Docket Summary
***If sending a message to PUC staff, please note that as of March 29, 2021, all emails end with @puc.oregon.gov (instead of @state.or.us).

Docket No:  UM 1789 Docket Name:  PGE DEFERRAL OF COSTS RELATED TO SCHEDULE 149 Submit Public Comment
* This docket is a contested case. See the Internal Operating Guidelines and OAR 860-001
         See also:  LEGAL HOLD   UE 311
In the Matter of PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Application to Defer Revenues and Costs Related to the Environmental Remediation Costs Recovery Adjustment, Schedule 149; Filed by Douglas Tingey. [Confidential pages in locked cabinet, env. no. 792.]...
Filing Date:  7/15/2016    Public Mtg: 3/19/2024   
Case Manager:  Mitch Moore Phone:  971-375-5094
Email:   mitch.moore@puc.oregon.gov
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Date: 6/26/2024 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Compliance per Order No. 17-071, Portland Harbor Environmental Remediation Account June 2024 Quarterly Update, filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential to Agency Folder  
Date: 3/29/2024 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Compliance per Order No. 17-071, 2023 Annual Report and March 2024 Quarterly Update Report on Activities in Portland General Electric's Portland Harbor Environmental Remediation Account (PHERA). Filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential to agency folder.  
Date: 3/28/2024 Action:  GPO SIGNATORY PAGE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Signatory Pages related to Protective Order No. 16-270, filed by Brendan McCarthy. Persons qualified under Paragraph 12: Brendan McCarthy, Richard George, Megan Billinger, and Lauren Davis. Persons seeking qualification under Paragraph 13: Stefan Brown, Keith Johnson, Mary Widman, and Danielle McCain.  
Date: 3/26/2024 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Request to Update the Service List, removing Jay Tinker and adding Shay LaBray. Filed by Danielle McCain.  
Date: 3/21/2024 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   24-076 
Order No. 24-076, signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Nolan Moser, DISPOSITION: STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Copies served on 3/21/24.  
Date: 3/15/2024 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Compliance per Order No. 17-071, Prudence Review of PHERA Account. Filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential to agency folder  
Date: 3/14/2024 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
Staff Report for the March 19, 2024 Public Meeting (Item No. CA13), by Mitchell Moore.  
Date: 12/29/2023 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   23-490 
Order No. 23-490, signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Nolan Moser; DISPOSITION: STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Copies served on 12/29/23. 
Date: 12/21/2023 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789(7) - Staff Report for the December 28, 2023 Public Meeting (Item No. CA26), by Mitchell Moore.  
Date: 12/18/2023 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Compliance per Order No. 17-071, Portland Harbor Environmental Remediation Account 2023 quarterly update, filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential to Agency Folder  
Date: 9/29/2023 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Compliance per Order No. 17-071, Portland Harbor Environmental Remediation Account 2023 quartely update, filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential saved to agency folder. 
Date: 7/19/2023 Action:  SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789(7) - In the Matter of PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Application to Defer Revenues and Costs Related to the Environmental Remediation Costs Recovery Adjustment, Schedule 149, Filed by Jaki Ferchland. Served to electric list. Confidential to agency folder.  
Date: 6/28/2023 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Compliance per Order No. 17-071, Portland Harbor Environmental Remediation Account 2023 quartely update, filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential saved to agency folder. 
Date: 3/31/2023 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Compliance per Order No. 17-071, Portland Harbor Environmental Remediation Account 2022 annual report, filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential saved to agency folder. 
Date: 3/15/2023 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Compliance per Order No. 17-071, Prudence Review of PHERA Account. Filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential saved to agency folder.  
Date: 12/29/2022 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   22-501 
Order No. 22-501 signed by Nolan Moser, Chief Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Copies served on 12/29/22. 
Date: 12/28/2022 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's September 2022 Quarterly Update on Activities in PHERA. Filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential processed to agency folder  
Date: 12/22/2022 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
Staff Report for the December 27, 2022 Public Meeting (Item No. CA18), by Kathy Zarate.  
Date: 12/1/2022 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   22-465 
UM 1789(6) - Order No. 22-465, signed by Nolan Moser, Chief Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Copies served on 12/1/22. 
Date: 11/22/2022 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
Staff Report for the November 29, 2022 Public Meeting (Item No. CA4), by Kathy Zarate.  
Date: 10/18/2022 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   22-376 
Order No. 22-376, signed by Nolan Moser, Chief Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: MOTION TO AMEND GENERAL PROTECTIVE ORDER NO. 16-270 GRANTED. Copies served on 10/18/22.  
Date: 10/6/2022 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Motion to Amend General Protective Order No. 16-270 and Set Date Certain for Expiration, filed by Brendan McCarthy.  
Date: 9/30/2022 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's September 2022 Quarterly Update on Activities in PHERA. Confidential processed to agency folder  
Date: 7/19/2022 Action:  NOTICE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Notice of Application for Reauthorization In the Matter of PGE Deferral of Costs Related to Schedule 149 
Date: 7/19/2022 Action:  SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789(6) - In the Matter of PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Application to Defer Revenues and Costs Related to the Environmental Remediation Costs Recovery Adjustment, Schedule 149, Filed by Jaki Ferchland. Served to electric list. Confidential processed to Agency Folder  
Date: 6/29/2022 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Quarterly Update Report on Activities in Portland Harbor Environmental Remediation Account in Compliance with Order No. 17-071. Filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential Saved in Agency Folder.  
Date: 3/30/2022 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Annual Report and March 2022 Quarterly Update Report on Activities in Portland General Electric's Portland Harbor Environmental Remediation Account (PHERA). Filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential processed to Agency Folder 
Date: 3/15/2022 Action:  COMPLIANCE   
PGE's Prudence Review of Portland General Electric’s Portland Harbor Environmental Remediation Account (PHERA) 
Date: 12/28/2021 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   21-488 
Order No. 21-488, signed by Nolan Moser, Chief Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Copies served on 12/28/21.  
Date: 12/27/2021 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's December 2021 Quarterly Update on Activities in PHERA.  
Date: 12/22/2021 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
Staff Report for the December 28, 2021 Public Meeting (Item No. CA19), by Mitchell Moore.  
Date: 12/2/2021 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   21-453 
UM 1789(5) - Order No. 21-453, signed by Nolan Moser, Chief Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Copies served on 12/2/2021.  
Date: 11/24/2021 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789(5) - Staff Report for the November 30, 2021 Public Meeting (Item No. CA15), by Mitchell Moore.  
Date: 9/30/2021 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's September 2021 Quarterly Update on Activities in PHERA. (Protected Information processed.) 
Date: 7/22/2021 Action:  AMENDED (APPLICATION, COMPLAINT, PETITION)  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789(5) PGE's Corrected Application for Deferral Reauthorization, filed by Jaki Ferchland.  
Date: 7/19/2021 Action:  SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789(5) - In the Matter of PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Application to Defer Revenues and Costs Related to the Environmental Remediation Costs Recovery Adjustment, Schedule 149, Filed by Jaki Ferchland. Served to electric list. Confidential saved to Agency Confidential. 
Date: 6/28/2021 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's June 2021 Quarterly Update on Activities in PHERA. Confidential attachment 1 filed in Agency Confidential folder. Confidential Attachment 2 submitted to puc.worpapers. 
Date: 6/10/2021 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 16-270, filed by Brendan McCarthy. Qualified person thereunder: Brendan McCarthy.  
Date: 6/10/2021 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Request to Change the Service List, removing Douglas Tingey and adding Brendan McCarthy. This filing also requests to remove Douglas Tingey as signatory to Protective Order No. 16-270. Filed by Brendan McCarthy.  
Date: 3/31/2021 Action:  SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION  Searchable Doc  
PGE Annual Compliance Report for PHERA filed by Jaki Ferchland.  
Date: 3/15/2021 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Prudence Review of Portland General Electric’s Portland Harbor Environmental Remediation Account (PHERA) 
Date: 12/30/2020 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's December 2020 Quarterly Update and Annual PHERA Report, filed by Jaki Ferchland.  
Date: 9/30/2020 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's September 2020 Quarterly Update and Annual PHERA Report, filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential processed to agency folder  
Date: 9/25/2020 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   20-314 
UM 1789(3) and (4) - Order No. 20-314, signed by Nolan Moser, Chief Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Copies served on 9/25/20. 
Date: 9/17/2020 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789(3) and (4) - Staff Report for the September 22, 2020 Public Meeting (Item No. CA7), by Mitchell Moore. Confidentila saved in agency folder  
Date: 7/20/2020 Action:  SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789(4) - In the Matter of PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Application for Reauthorization to Defer Revenues and Costs Related to the Environmental Remediation Costs Recovery Adjustment, Schedule 149. Filed by Jaki Ferchland. Served to electric list. Confidential attachment in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(29) 
Date: 6/29/2020 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's June 2020 Quarterly Update and Annual PHERA Report, filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential to locked cabinet, env. no. 792(28)  
Date: 3/27/2020 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's 2019 Annual Report and March 2020 Quarterly Update PHERA Report. Filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(27)  
Date: 3/13/2020 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Prudence Review of Portland's Harbor Environmental Remediation Account (PHERA). Filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential CD in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(26) 
Date: 12/30/2019 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's December 2019 Quarterly Update and Annual PHERA Report, filed by Jaki Ferchland. Confidential version in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(25)  
Date: 11/21/2019 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Notice of change to Service List, removing Stefan Brown and adding Jaki Ferchland; filed by Jaki Ferchland. 
Date: 10/24/2019 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   19-347 
Order No. 19-347, signed by Nolan Moser, Chief Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Copies served on 10/24/19.  
Date: 10/16/2019 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
Staff Report for the October 22, 2019 Public Meeting (Item No. CA2), by Mitchell Moore. Confidential version in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(24)  
Date: 9/30/2019 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's September 2019 Quarterly Update and Annual PHERA Report, filed by Stefan Brown. Confidential in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(23) 
Date: 7/11/2019 Action:  SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789(3) - In the Matter of PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Application for Reauthorization to Defer Revenues and Costs Related to the Environmental Remediation Costs Recovery Adjustment, Schedule 149. Filed by Stefan Brown. Served to electric list. [Confidential in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(22) 
Date: 6/27/2019 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE PHERA 2019 Annual Report- June 2019 Quarterly Update filed by Jay Tinker. Confidential to locked cabinet E 792(21) 
Date: 3/27/2019 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE PHERA 2018 Annual Report-March 2019 Quarterly Update filed by Stefan Brown. Confidential to locked cabinet E 792(20) 
Date: 3/15/2019 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's 2018 Annual Report on the PHERA Account and Report of Harborton Restoration Project. Filed by Stefan Brown. Confidential to locked cabinet #792(19). 
Date: 12/20/2018 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's December 2018 Quarterly Update and Annual PHERA Report, filed by Stefan Brown. [Confidential in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(18)]  
Date: 9/28/2018 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's September 2018 Quarterly Update and Annual PHERA Report, filed by Stefan Brown. [Confidential CD in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(17)]  
Date: 9/26/2018 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   18-357 
UM 1789(2) - Order No. 18-357, signed by Michael Grant, Chief Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Copies served on 9/28/18.  
Date: 9/20/2018 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789(2) - Staff Report for the September 25, 2018 Public Meeting (Item No. CA8), filed by Mitchell Moore.  
Date: 7/17/2018 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   18-268 
Order No. 18-268, signed by Michael Grant, Chief Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Copies served on 7/18/18.  
Date: 7/13/2018 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
Staff Report for the July 17, 2018 Public Meeting (Item No. CA4), filed by Mitch Moore and Scott Gibbens. [Confidential page 3 in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(15)]  
Date: 7/11/2018 Action:  SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789(2) - In the Matter of PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Application for Reauthorization to Defer Revenues and Costs Related to the Environmental Remediation Costs Recovery Adjustment, Schedule 149. Filed by Stefan Brown. Served to electric list. Confidential page in locked cabinet. Env #792(16) 
Date: 6/27/2018 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's June 2018 Quarterly Update and Annual PHERA Report, filed by Stefan Brown. [Confidential attachments in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(14)]  
Date: 3/27/2018 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's March 2018 Quarterly Update and Annual PHERA Report, filed by Stefan Brown. Confidential to locked cabinet #792(13) 
Date: 3/15/2018 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's 2017 Annual Report on the PHERA Account and Report of Harborton Restoration Project; Filed by Stefan Brown. Confidential attachments 1-5 to locked cabinet #792(12). 
Date: 12/22/2017 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's December 2017 Quarterly Update PHERA Report, filed by Stefan Brown. [Confidential attachments in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(11)] 
Date: 10/12/2017 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   17-393 
UM 1789(1) - Order No. 17-393, signed by Michael Dougherty, Chief Operating Officer; DISPOSITION: STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Copies served on 10/12/17.  
Date: 10/5/2017 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789(1) - Staff Report for the October 10, 2017 Public Meeting (Item No. CA6), filed by Mitch Moore.  
Date: 9/29/2017 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's September 2017 Quarterly Update PHERA Report, filed by Stefan Brown. [Confidential attachments in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(10)]  
Date: 9/27/2017 9:31:58 AM Action:  WITHDRAWN UTILITY FILING   
Date: 9/27/2017 9:31:42 AM Action:  ACKNOWLEDGED UTILITY FILING   
Date: 7/27/2017 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   17-287 
Order No. 17-287, signed by Commissioners Lisa D. Hardie and Stephen M. Bloom; DISPOSITION: STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Copies served on 7/27/17.  
Date: 7/19/2017 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
Staff Report for the July 25, 2017 Public Meeting (Item No. 2), filed by Mitchell Moore and Scott Gibbens. 
Date: 7/13/2017 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
STAFF's Compliance Filing per Order No. 17-071, Prudence Review of Environmental Remediation Costs and Revenues Associated With The Portland Harbor Superfund Sites. Filed by Mitchell Moore. [Confidential page locked in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(8)]  
Date: 7/11/2017 Action:  SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789(1) - In the Matter of PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Application for Reauthorization to Defer Revenues and Costs Related to the Environmental Remediation Costs Recovery Adjustment, Schedule 149. Filed by Stefan Brown. Confidential to Locked Cabinent #792(9). 
Date: 6/29/2017 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 16-270, filed by Michael Goetz. Qualified person thereunder: Taylor Colonel.  
Date: 6/29/2017 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's June 2017 Quarterly Update Report on Activities in Portland General Electric's Portland Harbor Environmental Remediation Account (PHERA). Filed by Stefan Brown. Confidential to locked cabinet #792(7). 
Date: 5/23/2017 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   17-182 
Order No. 17-182 signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Michael Grant; Disposition: Issue Fund Grant Request Approved. Copies served 5/25/17. 
Date: 5/22/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Request for Final Payment; Filed by Bob Jenks. 
Date: 3/31/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PGE's 2016 Annual PHERA Report and March 2017 Quarterly Update Report, in compliance with Order No. 17-071. Filed by Stefan Brown.(CONFIDENTIAL CD is located in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(5)). 
Date: 3/28/2017 Action:  WITHDRAWN UTILITY FILING   
PGE's Withdrawal of Advice No. 16-11; Filed by Mary Widman for Karla Wenzel. (See UE 311 for electronic version). 
Date: 3/15/2017 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Annual Report on the PHERA Annual Account and Report of Harborton Restoration Project; Filed by Stefan Brown. Key Words: Prudence Review, Portland Harbor Environmental Remediation Account; Annual Account; Balancing Account.(CONFIDENTIAL CD is located in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(4)). 
Date: 3/2/2017 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PGE Advice No. 17-08, Compliance Filing, Schedule 149, Environmental Remediation Cost Recovery Adjustment filed by Karla Wenzel and docketed as ADV 528 on 3/2/17. 
Date: 3/2/2017 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   17-071 
UM 1789, UE 311, UP 344--Order No. 17-071, signed by Commissioners Lisa D. Hardie, John Savage, and Stephen M. Bloom; DISPOSITION: STIPULATION ADOPTED. Copies served 3/2/17. 
Date: 2/16/2017 9:10:27 AM Action:  SUSPENSION UTILITY FILING   
Date: 2/16/2017 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   17-056 
UM 1789, UE 311, UP 344--Order No. 17-056, signed by Commissioners Lisa D. Hardie, John Savage, and Stephen M. Bloom; DISPOSITION: RATE SCHEDULES SUSPENDED FOR ADDITIONAL PERIOD OF TIME. Copies served 2/16/17. 
Date: 2/13/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Request for Huddle Access; Filed by Stefan Brown. 
Date: 2/8/2017 Action:  TRANSCRIPT   
Transcript of January 20, 2017 Oral Argument; Filed by Jeanette Starr, ct. rep., Beovich, Walter, and Friend. (transcript not posted due to agreement with court reporter. contact reporter to order directly). 
Date: 2/7/2017 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   17-033 
Order No. 17-033 signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Michael Grant; Disposition: Amended Proposed Budget for Issue Fund Grant Approved. Copies served 2/9/17. 
Date: 2/6/2017 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Amended Request for Issue Fund Grant & Amended Budget; Filed by Bob Jenks. 
Date: 1/13/2017 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789, UE 311, UP 344--ALJ Ruth Harper issues Memorandum; DISPOSITION: ORAL ARGUMENT AGENDA ESTABLISHED. Copies served 1/13/17. 
Date: 1/10/2017 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Motion to Admit Pre-Filed Testimony and Exhibits, with Affidavit of Bob Jenks; Filed by Michael P. Goetz. 
Date: 1/6/2017 Action:  ORAL ARGUMENTS  Searchable Doc  
NOTICE OF ORAL ARGUMENT; Copies served 1/6/17 ORAL ARGUMENTS scheduled 1/20/2017 1:00 PM begin, 1/20/2017 2:00 PM end. City: SALEM Room: HEARING ROOM Building: PUC Address: 201 HIGH ST SE Reporter: BEOVICH, WALTER, & FRIEND Law Judge: HARPER, RUTH  
Date: 12/20/2016 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Motion to Admit Corrected Stipulation Testimony and Exhibits, with Affidavits of Arya Behbehani, Kirk Stevens, and Stefan Brown, filed by Douglas C. Tingey.  
Date: 12/20/2016 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Motion to Admit Pre-filed Testimony and Exhibits, with Affidavit of Bradley G. Mullins, filed by Tyler C. Pepple.  
Date: 12/19/2016 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
STAFF's Motion to Admit Testimony and Exhibits, with Declarations of Mitchell Moore, Scott Gibbens, Marianne Gardner, and Rose Anderson, filed by Kaylie Klein.  
Date: 12/16/2016 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS   
Errata Page to Joint Testimony in Support of Stipulation (Parties/100, Moore-Mullins-Brown/3), filed by Douglas Tingey. [See Corrected Stipulation for electronic version] 
Date: 12/16/2016 Action:  STIPULATION  Searchable Doc  
CORRECTED Parties' Stipulation and Errata Page to Joint Testimony in Support of Stipulation; Filed by Douglas Tingey of PGE on behalf of the parties. 
Date: 11/23/2016 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Testimony of Bob Jenks in Support of Stipulation; Filed by Sarah Ryan-Knox. 
Date: 11/18/2016 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS   
Parties' Joint Testimony in Support of Stipulation of Mitchell Moore (Staff), Bradley R. Mullins (ICNU), and Stefan Brown (PGE) (Parties/100, Moore-Mullins-Brown); Filed by Jay Tinker of PGE on behalf of the parties. (See Stipulation action entry for electronic version). [See 12/19/16 Errata Page (Parties/100, Moore-Mullins-Brown/3)] 
Date: 11/18/2016 Action:  STIPULATION  Searchable Doc  
Parties' Stipulation and Joint Testimony in Support of Stipulation; Filed by Jay Tinker of PGE on behalf of the parties. [See 12/19/16 Corrected Stipulation and Errata]  
Date: 11/15/2016 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789, UE 311, UP 344--ALJ Ruth Harper issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: MOTION GRANTED. Copies served 11/15/16. 
Date: 11/14/2016 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING   
PGE's Status Report; Filed by Douglas C. Tingey. (See motion action entry for electronic version--combined document). 
Date: 11/14/2016 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Status Report and Motion (to extend time to file Stipulation and supporting testimony); Filed by Douglas C. Tingey. 
Date: 10/20/2016 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Ruth Harper issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: MOTION GRANTED; SCHEDULE SUSPENDED. Copies served 10/20/16. 
Date: 10/20/2016 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Motion to Suspend Procedural Schedule; Expedited Consideration Requested; Filed by Douglas C. Tingey. 
Date: 10/19/2016 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
STAFF's Errata to Staff/200, Gibbens/20; Filed by Kaylie E. Klein. [Confidential version is located in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(1)] 
Date: 10/4/2016 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
STAFF Errata Filing to Staff's Reply Testimony of Mitchell Moore (Staff/100, Moore/18,19, 21, 31) filed by Kaylie E. Klein. Confidential pages from Staff/100 to locked cabinet, #792(3) 
Date: 9/30/2016 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Reply Testimony & Exhibits (CUB/100-103, Jenks) filed by Sarah Ryan Knox. Certificate of Service rec'd in hard copy 10/3/16. 
Date: 9/30/2016 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
ICNU Reply Testimony and Exhibit of Bradley G. Mullins (ICNU/100-101, Mullins) filed by Jesse O. Gorsuch. 
Date: 9/30/2016 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
STAFF's Reply Testimony and Exhibits of Mitchell Moore (Staff/100-103, Moore), Scott Gibbens (Staff/200-210, Gibbens), Marianne Gardiner (Staff/300-305, Gardiner) and Rose Anderson (Staff/400-407, Anderson); Filed by Kay Barnes. [Confidential pages and CD and Staff Errata 10/19/16 located in locked cabinet, env. no. 792(1)] See errata filings 10/4/16 & 10/19/16. 
Date: 9/27/2016 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 16-270; Filed by Jesse O. Gorsuch. Qualified person thereunder: Bradley G. Mullins. 
Date: 9/13/2016 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
Chief ALJ Michael Grant on behalf of ALJ Ruth Harper issues NOTICE OF COMMISSION WORKSHOP AND RULING; DISPOSITION: WORKSHOP AGENDA ADOPTED. Copies served 9/13/16. COMMISSION WORKSHOP scheduled 10/10/2016 9:30 AM City: SALEM Room: HEARING RM Building: PUC Address: 201 HIGH ST Reporter: DIGITAL Law Judge: HARPER, RUTH 
Date: 9/13/2016 Action:  HEARING  Searchable Doc  
NOTICE OF COMMISSION WORKSHOP; Copies served 9/13/16. COMMISSION WORKSHOP/PUBLIC MEETING scheduled 10/10/2016 9:30 AM City: SALEM Room: HEARING RM Building: PUC Address: 201 HIGH ST Reporter: DIGITAL Law Judge: HARPER, RUTH  
Date: 8/30/2016 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789, UE 311, UP 344--ALJ Ruth Harper issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: MOTION GRANTED. Copies served 8/30/16. 
Date: 8/29/2016 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
STAFF's Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule; Filed by Kaylie Klein. 
Date: 8/25/2016 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   16-321 
Order No. 16-321 signed by Commissioner Lisa D. Hardie, John Savage, and Stephen M. Bloom; Disposition: Order No. 16-320 Corrected. Copies served by email 8/25/16. 
Date: 8/24/2016 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   16-320 
Order No. 16-320 signed by Michael Grant, Chief Administrative Law Judge; Disposition: Proposed Budget for Issue Fund Grant Approved. Copies electronically served 8/24/16. 
Date: 8/22/2016 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Request for an Issue Fund Grant and proposed budget; Filed by Bob Jenks. 
Date: 8/18/2016 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Notice of Intent to Request Issue Fund Grants; Filed by Bob Jenks. 
Date: 8/16/2016 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Request for Huddle Access; Filed by Michael P. Goetz. 
Date: 8/15/2016 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Request for Huddle access; Filed by Jesse O. Gorsuch. 
Date: 8/15/2016 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Request for Huddle Access; Filed by Stefan Brown. 
Date: 8/10/2016 Action:  LAW JUDGE CONFERENCE REPORT  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789, UE 311, UP 344--ALJ Ruth Harper issues Prehearing Conference Memorandum; Notice of Contested Case Rights pursuant to ORS 183.413 attached. Copies served 8/10/16. 
Date: 8/9/2016 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   16-299 
UM 1789, UE 311, & UP 344--Order No. 16-299, signed by Commissioners Lisa D. Hardie and John Savage; DISPOSITION: TARIFF SHEETS SUSPENDED. Copies served to dockets UM 1789, UE 311, and UP 344 on 8/10/16. 
Date: 8/2/2016 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 16-270; Filed by Michael Goetz. Qualified persons thereunder: Michael Goetz, Bob Jenks, Sarah Ryan-Knox, and Jaime McGovern. 
Date: 8/1/2016 Action:  NOTICE  Searchable Doc  
CITIZENS' UTILITY BOARD OF OREGON's Notice of Intervention, with contacts of Michael Goetz, Bob Jenks, and CUB Oregon Dockets; Filed by Michael Goetz. 
Date: 8/1/2016 Action:  CONFERENCE  Searchable Doc  
UM 1789, UE 311, UP 344--NOTICE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE; Copies served electronically to dockets UM 1789, UE 311, & UP 311, & Electric List and via U.S. Mail to those without email addresses 8/1/16. CONFERENCE scheduled 8/9/2016 1:30 PM City: SALEM If dial in needed contact AHD at puc.hearings@state.or.us or 503-378-6678 to obtain dial in number and reserve a port. Room: HEARING RM Building: PUC Address: 201 HIGH ST Reporter: DIGITAL Law Judge: HARPER, RUTH  
Date: 7/26/2016 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Signatory Pages related to Protective Order No. 16-270, filed by Douglas Tingey. Qualified persons thereunder: Douglas Tingey, Barbara Parr, Victoria Gutierrez, Lucy Heil, Jany Tinker, Stefan Brown, Sheryl Poter, and Christopher Bozzini.  
Date: 7/25/2016 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
ICNU's Signatory Pages related to Protective Order No. 16-270, Filed by Tyler Pepple. Qualified persons thereunder: S. Bradley Van Cleve, Tyler C. Pepple, Jesse E. Cowell, Jesse O. Gorsuch, Teresa D. Slominski, Rebecca Zagorski, and Alex J. Bullock.  
Date: 7/25/2016 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
UP 344, UM 1789, UE 311--ICNU's Petition to Intervene, with Tyler Pepple as contact. Filed by Tyler Pepple.  
Date: 7/19/2016 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
UP 344, UM 1789, UE 311--Chief ALJ Michael Grant issues Ruling and Protective Order (combined document); DISPOSITION: DOCKETS CONSOLIDATED; GENERAL PROTECTIVE ORDER ISSUED. Copies served on dockets UP 344, UM 1789, & UE 311 on 7/19/16. [See docket UM 1789 for all calendar entrries, action entries, an service list information regarding dockets UP 344 and UE 311]. 
Date: 7/18/2016 Action:  PROTECTIVE ORDER   
  Order No:   16-270 
UP 344, UM 1789, UE 311 - Protective Order No. 16-270--See 7/18/16 separate action entry for electronic version. 
Date: 7/18/2016 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   16-270 
UP 344, UM 1789, UE 311 - Ruling and Protective Order No. 16-270, signed by Michael Grant, Chief Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: DOCKETS CONSOLIDATED; GENERAL PROTECTIVE ORDER ISSUED. Copies served on dockets UP 344, UM 1789, & UE 311 on 7/19/16. [See docket UM 1789 for all calendar entrries, action entries, an service list information regarding dockets UP 344 and UE 311]. 
Date: 7/15/2016 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS   
UE 311--PGE's Testimony and Exhibits of Arya Behbehani, Stefan Brown, and Kirk Stevens (PGE/100-107, Behdehani, Brown, Stevens); Filed by Jay Tinker. (See docket UE 311 for electronic version). 
Date: 7/15/2016 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Motion for Protective Order; Filed by Douglas Tingey.  
Date: 7/15/2016 Action:  INITIAL (APPLICATION, COMPLAINT, PETITION)  Searchable Doc  
In the Matter of PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Application to Defer Revenues and Costs Related to the Environmental Remediation Costs Recovery Adjustment, Schedule 149; Filed by Douglas Tingey. [Confidential pages in locked cabinet, env. no. 792.]  


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