Docket Summary
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Docket No:  ADV 1533 Docket Name:  PGE ADVICE NO. 23-13 SCHEDULES 52 AND 56 NONRESIDENTIAL EV TARIFF UPDATES Submit Public Comment
PGE Advice No. 23-13, Schedule 52 and 56 Nonresidential Electric Vehicle Tariff Updates. The purpose of this filing is to update existing Schedules 52 and 56 to incorporate the business portion of the business and multi-family make-ready solutions Phase...
Filing Date:  8/9/2023 Advice No: 23-13      
Effective:  9/22/2023 Expiration:   Status:  WITHDRAWN
Case Manager:  JOSEPH ABRAHAM Phone:  (503) 428-0699
Email:   joseph.abraham@puc.oregon.gov
Staff Contact:  ERIC SHIERMAN Phone:  971-239-3916
Email:   eric.shierman@puc.oregon.gov
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General information about Tariff Filings.

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Date: 8/23/2023 Action:  WITHDRAWN UTILITY FILING  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Withdrawal of Advice No. 23-13  
Date: 8/9/2023 Action:  INITIAL UTILITY FILING  Searchable Doc  
PGE Advice No. 23-13, Schedule 52 and 56 Nonresidential Electric Vehicle Tariff Updates. The purpose of this filing is to update existing Schedules 52 and 56 to incorporate the business portion of the business and multi-family make-ready solutions Phase 1 programs proposed in PGE's 2023 Monthly Meter Charge filing and approved by Commission Order No. 23-147. 


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