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Docket No:  UG 514 Docket Name:  NW NATURAL ADVICE NO. 24-15 AMORTIZATION OF COVID-19 COSTS Submit Public Comment
Subject Company:  NORTHWEST NATURAL    
In the Matter of NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY, dba NW NATURAL, Advice No. 24-15, Updates to Schedule 173, Amortization for Costs Associated with COVID-19 Pandemic. Filed by Kyle Walker. Served to Gas Industry List.
Filing Date:  8/1/2024 Advice No: 24-15A      
Effective:  11/1/2024 Expiration:   Status:  PENDING
Case Manager:  BRET FARRELL Phone:  971-375-5083-
Email:   bret.farrell@puc.oregon.gov
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Date: 9/6/2024 Action:  REPLACEMENT SHEETS, ADDITIONAL MATERIAL  Searchable Doc  
NW Natural's Advice No. 24-15A Replacement Filing. The purpose of this replacement filing is to update the revenue sensitivity rate from 2.883% to 3.035% as the Company inadvertently did not update the uncollectible portion of the rate at the time of the August 1 filing. 
Date: 8/1/2024 Action:  INITIAL UTILITY FILING  Searchable Doc  
In the Matter of NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY, dba NW NATURAL, Advice No. 24-15, Updates to Schedule 173, Amortization for Costs Associated with COVID-19 Pandemic. Filed by Kyle Walker. Served to Gas Industry List.