDED. Copies served on 3/26/20.  
Date: 4/21/2020 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp’s Transportation Electrification Pilot Update, filed by Michael Wilding.  
Date: 10/22/2020 Action:  NOTICE  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Notice of Assignment of Counsel, replacing Elizabeth Uzelac with Jill Goatcher. Filed by Jill Goatcher.  
Date: 6/29/2021 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Compliance per Order No. 18-075, Transportation Electrification Pilot Final Report. Filed by Shelley McCoy.