Docket Summary
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Docket No:  UM 1024 Docket Name:  JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY Submit Public Comment
In the Matter of an Investigation into the Operations, Rates, and Service Quality of JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY. Staff Report for May 1, 2001 public meeting (Item No. 4B) with Exhibit A/letter to Juniper Customers from Commissioners (dated 4/18/01).
Filing Date:  4/24/2001      
Order:  02-589Order Signed:  8/29/2002 
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Date: 9/18/2002 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Order No. 02-589 sent to Randy Stewart returned by Post Office with notation "moved. left no address." (Mr. Stewart removed from service list.) 
Date: 8/29/2002 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   02-589 
Order No. 02-589 signed by Commissioners Roy Hemmingway, Lee Beyer, and Joan H. Smith; DISPOSITION: Investigation Closed. Copies served 8/30/02. 
Date: 7/25/2002 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Mail addressed to Scott Stovall returned from US Postal Service, with notation "Undeliverable Commerical Mail Receiving Agency No Authorization to receive mail for this address". Removed from service list. 
Date: 6/17/2002 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter withdrawing his show cause; Filed by Don Gamble. (6/13/02). 
Date: 6/5/2002 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Show Cause letter; FAXED by Don Gamble. Hard copy rec'd 6/7/02. 
Date: 5/13/2002 Action:  LAW JUDGE CORRESPONDENCE   
ALJ Logan issued letter asking parties to show cause why any pending issues are not moot and to show cause why the cases should not be dismissed, as per the 4/23/02 Stipulated Order signed by Deschutes County Circuit Court Judge Stephen N. Tiktin, with response due date of June 10, 2002. Copies served on 5/13/02 to the following service lists: UC 507, UC 510, UC 560, UC 561, UC 562, UC 607, UC 625, UC 685 and UM 1024. 
Date: 9/17/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Staff's First Revised Proposed Rate Spread Design for Juniper Utility Company. Filed by Kathy Miller (dated 9/15/01). 
Date: 9/7/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY's Summary of Deferred Maintenance (as of 8/31/01). Filed by William F. Buchanan (dated 9/5/01). 
Date: 9/7/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to ALJ Barkin regarding preparation for meeting next Wednesday (9/12/01) and suggestion to review attached documents from City of Bend's website (5 pgs.). Faxed by William F. Buchanan. Hard copy received 9/10/01. 
Date: 9/7/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter Addressed to Martin Hansen (from Robert L. Nash) regarding Hansen's 9/4/01 letter to ALJ Barkin. Faxed by Robert L. Nash. Hard copy received 9/10/01. 
Date: 9/6/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Copy of letter addressed to ARNOLD IRRIGATION DISTRICT regarding request for records. Faxed by Robert L. Nash. Hard copy received 9/10/01. 
Date: 9/6/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to ALJ Barkin (from Martin E. Hansen) regarding receipt of two letters from City of Bend's attorney, Forbes (dated 9/5/01). Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. Hard copy received 9/10/01. 
Date: 9/5/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
CITY OF BEND's Letter to ALJ Barkin regarding concerns about proposed rate increase. Faxed by James Forbes. Hard copy received 9/10/01. 
Date: 9/5/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to ALJ Barkin in response to Martin Hansen's Letter of 8/31/01 regarding the City of Bend's proposed ordinance amendment that would establish minimum water pressure standards on Juniper Utility Company. Faxed by James Forbes. Hard copy received 9/10/01. 
Date: 9/4/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to ALJ Barkin (from Martin E. Hansen) in follow-up to the 8/31/01 telephone conference and answer outstanding questions. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. Hard copy received 9/6/01. 
Date: 8/31/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter Addressed to ALJ Barkin (from Martin E. Hansen) with supporting attachment: Letter dated 8/31/01 Addressed to E. Michael Myers from James Forbes (with the City of Bend's proposed ordinance amendments). Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. Hard copy received 9/4/01. 
Date: 8/31/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter Addressed to ALJ Barkin from Martin E. Hansen to follow-up the telephone conference and confirmation of receipt of ALJ's memorandum. Faxed by Martin Hansen. 
Date: 8/31/2001 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA   
ALJ Barkin issues memorandum. Hansen should supply information BY 9/7/01 regarding JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY's water certificates for wells used to supply domestic and irrigation water to its customers. Copies faxed to Martin Hansen and Robert Nash on 8/31/01 and served via mail to the participants of the UM 1024 service list on 9/4/01. 
Date: 8/31/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter Addressed to ALJ Barkin from William Buchanan with REVISED Memorandum regarding JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY's Projected Attorney Fees. Faxed by William F. Buchanan. Hard copy received on 9/4/01. 
Date: 8/31/2001 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA   
ALJ Barkin issues memorandum. Copies faxed to Martin Hansen and Robert Nash and served via mail to the participants of the UM 1024 service list. 
Date: 8/31/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Memorandum Addressed to ALJ Barkin regarding JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY's Projected Attorney Fees. Faxed by William F. Buchanan. 
Date: 8/31/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to Robert L. Nash from Martin E. Hansen regarding Arnold Irrigation Water Rights. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. 
Date: 8/31/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter addressed to Paul Graham (from Greg Hendrix) regarding Juniper Utility Company Settlement Proposal and follow-up to telephone conversation. Faxed by Greg Hendrix. Hard copy received 9/5/01. 
Date: 8/31/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter addressed to Greg Hendrix regarding review of Hendrix's 8/27/01 letter of criticisms at the audit. Filed by Paul A. Graham (dated 8/30/01). 
Date: 8/30/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to ALJ Barkin regarding upcoming 8/31/01 telephone conference with supporting attachment: Letter dated 7/11/01 addressed to Robert L. Nash from Martin E. Hasen. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. Hard copy received 9/5/01. 
Date: 8/30/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to ALJ Barkin regarding upcoming 8/31/01 telephone conference with supporting affidavit of Susie E. Foote and copy of faxed letter to Martin Hansen (dated 7/10/01). Faxed by Robert L. Nash. 
Date: 8/30/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to ALJ Barkin regarding upcoming 8/31/01 telephone conference with supporting attachments: Letter dated 7/10/01 addressed to Martin Hansen from Robert Nash and ALJ Barkin's ruling of 7/11/01. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. Hard copy received 9/4/01. 
Date: 8/29/2001 Action:  CONFERENCE   
TELEPHONE CONFERENCE scheduled 8/31/2001 11:00 AM City: SALEM Room: TOM'S OFFICE Building: OPUC Address: 550 CAPITOL ST NE Law Judge: BARKIN, TOM CALL-IN NUMBER: (503) 378-3313. Copies of notice faxed and mailed to Martin Hansen and Robert Nash.  
Date: 8/29/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to ALJ Barkin regarding lack of response from Mr. Hansen to answer questions about irrigation water rights and usage. Faxed by Robert L. Nash. Hard copy received 8/31/01. 
Date: 8/27/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter addressed to Paul Graham regarding Juniper Utility Company settlement proposal; FAXED by Greg Hendrix. Hard copy received 8/29/01. 
Date: 8/24/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Public comment letter of Laura Shaw received from Consumer Services. 
Date: 8/23/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Juniper's letter to ALJ Barkin, including copy of decision in Deschutes County Case No: 00CV0014MA (issued by Circuit Judge Michael C. Sullivan on 3/22/01); FAXED by William F. Buchanan. 
Date: 8/22/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Paul Brewer's Utility Rate Increase Notification to Juniper Utility Company customers, hand delivered to AHD by Clark Jackson.  
Date: 8/17/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY 's letter addressed to Paul Graham regarding latest round of court action; Faxed by Martin Hansen. 
Date: 8/17/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Public comment letter; FAXED from Laura Shaw. 
Date: 8/16/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter addressed to ALJ Barkin regarding 300 horsepower pump repairs. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. Hard copy received 8/20/01. 
Date: 8/16/2001 Action:  CANCELLATION/CHANGE   
ALJ Barkin issues Memorandum and Notice of Cancellation of Conference (8/24/01 conference cancelled); reminder of 9/12/01 conference still on schedule. Copies faxed to participants of UM 1024 service list and mailed. 
Date: 8/15/2001 Action:  CONFERENCE   
CONFERENCE scheduled 8/24/2001 9:00 AM City: BEND Room: HEARING ROOM Building: DESCHUTES COUNTY BOARD OF COMM Address: 1130 NW HARRIMAN Reporter: NONE Law Judge: BARKIN, TOM Notice faxed and mailed to participants of UM 1024 service list on 8/15/01.  
Date: 8/14/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter addressed to Paul Graham regarding Comments to the Juniper Utility Company Settlement Proposal. Faxed by Greg Hendrix. Hard copy received 8/16/01. 
Date: 8/10/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
BEND CITY COUNCIL's August 15th Council Meeting Issue Summary: Discussion of Juniper Utility Ordinance Amendment. Provided by Clark Jackson of Consumer Services. 
Date: 8/10/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Staff's letter to UM 1024 Service list with Juniper Utility Company Audit Recommendations and Settlement Proposal. Filed by Terry Lambeth and Ed Krantz (recommendation memo to Paul Graham dated 8/9/01). 
Date: 8/9/2001 Action:  CANCELLATION/CHANGE   
CONFERENCE scheduled 9/12/2001 10:30 AM begin, 9/12/2001 5:00 PM end. City: BEND Room: RM #210/212 Building: BEND/LAPING PUB. SCHOOL ADMIN. Address: 520 NW WALL STREET Reporter: FLEISCHER, D. Law Judge: BARKIN, TOM Memorandum and Notice of Cancellation/Rescheduling of Conference (canceling the 8/14/01 conference), copies provided electronically, via fax and mail to participants in UM 1024 on 8/9/01.  
Date: 8/8/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Staff's letter addressed to JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY, RE: Information Request. Filed by Kathy Miller. 
Date: 8/1/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter addressed to Martin Hansen from Robert L. Nash regarding lack of response to answering questions set forth in a July 10, 2001 letter. Filed by Robert L. Nash (dated 7/26/01). At AS1's request, the July 10, 2001 letter referenced was provided via fax. 
Date: 8/1/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Request to be added to the UM 1024 service list as an interested person. Provided electronically by Anne Aurand. 
Date: 7/31/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUC's letter to ALJ Barkin requesting staff be reminded of the timeline for submitting the audit report. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. Hard copy received 8/2/01. 
Date: 7/25/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUC's letter to ALJ Barkin regarding collaborative processes (including provision for short term operating loan from J.L. Ward Co.). Filed by Jan L. Ward (dated 7/23/01). 
Date: 7/13/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Staff's letter regarding need to adjust the schedule (the audit is now set for July 24 and 25). Faxed by Paul A. Graham. Hard copy received 7/16/01. 
Date: 7/11/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUC's letter addressed to Robert Nash in response to questions mentioned during the 7/9/01 phone conference regarding Arnold Irrigation District water. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. 
Date: 7/11/2001 Action:  CONFERENCE   
CONFERENCE scheduled 8/14/2001 9:00 AM begin, 8/14/2001 5:00 PM end. City: BEND Room: HEARING ROOM Building: DESCHUTES COUNTY BOARD OF COMM Address: 1130 NW HARRIMAN Reporter: FLEISCHER, D. Law Judge: BARKIN, TOM Memorandum and Notice of Conference mailed to participants on 7/11/01.  
Date: 7/10/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
UM 1024/UC 607--Copy of letter addressed to Jan Ward from Robert Speik, also asking the PUC and the CITY OF BEND for answers regarding standards of acceptable service from JUC. Provided electronically through Consumer Services. 
Date: 7/9/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUC's letter in response to receipt of the engineer report and Pro-Forma Operating Budget. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. 
Date: 7/6/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
CITY OF BEND's letter in response to the engineer report, stating City's expectation of 60 psi for adequate service from JUC. Faxed by John W. Stephens. 
Date: 7/6/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to ALJ Barkin responding to questions raised about the relationship of regulation by the CITY OF BEND to regulation by the PUC of Juniper. Faxed by John W. Stephens (dated 7/2/01). 
Date: 7/6/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to ALJ Barkin regarding CITY OF BEND's available remedies related to JUC's failure to provide adequate service. Faxed by John W. Stephens. 
Date: 7/5/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
ENGINEER REPORT: Analysis of JUC Water and Irrigation System. Filed by Jonathan Smith of Stettler Company. 
Date: 7/5/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
MOUNTAIN HIGH HOA's letter regarding concerns of remarks made in recent correspondence from Greg Hendrix and Robert Nash, and notice of HOA's unanimous vote not to have any interest in JUC becoming a user-owned utility. A copy of water conservation schedule provided. Filed by Teddie Allison, Leon Kahn, Jean Sealock, Judy Githens, Don Landwehr, Gordon Baker, and Don Gamble. (dated 6/26/01.) 
Date: 7/3/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter addressed to John W. Stephens, Re: City's Requirement Pursuant to Memorandum (issued by ALJ Barkin 6/26/01). Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. 
Date: 7/2/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter from John W. Stephens to Martin E. Hansen (dated 7/2/01). Faxed by John W. Stephens. 
Date: 6/29/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Staff's letter to Martin Hansen regarding Expected Level of Water Service (in response to Hansen's 6/21/01 letter to ALJ Barkin). Filed by Kathy Miller (dated 6/28/01). 
Date: 6/26/2001 Action:  CONFERENCE   
TELEPHONE CONFERENCE scheduled 7/9/2001 2:00 PM City: SALEM Room: TOM'S OFFICE Building: OPUC Address: 550 CAPITOL ST NE Reporter: TAPED Law Judge: BARKIN, TOM CALL-IN NUMBER: (503) 378-3333. Memorandum and Notice of Conference faxed and mailed to parties 6/26/01.  
Date: 6/21/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUC's letter addressed to ALJ Barkin in response to Paul Graham's letter of 6/18/01. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. Hard copy received 6/25/01. 
Date: 6/21/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUC's letter to ALJ Barkin regarding City of Bend Water Service Standards -- Booster Pumps, including supporting documentation of agreement issued by Brooks Resources. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. Hard copy received 6/25/01. 
Date: 6/21/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter addressed to Paul Graham regarding audit proposal, stating the the audit should take place at the Juniper facilities in Bend. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. 
Date: 6/20/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter addressed to Jonathan Stephens outlining JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY's questions concerning what jurisdiction the CITY OF BEND feels they have. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. Hard copy received 6/22/01. 
Date: 6/20/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter addressed to John Stephens, attorney for CITY OF BEND requesting clarification of several issues. Faxed by Mike and Sharon Jewett. 
Date: 6/19/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter addressed to Jonathan Stephens extending an invitation to tour and/or view JUC facilities to obtain a first-hand understanding of the system. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. 
Date: 6/19/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Correspondence on behalf of CROWN VILLA RV PARK-- response opposing the recommendation that JUC become a user-owned utility. Faxed by Robert L. Nash. Hard copy received 6/22/01. 
Date: 6/19/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Response on behalf of Mr. Brewer regarding Dean Wise's suggestion that the ratepayers take over JUC. Faxed by Greg Hendrix. Hard copy received 6/21/01. 
Date: 6/19/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter from John W. Stephens in response to 6/15/01 letter from Sharon Jewett clarifying reference of pressure zones. Faxed by John W. Stephens. 
Date: 6/19/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
CITY OF BEND's correspondence outlining the service standards that the City expects JUC to comply with under the City's new ordinance. Faxed by John W. Stephens. Hard copy received 6/20/01. 
Date: 6/18/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
SEE ALSO UC 607--TILLICUM VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Complaint Against Juniper Utility Company regarding broken valves and blocked irrigation systems. Initially provided electronically 6/6/01 -- hard copy received in AHD 6/18/01. Filed by Robert L. Speik. 
Date: 6/18/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Staff's letter regarding selection of an auditor; request for staff members Terri Lambeth and Ed Krantz to conduct the audit and supporting document: 6/18/01 letter to ALJ Barkin from Kathy Miller, Water Utility Analyst. Filed by Paul A. Graham. 
Date: 6/18/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
NOTTINGHAM SQUARE HOA's letter RE: Conversion of JUC to a User-owned Entity. Faxed by Dean Wise. 
Date: 6/18/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
MOUNTAIN HIGH HOA's Response to Mr. Hendrix's 6/15/01 letter, with copy of Hendrix's letter regarding Service by the City of Bend. Faxed by Mike and Sharon Jewett (dated 6/17/01). 
Date: 6/15/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
THE PINES and QUAIL RIDGE HOA's Water Conservation Plan with designated watering zones. Faxed by Scot Stoval. 
Date: 6/15/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JOHN W. STEPHENS Letter To: All Other Parties on the UM 1024 Service List Regarding CITY OF BEND's Standards of Service w/supporting attachments: pgs. 15-16, 102-177 from OAR Ch. 333, Div. 61 rules posted on the internet at: http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_300/OAR_333/333_061.html. Filed by John W. Stephens (dated 6/14/01). 
Date: 6/15/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
MOUTAIN HIGH HOA's Analysis of the City of Bend's Service Standards as Compared to JUC's Service Standards and a Request for Information to Be Provided by JUC. Faxed by Mike and Sharon Jewett. 
Date: 6/14/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUC's letter in response to ALJ Barkin's memo and notice of conference, projecting it could possibly be June 20th before the budget can be prepared and distributed. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. 
Date: 6/14/2001 Action:  CONFERENCE   
TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CALL IN NUMBER = (503) 378-3333 [20 port line]. scheduled 6/25/2001 2:00 PM City: SALEM Room: TOM'S OFFICE Building: OPUC Address: 550 CAPITOL ST NE -- STE 215 Law Judge: BARKIN, TOM Memorandum and Notice of Conference faxed and mailed to parties on 6/14/01.  
Date: 6/14/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
NOTTINGHAM SQUARE's letter regarding opinion on the importance of an independent audit of JUC. Faxed by Dean Wise. Hard copy received 6/18/01. 
Date: 6/11/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
MOUNTAIN HIGH HOA's letter and supporting notes on research into the possibility of a co-op entity in which MH and TR would own the assets of JUC/ and levels of service supplied by Roats and Avion water companies. Faxed by Michael and Sharon Jewett. 
Date: 6/11/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
MOUNTAIN HIGH HOA's request for continuation of collaborative process and notice that Mountain High declines the 6/7/01 proposal to join TIMBER RIDGE HOA to take-over JUC. Faxed by Mike and Sharon Jewett. 
Date: 6/8/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to ALJ Barkin regarding concern for proposed telephone conference and request to add maintenance to list of issues. Filed by Greg Hendrix (dated 6/6/01). 
Date: 6/6/2001 Action:  TRANSCRIPT   
Transcripts of May 23-24, 2001 Hearings in Bend, including 2 ASCII disks. Filed by Deborah Fleischer (dated 6/4/01).  
Date: 6/5/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Letter addressed to Paul Graham from former President of the Nottingham Square Homeowners Association and former President and General Manager of Juniper Utility Company. Filed by Theodore Roghair. (dated 5/27/01) 
Date: 6/5/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
JUC's letter of concern regarding breakdown in mailings received from the PUC. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. 
Date: 6/5/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
MOUNTAIN HIGH HOA's letter of confirmation regarding participation in the June 11, 2001 telephone conference and requesting copies of documents no later than June 8, 2001. Faxed by Mike and Sharon Jewett. 
Date: 6/1/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to Commissioner Joan H. Smith concerning strong recommendation of Mr. Jan Ward and the Juniper Water Company. Filed by Dr. C.L. Lippincott (dated 5/29/01). (Rec'd in AHD 6/29/01.) 
Date: 6/1/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Letter addressed to Jan Ward of Juniper Utility Company from Commissioner Joan H. Smith. Copies served to UM 1024 service list 6/4/01. 
Date: 6/1/2001 Action:  CONFERENCE   
TELEPHONE CONFERENCE scheduled 6/11/2001 2:00 PM begin, 6/11/2001 3:00 PM end. City: SALEM Room: TOM'S OFFICE Building: OPUC Address: 550 CAPITOL STREET NE--STE 215 Reporter: TAPED Law Judge: BARKIN, TOM CALL IN NUMBER = (503) 378-3333 [20 port line]. Memorandum and notice served to parties in UM 1024 via mail 6/1/01. 
Date: 6/1/2001 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA   
ALJ Barkin issues Memorandum and Notice of Conference. Copies served to parties in UM 1024 via mail. 
Date: 5/29/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
MOUNTAIN HIGH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION's letter addressed to Commissioner Joan H. Smith with list of problems solved in the collaborative process and request for assistance with Paul Graham's finding and funding an independent auditor to audit the finances of Juniper w/supporting attachment: Roxanne L. Farra's letter addressed to Paul Graham (dated 5/29/01). Faxed by Mike Jewett and Sharon Jewett. 
Date: 5/29/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Letter to Paul Graham regarding the audit of JUC, and requesting that Mike Myers, Kathy Miller, and Tom Reardon not be included in the process. Faxed by Roxanne L. Farra. 
Date: 5/25/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Letter addressed to Joan H. Smith regarding JUC investigation. FAXED by Jan Ward. Hard copy received 5/29/01. 
Date: 5/25/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Letter addressed to Paul Graham regarding JUC, including a list of three local CPAs with experience in municipal auditing and some regulatory auditing: 1) Stuart Catter, 2) Steven Greer, and 3) Richard Donaca. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen.  
Date: 5/21/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter to JUC and Its Customers and list of issues. Filed by Paul A. Graham. 
Date: 5/21/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY's letter addressed to Paul Graham and JUC's Joint List of Issues (dated 5/20/01). Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. 
Date: 5/21/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Letter addressed to tenants of The Pines and Quail Ridge Mobile Home Parks in answer to Jan Ward's letter of 5/18/01. signed by Paul Brewer. Faxed by Robbi Leiland. 
Date: 5/21/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Note about calls from residents getting sick from drinking the water at the Pines Mobile Home Park and a copy of a form letter from JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY to JUC Customers (dated 5/17/01) - Signed by Jan Ward. Filed by Robbie Leiland. 
Date: 5/18/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY's letter to Paul A. Graham with copy of Oregon State Health Division's report dated 5/14/01 for JUC - Investigation of Low Pressure Complaints. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. Hard copy received 5/21/01. 
Date: 5/18/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY's letter addressed to ALJ Barkin regarding JUC - New City Ordinance. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. Hard copy received 5/21/01. 
Date: 5/18/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY's letter addressed to Barbara K. Preble (dated 5/16/01). Filed by Martin E. Hansen. 
Date: 5/18/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
TILLICUM VILLAGE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION's letter requesting to place on the record certain current utility service and related safety issues they have with Juniper Utility Company. Filed by Robert Speik, Jack Chaffey, Jon Eahr, Bill Smith, Heidi Lansdowne, Ron Reid, and Kristi Michaels (dated 4/30/01). 
Date: 5/15/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter lodging complaint regarding the water service that has been provided by Juniper Utility. Filed by Phillip Lewellyn. 
Date: 5/14/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Letter addressed to Greg Hendrix (dated 5/10/01) regarding Juniper Utility Company. Filed by Martin E. Hansen. 
Date: 5/14/2001 Action:  PUBLIC COMMENT   
Letter of complaint of concerned home owner receiving service from JUC. Filed by Ellie Nelson. 
Date: 5/11/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY's letter to alert the PUC staff to potential false complaints being filed. Faxed by Martin E. Hansen. Hard copy received 5/14/01. 
Date: 5/11/2001 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   01-414 
Order No. 01-414 signed by Chairman Ron Eachus, Commissioner Roger Hamilton, and Commissioner Joan H. Smith. Disposition: Formal Investigation Opened. Copies served to all existing Juniper service lists (UC 507, UC 510, UC 521, UC 522, UC 523, UC 528, UC 529, UC 531, UC 540, UC 560, UC 561, UC 562, UW 58, and UW 65) via mail 5/15/01. 
Date: 5/11/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY's letter dated 5/9/01 to Stephanie Andrus and Kimberly R. Cobrain regarding "Unfounded Complaints." Filed by Martin E. Hansen. 
Date: 5/9/2001 Action:  PUBLIC COMMENT   
Letter addressed to Michael Myers, OPUC Staff from Harry R. Anderson to register a complaint about the operation of Juniper Utility Company. 
Date: 5/9/2001 Action:  CONFERENCE   
PREHEARING CONFERENCE scheduled 5/24/2001 9:30 AM City: BEND Room: RM. #210/212 Building: ADMIN. BLDG Address: BEND/LAPINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS - 520 NW WALL ST Reporter: FLEISCHER, D. Law Judge: BARKIN, TOM Combined notice served to all existing Juniper service lists (UC 507, UC 510, UC 521, UC 522, UC 523, UC 528, UC 529, UC 531, UC 540, UC 560, UC 561, UC 562, UW 58, and UW 65) via mail 5/10/01.  
Date: 5/9/2001 Action:  CONFERENCE   
PREHEARING CONFERENCE scheduled 5/23/2001 7:00 PM City: BEND Room: RM #314 Building: ADMIN BLDG. Address: BEND/LAPINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS: 520 NW WALL ST Reporter: FLEISCHER, D. Law Judge: BARKIN, TOM Combined notice served to all existing Juniper service lists (UC 507, UC 510, UC 521, UC 522, UC 523, UC 528, UC 529, UC 531, UC 540, UC 560, UC 561, UC 562, UW 58, and UW 65) via mail 5/10/01.  
Date: 4/30/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY's letter to Commissioners regarding the investigation of service and rates. Filed by Martin E. Hansen (dated 4/27/01). 
In the Matter of an Investigation into the Operations, Rates, and Service Quality of JUNIPER UTILITY COMPANY. Staff Report for May 1, 2001 public meeting (Item No. 4B) with Exhibit A/letter to Juniper Customers from Commissioners (dated 4/18/01).