Docket Summary
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Docket No:  UM 976 Docket Name:  COLLOCATION ISSUES SPECIFIC TO Submit Public Comment
In the Matter of the Investigation of Rates Charged by GTE Northwest Incorporated to Provide Collocation to Requesting Telecommunications Carriers Pursuant to the Telecommunications Act of 1996, opened pursuant to Commission Order 00-292.
Filing Date:  6/2/2000      
Order:  02-107Order Signed:  2/19/2002 
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Date: 11/18/2002 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Request that Kath Thomas be replaced with Lon E. Blake on the service list; electronically received from Lon. E. Blake, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Advanced Telcom Inc. 
Date: 2/19/2002 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   02-107 
Order No. 02-107 signed by Chairman Roy Hemmingway, Commissioner Lee Beyer, and Commissioner Joan H. Smith. Disposition: Stipulations Approved. Copies mailed to UM 976 service list on 2/20/02. 
Date: 1/17/2002 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Stipulation Regarding Open Issues 5(B) and (C); signed by Renee M. Willer on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., Stephanie Andrus on behalf of Staff, and Rebecca B. DeCook on behalf of AT&T of The Pacific Northwest, Inc.; filed by Stephanie Andrus. 
Date: 12/20/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Request to remove Rebecca DeCook and Laurene Wilson from service list and replace with David Miller and Cathy Brightwell; filed by Janet Browne on behalf of Rebecca DeCook. 
Date: 10/24/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Request to remove Roger Jewett's name from the service; filed by Mark Trinchero. 
Date: 9/27/2001 Action:  LAW JUDGE CONFERENCE REPORT   
ALJ Petrillo's Conference Report; the parties agreed to resolve the remaining issues in dispute -- Issues 5(b) and 5(c); no need for the scheduled round of reply comments on October 12, 2001; and the parties will prepare a stipulation for filing with the Commission. Copies served 9/27/01.  
Date: 9/21/2001 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS   
STAFF Testimony of Tom Harris in support of the stipulation filed by some parties in this docket on 5/29/01; filed by Stephanie Andrus. 
Date: 9/17/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Request to remove Ann Hopfenbeck's name from the service list and replace it with Michel Singer-Nelson; filed by Lisa F. Rackner. 
Date: 9/12/2001 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS   
Testimony of Barbara K. Ellis on behalf of VERIZON NORTHWEST INC with supporting exhibits: Stipulation with attachments/1-4; Cost Study/1-27. Filed by Willard L. Forsyth (dated 9/10/01). 
Date: 9/10/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
AT&T COMMUNICATIONS' letter to ALJ Petrillo regarding proposed Joint Stipulation and testimony of Verizon witness Barbara K. Ellis. Faxed by Lise K. Strom. Hard copy received 9/11/01. 
Date: 9/4/2001 Action:  CONFERENCE   
TELEPHONE CONFERENCE scheduled 9/17/2001 10:30 AM City: SALEM Room: CAVE Building: PUC Address: 550 CAPITOL ST NE, STE 215 Reporter: NONE Law Judge: PETRILLO, SAM Notice of Telephone Conference; dial in number #503-378-3333. Copies served via fax and mail on 9/4/01.  
Date: 8/24/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
STAFF's Comments re: Issues 5(B) and (C); filed by Stephanie Andrus. 
Date: 8/23/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
VERIZON NORTHWEST INC 's Opening Comments; FAXED by Willard Forsyth. Hard copy rec'd 8/27/01. 
Date: 8/23/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST INC 's Opening Comments; FAXED by Mark Trinchero. Hard copy rec'd. 8/24/01. 
Date: 6/19/2001 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA   
ALJ Petrillo's Ruling and Conference Report, stating that this proceeding shall be limited to consideration of Issues 5(b) and (c), and that the following schedule is adopted: Opening Comments filed August 23, 2001 Deadline for filing Information Requests September 20, 2001 Reply Comments filed October 12, 2001 Copies served 6/19/01. 
Date: 5/30/2001 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA   
ALJ Petrillo's Ruling (combined with Notice of Telephone Conference) stating that any party objecting to the stipulation or seeking to address issues other than Issues 5(b) and (c), shall notify the Commission and all parties by June 15, 2001. Copies served 5/30/01. 
Date: 5/30/2001 Action:  CONFERENCE   
TELEPHONE CONFERENCE scheduled 6/19/2001 9:30 AM Room: CAVE Building: PUC Address: VIA PHONE Reporter: NONE Law Judge: PETRILLO, SAM Notice of Telephone Conference (combined with Ruling) with Dial in Number 503-378-3003. Copies served 5/30/01.  
Date: 5/29/2001 Action:  BRIEF   
Joint Explanatory Brief and Proposed Stipulation of Verizon Northwest, AT& T, andf Staff; FAXED by Williard Forsyth. Hard copy rec'd. 5/31/01. 
Date: 5/2/2001 Action:  LAW JUDGE CONFERENCE REPORT   
ALJ Petrillo's Conference Report. Copies served 5/2/01. 
Date: 4/18/2001 Action:  CONFERENCE   
TELEPHONE CONFERENCE scheduled 4/25/2001 City: SALEM Room: CAVE Building: PUC Address: 550 CAPITOL ST NE STE 215 Reporter: NONE Law Judge: PETRILLO, SAM Notice of Telephone Conference, Dial In Number is 503-378-3333. Copies served via fax on 4/18/01 and mail on 4/19/01.  
Date: 3/19/2001 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA   
ALJ Petrillo's Ruling; Disposition: Motion to Suspend Schedule Granted. The current schedule is suspended for a four-week period while the parties continue settlement discussions. A telephone conference will be scheduled shortly thereafter. Notice of the telephone conference will be mailed at a later date. Copies served via fax and mail on 3/19/01. 
Date: 3/14/2001 Action:  MOTION   
VERIZON NORTHWEST INC 's Motion To Suspend Schedule Pending Settlement Negotiation and For Expedited Consideration; FAXED by Willard Forsyth. Hard copy rec'd. 3/16/01. 
Date: 2/15/2001 Action:  LAW JUDGE CONFERENCE REPORT   
ALJ Petrillo's Second Prehearing Conference Report; Procedural Schedule: Verizon files Direct Testimony and Exhibits March 21, 2001 Deadline to submit Information Requests Concerning Verizon Direct Testimony and Exhibits March 30, 2001 Deadline for Verizon to Respond to Information Requests April 13, 2001 Intervenors and Staff file Direct Testimony and Exhibits May 15, 2001 Deadline to submit Information Requests Concerning Intervenor and Staff Direct Testimony And Exhibits May 21, 2001 Deadline for Intervenors and Staff to Respond to Information Requests June 4, 2001 Settlement Conference June 11, 2001 Verizon files Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits July 2, 2001 Deadline for Parties to file final Information Requests July 9, 2001 Deadline for Responding to final Information Requests July 19, 2001 Hearing July 31- August 2, 2001 The Commission's Staff will provide notice of the time and place for the settlement conference. Copies served on 2/15/01. 
Date: 2/13/2001 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Request to add K. Megan Doberneck to the service list; received from Brooks Harlow. Hard copy rec'd. 2/22/01. 
Date: 2/6/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
STAFF's Issues List (12 issues); filed by Tom Harris. 
Date: 1/23/2001 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Staff's memorandum indicating that the 1/22 and 23/01 Workshops were successful, that there will be no workshop on 1/24/01, that the issues have been narrowed down to twelve specific issues; and that the issues list will be submitted before 2/7/01; filed by Tom Harris. 
Date: 1/22/2001 Action:  CONFERENCE   
SECOND PREHEARING CONFERENCE scheduled 2/12/2001 9:00 AM City: SALEM Room: SMALL HEARING RM Building: PUC Address: 550 CAPITOL ST NE Reporter: NAEGELI & ASSOC Law Judge: PETRILLO, SAM Notice of Second Prehearing Conference to Discuss Issues List and Set Remaining Schedule. Copies served 1/22/01.  
Date: 12/22/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Notice of Staff 3 day Workshop (Jan 22-24, 2001) to investigate Verizon Northwest's rate proposals for collocation; filed by Tom Harris. Scheduled at the following times and places: Jan. 22, 2001, start time 9:00 a.m., Main Hearing Room, 1st Fl., OPUC; Jan. 23, 2001, start time 9:00 a.m., Small Hearing Room, 2nd Fl., OPUC; and Jan. 24, 2001, start time 9:00 a.m., Room D, 1st Fl., Dept. of Human Services, 500 Summer St. NE, Salem (map attached). 
Date: 12/15/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST INC 's Fifth Set of Data Requests To Verizon Northwest, Inc. fka GTE Northwest, Inc.; FAXED by Lise Strom on behalf of Rebecca B. DeCook. Hard copy rec'd. 12/18/00. 
Date: 12/5/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Staff Request No. 4. (Addressed to Renee Willer, VERIZON NORTHWEST, INC.)--Response Due 12/28/00. Filed by Tom Harris. 
Date: 11/14/2000 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA   
ALJ PETRILLO issues ruling: DISPOSITION: PETITIONS TO INTERVENE GRANTED Petitions to Intervene have been filed in this proceeding by WorldCom, Inc.; Qwest Corporation; AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest; AT&T Local Services on behalf of TCG Oregon; Covad Communications Company; New Edge Network, Inc.; McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc.; ICG Telecommunications Group, Inc.; MGC Communications, Inc., dba Mpower Communications Corporation; Electric Lightwave, Inc.; Advanced Telecom Group, Inc.; Rhythm Links, Inc.; Western Telephone Integrated Communications Company; and Sprint Corporation. The Commission has not received any objection to the petitions. I find that petitioners have sufficient interest in the proceeding and that their appearance and participation will not unreasonably broaden the issues, burden the record, or unreasonably delay the proceeding. Accordingly, all of the petitions to intervene are granted. Copies served to UM 976 service list via mail 11/14/00.  
Date: 11/6/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
VERIZON's corrections to it's October 27, 2000 filing including MRC Fixed Allocator pages 1-2 and Comparison of Rates Between 07/27/00 filing and 10/27/00 filing. Confidential Section 6 of the cost study and corresponding CD to locked cabinet # 175. Faxed by Willard L. Forsyth. Hard copy received 11/7/00. 
Date: 11/6/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signatory pages related to protective order no. 00-357 executed by Bryant L. Smith and David R. Paulson, on behalf of SPRINT. Filed by Nancy Judy for Eric S. Heath. 
Date: 11/1/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signatory pages related to protective order no. 00-357 executed by Nancy L. Judy and John E. Mitus, on behalf of SPRINT. Filed by Nancy Judy. 
Date: 10/27/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
VERIZON's Expanded Interconnection Services Cost Study - Oregon - Summary and Development of Costs [Confidential documents stored in locked cabinet env. # 175]; Collocation Template Changes (Template 5.0 to Template 5.1); Summary of Collocation Elements; and supporting exhibit 2/1-2/Comparison of Rates Between 06/23/00 filing and 10/27/00 filing. Filed by Renee Willer for Fred Logan. Located in 13RC0458 BOX 2 OF 7. 
Date: 10/27/2000 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Request to add Lawrence Reichman to service list. Filed by Hillary Rupert. 
Date: 10/25/2000 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA   
ALJ Grant prepares ruling for Petrillo. DISPOSITION: MOTION TO AMEND SCHEDULE AND FOR EXPEDITED REVIEW GRANTED On October 19, 2000, Verizon filed a motion to amend the procedural schedule in this case. Verizon makes the request for two reasons. First, Verizon notes that its primary witness for the November workshop, Larry Richter, just recently learned of an unavoidable conflict that will prevent his attendance. Second, the company states that it soon intends to make several adjustments to its collocation cost study and rate proposal. While the anticipated changes are minor, Verizon believes that Staff and other parties should have the opportunity to review them prior to the cost study workshop. For these reasons, Verizon requests the following amended schedule be adopted: EVENT DATE Verizon files amended collocation rate proposal and provides new cost study to parties that have previously requested the study and any other qualified party that submits a data request=October 27, 2000 Deadline for parties to submit first round of data requests to Verizon on new material in revised cost study=November 10, 2000 Deadline for Verizon to respond to first round of data requests November 28, 2000 Deadline for parties to submit second round of data requests to Verizon on new material in revised cost study=December 15, 2000 Deadline for Verizon to respond to second round of data requests January 5, 2001 Workshop=January 22-24, 2001 Staff provides Issues List to Parties=February 7, 2001 Second Prehearing Conference to discuss Issues List and set remaining Schedule=February 12, 2001 Finally, Verizon states that it has contacted the active parties to this docket and that all agree that the revised schedule is acceptable. Verizon seeks expedited review of its request and asks that any reply in opposition to it be filed by Tuesday, October 24, 2001. Due to the short time period until the currently scheduled November workshop, good cause exists to deviate from the standard timelines to file a reply to this motion. See OAR 860-011-000(6) and OAR 860-013-0050(2). Verizon's request for expedited review is granted. No party filed an objection to Verizon's motion to amend the schedule, and the time for doing so has passed. Accordingly, the revised schedule set forth above is adopted. Copies served to UM 976 service list via fax 10/25/00 and via mail 10/26/00. 
Date: 10/19/2000 Action:  MOTION   
VERIZON's Motion to Amend Schedule; Motion for Expedited Review, requesting that the following amended schedule be adopted: October 27, 2000 - VERIZON filed amended collocation rate proposal with Commission; Verizon provides new cost study to parties who have previously requested the study and any other party who submits a data request requesting the study and who has signed the protective order. November 10, 2000 - Last day for 1st round of data requests by Staff and intervenors - scope of requests is limited to material in the new study that has changed from the previous study. November 28, 2000 - Last day for VERIZON to respond to 1st round of data requests. December 15, 2000 - Last day for 2nd round of data requests by Staff and intervenors - scope remains limited to new material. January 5, 2001 - Last day for VERIZON to respond to 2nd round of data requests. January 22-24, 2001 - Workshop February 7, 2001 - Staff provides issues list to parties. February 12, 2001 - Second prehearing conference to discuss issues list and set remaining schedule. Faxed by Willard L. Forsyth. Hard copy received 10/20/00. 
Date: 10/18/2000 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
Request to replace Lise K. Strom's name for Dale Dixon in UM 823, UM 975 and UM 976 dockets and add Lise Strom's name to telecom service list. filed electronically by Lise K. Strom. 
Date: 10/13/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signatory pages relating to protective order no. 00-357 for Ron Trullinger, Randall Kim and Don Mason executed on behalf of QWEST. Filed by Elizabeth M. Weber. 
Date: 10/3/2000 Action:  CONFERENCE   
Notice of the workshop to discuss VERIZON NORTHWEST's (fka GTE NORTHWEST INCORPORATED) rate proposals for collocation will be held: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - November 1-3, 2000 Beginning at 9:00 a.m. each day and ending late afternoon each day. Place: Public Utility Commission Building, 550 Capitol St NE, [Wednesday and Friday - Small Hearing Room - 2nd floor; Thursday - Main Hearing Room - 1st floor] Filed by Tom Harris. 
Date: 9/18/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signatory page related to protective order no. 00-357 for Timothy Peters on behalf of Electric Lightwave, Inc. Filed by Debbie J. Reed. 
Date: 9/15/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signatory page relating to protective order no. 00-357 executed by Marianne K. Holifield on behalf of McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services. Filed by Debbie J. Reed. 
Date: 9/8/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signatory pages related to protective order no. 00-357 executed for Lisa L. Kirk on behalf of Rhythms Link, Inc., for Kathryn L. Thomas, Sharon Thomas & Kathleen M. Marshall on behalf of Advanced Telcom Group, INc., for Penny H. Bewick & Robert Y. McMillin on behalf of New Edge Network, Inc., and for Sarah Bradley on behalf of Covad. Filed by Debbie J. Reed. 
Date: 9/6/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
SPRINT CORPORATION's Petition for Late Intervention. Faxed by Eric S. Heath. Hard copy received 9/7/00. 
Date: 8/23/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Letter regarding GLOBAL CROSSING LOCAL SERVICES INC's respectful request to withdraw its Petition to Intervene. Faxed by Lise K. Strom. Hard copy of 8/23/2000 fax received 8/24/2000. 
Date: 8/15/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signatory page related to protective order no. 00-357 executed by Laura Imeson, Laurene Wilson, Janet Browne, David England, Rebecca DeCook and Ronald Stanker on behalf of A T & T. Filed by Janet Browne. 
Date: 8/7/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
ICG COMMUNICATION's Petition to Intervene (dated 7/6/00 - certificate of service dated 8/4/00). Filed by Christopher Crean.  
Date: 8/7/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
MGC COMMUNICATIONS INC., dba MPOWER COMMUNICATIONS CORP's Petition to Intervene (dated 7/6/00 - certificate of service dated 8/4/00). Filed by Christopher Crean.  
Date: 8/7/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
COVAD COMMUNICATIONS CO's Petition to Intervene (dated 7/6/00 - certificate of service dated 8/4/00). Filed by Christopher Crean.  
Date: 8/7/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
WESTERN TELEPHONE INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS INC's Petition to Intervene (dated 7/6/00 - certificate of service dated 8/4/00). Filed by Christopher Crean.  
Date: 8/4/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
RHYTHMS LINKS INC's petition to intervene. Faxed by Mark Trinchero. Hard copy received 8/7/00. 
Date: 8/3/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
GLOBAL CROSSING LOCAL SERVICES INC's petition to intervene. Faxed by Mark P. Trinchero. Hard copy received 8/4/00. 
Date: 8/3/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
ADVANCED TELCOM GROUP INC's petition to intervene. Filed by Mark P. Trinchero.  
Date: 8/3/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE INC's petition to intervene. Filed by Mark P. Trinchero. 
Date: 8/3/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signature page related to Order No. 00-357 executed by Richard J. Busch on behalf of COVAD COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY, ICG TELCOM GROUP, INC., and MGC COMMUNICATIONS d/b/a MPOWER. Filed by Christopher D. Crean. 
Date: 8/2/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INC's petition to intervene. Faxed by Mark P. Trinchero. Hard copy received 8/3/00. 
Date: 8/2/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
NEW EDGE NETWORK INC's petition to intervene. Faxed by Mark P. Trinchero, Hard copy served 8/3/00. 
Date: 8/2/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
COVAD COMMUNICATIONS CO's petition to intervene. Faxed by Mark P. Trinchero. Hard copy filed 8/3/00. 
Date: 7/31/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC., and AT&T LOCAL SERVICES on behalf of TCG OREGON ("AT&T"), pursuant to OAR 860-013-0021, petition to intervene in this case. Filed by Rebecca B. DeCook and Thomas C. Pelto. 
Date: 7/28/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signatory page relating to Order No. 00-357 executed by Ann Hopfenbeck and Heidi Yore on behalf of WORLDCOM, INC. Filed by Heidi Kristen Yore. 
Date: 7/27/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
GTE submits a glossary of rate elements (definitions) for Oregon Collocation in this docket. Faxed by Fred Logan. Hard copy received 7/31/00. 
Date: 7/27/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signatory page regarding protective order no. 00-357 signed by Arthur A. Butler, Gretchen E. Eoff, and Aimee Meacham on behalf of WORLDCOM, INC. Filed by Donna L. Locke, paralegal. 
Date: 7/27/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signature page related to Order No. 00-357 executed by Brooks E. Harlow on behalf of COVAD COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY, ICG TELCOM GROUP, INC., and MGC COMMUNICATIONS d/b/a MPOWER. Filed by Christopher D. Crean. 
Date: 7/20/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
GTE COMMUNICATIONS CORP Submits rate proposal for Oregon Collocation. Faxed by Fred Logan. Hard copy received 7/24/00. 
Date: 7/20/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signatory page from protective order no. 00-357. Filed by Christopher Crean. 
Date: 7/19/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signatory Page (protective order no. 00-357) on behalf of WORLDCOM, INC. filed by Donna L. Locke, paralegal to Lisa F. Rackner. 
Date: 7/13/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
QWEST fka U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS petitions for intervention pursuant to OAR 860-013-0021 in this case. Faxed by Peter Butler. Hard copy received 7/14/00. 
Date: 7/13/2000 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
Signatory page submitted by Mark Trinchero related to order no. 00-357. 
Date: 7/10/2000 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   00-357 
Protective Order. Filed By ALJ Sam Petrillo. Copies served. 
Date: 7/10/2000 Action:  LAW JUDGE CONFERENCE REPORT   
Prehearing Conference Report establishing procedural schedule: GTE files collocation rate proposal in non-tariff format including prices and definitions of rate elements = July 20, 2000; Deadline for filing petitions to intervene = August 4, 2000; Deadline for parties to submit the first round of interrogatories to GTE = September 7, 2000; GTE responds to first round of interrogatories = September 21, 2000; Deadline for parties to submit second round of interrogatories to GTE = October 2, 2000; GTE responds to second round of interrogatories October 16, 2000; Workshop to discuss collocation rate proposals November 1-3, 2000; PUC Staff files proposed issues list November 13, 2000; Second prehearing conference to discuss issues list and establish hearing schedule = November 17, 2000. Filed by Sam Petrillo.  
Date: 7/6/2000 Action:  MOTION   
GTE's Motion for Protective Order. Faxed by: Willard L. Forsyth, Attorney. Hard copy received 7/7/00. 
Date: 6/16/2000 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE   
WORLDCOM, INC. Petition to Intervene as a party. Also to include Ann E. Hopfenbeck of Worldcom, Inc and Lisa Rackner. filed by Lisa Rackner. 
Date: 6/9/2000 Action:  CONFERENCE   
PREHEARING CONFERENCE scheduled 7/6/2000 10:00 AM City: SALEM OR Room: MAIN HEARING ROOM Building: PUC Address: 550 CAPITOL ST NE Reporter: HAYS Notice of Prehearing Conference mailed on 6/9/00 to TC List and UT 150 Service List.  
In the Matter of the Investigation of Rates Charged by GTE Northwest Incorporated to Provide Collocation to Requesting Telecommunications Carriers Pursuant to the Telecommunications Act of 1996, opened pursuant to Commission Order 00-292.