Docket Summary
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Docket No:  ADV 1439 Docket Name:  PGE ADVICE NO. 22-26 SCHEDULE 123 DECOUPLING ADJUSTMENT Submit Public Comment
PGE Advice No. 22-26, Schedule 123 Decoupling Adjustment. The purpose of this filing is to implement in rates the 2021 results of the Sales Normalization Adjustment (SNA) portion of the Schedule 123 Decoupling Adjustment and the Nonresidential Lost...
Filing Date:  10/27/2022 Advice No: 22-26    Public Mtg: 12/13/2022   
Effective:  1/1/2023 Expiration:   Status:  ALLOWED
Case Manager:  BRET STEVENS Phone:  
Email:   bret.stevens@puc.oregon.gov
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General information about Tariff Filings.

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Date: 12/14/2022 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)  Searchable Doc  
Proof of service of letter 12/13/2022. 
Date: 12/13/2022 Action:  ALLOWED (APPROVED) UTILITY FILING  Searchable Doc  
Letter sent. 
Date: 12/7/2022 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
Staff Report for December 13, 2022 Public Meeting (Item No. CA3) by Bret Stevens.  
Date: 11/21/2022 Action:  REPLACEMENT SHEETS, ADDITIONAL MATERIAL  Searchable Doc  
PGE Supplemental Filing of Advice No. 22-26, Schedule 123 Decoupling Adjustment. PGE initially filed Advice 22-26 on October 27, 2022, with a requested effective date of January 1, 2023, which remains as originally filed. PGE is submitting this Supplemental Filing because it was discovered that the Projected Applicable Incremental Energy Efficiency (EE) Activity, contained the forecasted Schedule 83 load which is not subject to the Nonresidential Lost Revenue Recovery Adjustment (LRRA) mechanism. PGE has removed the forecasted Schedule 83 load from the Applicable Incremental Energy Efficiency Activity which results in a change to the 2021 LRRA results. 
Date: 10/27/2022 Action:  INITIAL UTILITY FILING  Searchable Doc  
PGE Advice No. 22-26, Schedule 123 Decoupling Adjustment. The purpose of this filing is to implement in rates the 2021 results of the Sales Normalization Adjustment (SNA) portion of the Schedule 123 Decoupling Adjustment and the Nonresidential Lost Revenue Recovery Adjustment (LRRA). 


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