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Docket No:  ADV 1643 Docket Name:  CASCADE ADVICE NO. 024-08-01 OLIBA PROGRAM Submit Public Comment
Subject Company:  CASCADE NATURAL GAS    
Cascade Advice No. O24-08-01 Oregon Low Income Bill Assistance Program. The purpose of this filing is to seek the following changes to the Company's Oregon Low-Income Bill Assistance ("OLIBA") program as established in Schedule 32 prior to the start of...
Filing Date:  8/27/2024 Advice No: O24-08-01    Public Mtg: 9/19/2024   
Effective:  10/1/2024 Expiration:   Status:  ALLOWED
Case Manager:  KATE AYRES Phone:  503-510-9611
Email:   kate.ayres@puc.oregon.gov
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Date: 9/19/2024 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)  Searchable Doc  
Proof of service of letter 9/19/2024. 
Date: 9/19/2024 Action:  ALLOWED (APPROVED) UTILITY FILING  Searchable Doc  
Letter sent.  
Date: 9/11/2024 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
ADV 1643 - Staff Report for the September 19, 2024 Public Meeting (Item No. CA3), by Kate Ayres.  
Date: 8/27/2024 Action:  INITIAL UTILITY FILING  Searchable Doc  
Cascade Advice No. O24-08-01 Oregon Low Income Bill Assistance Program. The purpose of this filing is to seek the following changes to the Company's Oregon Low-Income Bill Assistance ("OLIBA") program as established in Schedule 32 prior to the start of the next program year on October 1, 2024.