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Docket No:  UM 2307 Docket Name:  CASCADE RNG PROGRAM PETITION Submit Public Comment
Subject Company:  CASCADE NATURAL GAS    
In the Matter of CASCADE NATURAL GAS CORPORATION, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Program Petition as required per Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 860-150-0400(1). Filed by Jacob Betterbed. Original filing was removed as it contained confidential....
Filing Date:  11/9/2023      
Case Manager:  ERIC SHIERMAN Phone:  971-239-3916
Email:   eric.shierman@puc.oregon.gov
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Date: 9/17/2024 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Presentation for 9/17/24 Workshop; filed by Eric Shierman. 
Date: 7/30/2024 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Workshop Agenda Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 Time: 10:00-11:30 AM Via Zoom  
Date: 4/29/2024 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
CUB's request to change the service list by removing Michael Goetz and adding Jennifer Hill-Hart, filed by Sharif Morton. 
Date: 3/1/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order No. 24-025, filed by Jennifer Hill-Hart. Persons qualified to receive Highly Confidential Information under Paragraph 9: Jennifer Hill-Hart, Clair Valentine-Fossum, Robert Jenks, Mike Goetz, John Garrett, Ryan Tran, Sarah Wochele, Shariff Morton.  
Date: 3/1/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Signatory Pages related to General Protective Order No. 23-132, filed by Jennifer Hill-Hart. Persons qualified under Paragraph 10: Jennifer Hill-Hart, Claire Valentine-Fossum, Robert Jenks, Mike Goetz, John Garrett, Ryan Tran, Sarah Wochele, and Sharif Morton.  
Date: 2/6/2024 Action:  INITIAL (APPLICATION, COMPLAINT, PETITION)  Searchable Doc  
In the Matter of CASCADE NATURAL GAS CORPORATION, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Program Petition as required per Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 860-150-0400(1). Confidential and Highly Confidential to Agency Folder  
Date: 2/1/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Cascade Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order No. 24-025, filed by Jocelyn Pease. Persons qualified under Paragraph 9 to receive Highly Confidential Information: Michael Parvinen, Lori Blattner, Jennifer Gross, Jocelyn Pease, Cole Albee, and Lauren Richards.  
Date: 2/1/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Cascades Signatory Pages related to General Protective Order No. 23-132, filed by Jocelyn Pease Persons qualified under Paragraph 10: Jocelyn Pease and Jennifer Gross.  
Date: 1/29/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Signatory Page Related to Modified Protective Order No. 24-025. Person qualified to receive Highly Confidential Information under Paragraph 9: Chad Stokes. Person seeking qualification under Paragraph 10: Bradley Mullins.  
Date: 1/29/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Signatory Page related to General Protective Order No. 23-132 filed by Chad Stokes. Person qualified under Paragraph 10: Chad Stokes. Person seeking qualification under Paragraph 11: Bradley Mullins.  
Date: 1/26/2024 Action:  PROTECTIVE ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   24-025 
Modified Protective Order No. 24-025, signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Nolan Moser; DISPOSITION: MOTION FOR MODIFIED PROTECTIVE ORDER GRANTED. Copies served on 1/26/24.  
Date: 1/25/2024 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
Chief ALJ Nolan Moser issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: PETITION TO INTERVENE GRANTED FOR LIMITED PURPOSES. Copies served on 1/25/24.  
Date: 1/25/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES   
Cascade's Signatory Pages related to General Protective Order No. 23-132, filed by Jocelyn Pease. Persons qualified thereunder: Michael Parvinen, Lori Blattner, Jocelyn Pease, Cole Albee, and Lauren Richards. See 1/25/24 Notice.  
Date: 1/25/2024 Action:  NOTICE  Searchable Doc  
Cascades Notice of Use of General Protective Order No. 23-132. Filed by Jocelyn Pease.  
Date: 1/24/2024 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
Cascade's Motion for Modified Protective Order [Expedited Consideration Requested], filed by Joceyln Pease.  
Date: 1/24/2024 Action:  NOTICE  Searchable Doc  
Cascade Natural Gas Corporation's Notice of Appearance of Jocelyn Pease as Counsel. Filed by Jocelyn Pease.  
Date: 12/4/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Request for Huddle Access, filed by Michael Goetz.  
Date: 12/4/2023 Action:  NOTICE  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Notice of Intervention, with contacts of Michael Goetz, John Garrett, and Oregon CUB Dockets. Filed by Michael Goetz.  
Date: 11/30/2023 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Petition to Intervene, with contacts of Chad Stokes and Brad Mullins. Filed by Chad Stokes.  
In the Matter of CASCADE NATURAL GAS CORPORATION, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Program Petition as required per Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 860-150-0400(1). Filed by Jacob Betterbed. Original filing was removed as it contained confidential. Petition was refiled on 2/6/24