Docket Summary
***If sending a message to PUC staff, please note that as of March 29, 2021, all emails end with @puc.oregon.gov (instead of @state.or.us).

Docket No:  UE 436 Docket Name:  PGE 2025 ANNUAL POWER COST UPDATE TARIFF (AUT) Submit Public Comment
* This docket is a contested case. See the Internal Operating Guidelines and OAR 860-001
In the Matter of PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, 2025 Annual Power Cost Update Tariff. Filed by Shay LaBray. Copies served to Electric List.
Filing Date:  2/29/2024      
Case Manager:  ANNA KIM Phone:  971-239-2887
Email:   anna.kim@puc.oregon.gov
Law Judge:  KATIE MAPES Phone:  
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Date: 7/17/2024 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Settlement Status Update, filed by Kim Burton.  
Date: 7/15/2024 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PGE's July 15, 2024 MONET Update, filed by Jaki Ferchland. Public and Highly Confidential versions are too voluminous to post and will be kept in the Official File.  
Date: 7/1/2024 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's 2025 Annual Power Cost Update Tariff, Planned Thermal Maintenance Update in complaince with Order No. 09-433. Filed by Jaki Ferchland Confidential Saved to Agency Folder.  
Date: 6/24/2024 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)  Searchable Doc  
CUB's letter stating it does not intend on filing testimony. Filed by Claire Valentine-Fossum.  
Date: 6/24/2024 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Opening Testimony and Exhibits of Bradley Mullings (AWEC/100-106, Mullins). Filed by Nannette Moller. Confidential to Agency Folder 
Date: 6/24/2024 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
Staff’s Opening Testimony and Exhibits of Anna Kim (Staff/100-101, Kim), Julie Dyck (Staff/200-203, Dyck), David Abraham (Staff/300-301, Abraham), Ted Drennan (Staff/400-404, Drennan). Filed by Mark Brown. Non-Confidential Native Excel Spreadsheets, Confidential, and Highly Confidential saved to Agency Folder.  
Date: 5/20/2024 Action:  PRO HAC VICE RULING  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: MOTION TO ADMIT COUNSEL PRO HAC VICE GRANTED. Copies served on 5/20/24. 
Date: 5/16/2024 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Amend Motion admit Claire Valentine-Fossum to appear pro hac vice, filed by Jennifer Hill-Hart. 
Date: 5/8/2024 Action:  FUNDING ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   24-132 
Order No. 24-132 signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Nolan Moser; Disposition: Proposed Budget for Issue Fund Grant Approved. Copies served 5/8/24.  
Date: 5/2/2024 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Motion to Admit Claire Valentine-Fossum Counsel Pro Hac Vice, with Supporting Documents. Filed by Jennifer Hill-Hart.  
Date: 5/2/2024 Action:  HUDDLE REQUEST  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Request to Update Authorized Huddle Users, filed by Jesse Gorsuch. 
Date: 5/2/2024 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
AWEC Request to Update Service Lists by removing Jesse O. Gorsuch and Adding Nannette Moller, filed by Jesse O. Gorsuch. 
Date: 5/2/2024 Action:  MPO SIGNATORY PAGE  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Signatory Page related to Modified Protective Order No. 24-098, filed by Jesse Gorsuch. Person seeking qualification to access Highly Protective Information under Paragraph 14: Nannette Moller.  
Date: 5/1/2024 Action:  GPO SIGNATORY PAGE  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Signatory Pages related to General Protective Order No. 23-132, filed by Nannette Moller. Persons qualified under Paragraph 10: Nannette Moller. 
Date: 4/23/2024 Action:  MPO SIGNATORY PAGE  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order No. 24-098. Persons qualified thereunder to receive Highly Protected Information under Paragraph 14: Claire Valentine-Fossum, Robert Jenks, Jennifer Hill-Hart, John Garrett, Ryan Tran, Sarah Wochele, and Sharif Morton.  
Date: 4/23/2024 Action:  MPO SIGNATORY PAGE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order No. 24-098, filed by Kim Burton. Persons qualified to receive Highly Confidential Information under Paragraph 14: Kim Burton, Lauren Davis, Megan Billinger, Erin Schwartz, Elly Pederson, Taylor LaPrairie, Colin Wright, Stefan Cristea, Jaki Ferchland, Danielle McCain, Mary Widman, Greg Batzlker, Shay LaBray, Jarek Oliver, Sophiya Vora, and Darrington Outama.  
Date: 4/19/2024 Action:  MPO SIGNATORY PAGE  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order No. 24-098, filed by Jesse Gorsuch. Persons qualified under Paragraph 14 to receive Highly Protected Information: Tyler Pepple, Brent Coleman, Jesse Gorsuch, and Bradley Mullins.  
Date: 4/19/2024 Action:  MODIFIED PROTECTIVE ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   24-098 
Modified Protective Order No. 24-098, signed by Administrative Law Judge Katharine Mapes; DISPOSITION: MOTION FOR MODIFIED PROTECTIVE ORDER GRANTED. Copies served on 4/19/24.  
Date: 4/15/2024 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PGE's April 15, 2024 MONET Update, filed by Jaki Ferchland. Public and Confidential versions are too voluminous to post and will be kept in the Official File.  
Date: 4/12/2024 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: RESPONSE TIME SHORTENED. Copies served on 4/12/24.  
Date: 4/12/2024 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Motion for Modified Protective Order [Expedited Consideration Requested], filed by Kim Burton.  
Date: 4/1/2024 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PGE's April 1, 2024 MONET Update, filed by Jaki Ferchland. Public and Confidential versions are too voluminous to post and will be kept in the Official File.  
Date: 3/29/2024 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Request for Huddle Acces, filed by Jennifer Hill-Hart.  
Date: 3/29/2024 Action:  GPO SIGNATORY PAGE  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Signatory Page related to General Protective Order No. 23-132, filed by Jennifer Hill-Hart. Persons qualified under Paragraph 10: Jennifer Hill-Hart, Claire Valentine-Fossum, Robert Jenks, John Garrett, Ryan Tran, Sarah Wochele, and Sharif Morton.  
Date: 3/29/2024 Action:  CUB NOTICE OF INTERVENTION  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Notice of Intervention, with contacts of Jennifer Hill-Hart, Bob Jenks, and Oregon CUB Dockets. Filed by Jennifer Hill-Hart.  
Date: 3/25/2024 Action:  LAW JUDGE CONFERENCE REPORT  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Prehearing Conference Memorandum. Notice of Contested Case Rights and Procedures attached. Copies served on 3/25/24.  
Date: 3/25/2024 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Proposed Budget, filed by Tyler C. Pepple. Tags: intervenor funding proposed budgets  
Date: 3/19/2024 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Request for Huddle Access, filed by Jesse Gorsuch.  
Date: 3/19/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Signatory Page related to General Protective Order No. 23-132, filed by Tyler Pepple. Persons qualified under Paragraph 10: Tyler Pepple, Brent Coleman, Corrine Olson, Jesse Gorsuch, Anna Congdon, and Rainbow Wainright. Person seeking qualification under Paragraph 11: Bradley Mullins.  
Date: 3/18/2024 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: PETITION TO INTERVENE GRANTED. Notice of Contested Case Rights and Procedures attached. Copies served on 3/18/24. 
Date: 3/14/2024 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Minimum Filing Requirements for Net Variable Power Cost (NVPC) proceedings. Filed by Jaki Ferchland. Public and Confidential versions are too voluminous to post and will be kept in the Official File.  
Date: 3/11/2024 Action:  CONFERENCE  Searchable Doc  
Notice of Prehearing Conference. Copies served to UE 436 and Electric Service Lists on 3/11/24. CONFERENCE scheduled 3/21/2024 10:00 AM Room: VIA ZOOM Reporter: ZOOM RECORDING Law Judge: MAPES, KATIE  
Date: 3/6/2024 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Updated Initial Filing Cover Letter, filed by Shay LaBray.  
Date: 3/5/2024 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Notice of Intent to Request Issue Fund Grant. Filed by Tyler Pepple.  
Date: 3/5/2024 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Petition to Intervene, with contacts of Tyler Pepple, Jesse Gorsuch, and Brent Coleman. Filed by Tyler Pepple. 
Date: 2/29/2024 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS   
PGE's Direct Testimony of Erin Schwartz, Darrington Outama, and Stefan Cristea (PGE/100-101, Schwartz-Outama-Cristea). See Initial Application for electronic version.  
Date: 2/29/2024 Action:  INITIAL (APPLICATION, COMPLAINT, PETITION)  Searchable Doc  
In the Matter of PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, 2025 Annual Power Cost Update Tariff. Filed by Shay LaBray. Copies served to Electric List.  
Date: 2/29/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES   
PGE's List of Signatories related to General Protective Order No. 23-132. Persons qualified thereunder: Kim Burton, Erin Apperson, Lauren Davis, Megan Billinger, Barbara Parr, Shay LaBray, Jaki Ferchland, Danielle McCain, Mary Widman, Greg Batzler, Stefan Cristea, Stephen Leeb, Ben Orndoff, Tom Kenny, Martin Day, Rob Macfarlane, Christopher Pleasant, Erin Schwartz, Darrington Outama, Sophiya Vhora, Colin Wright, Jarek Oliver, Elly Pedersen, Taylor LaPrairie, Aaron Rodehorst, and Brett Sims. See 2/29/24 Notice.  
Date: 2/29/2024 Action:  NOTICE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Notice of Use of General Protective Order No. 23-132. Filed by Kim Burton.  


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