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Docket No:  UE 181 Docket Name:  PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC Submit Public Comment
         See also:  06-27/06-28   SEE UE 180
In the Matter of PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Annual Adjustments to Schedule 125 (2007 RVM Filing). Filed by Douglas C. Tingey. (See Direct Testimony submitted 3/28/06 for electronic filing of Testimony opening the docket.)
Filing Date:  3/28/2006      
Order:  06-575Order Signed:  10/9/2006 
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Date: 3/28/2006 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC's Direct Testimony and Exhibits of L. Alex Tooman, Michael A. Niman, and Stephen Schue (PGE/100-103/Tooman-Niman-Schue); and Marc Cody (PGE/200-203/Cody) (Exhibits 101C, and 102C are Confidential and located in Envelope #320 in a locked cabinet.); Confidential CD given to Maury Galbraith, Utility; electronically and hard copy filed by Douglas C. Tingey. 
Date: 4/18/2006 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PGE's Signatory pages related to Protective Order No. 06-142. Electronically filed by Douglas C. Tingey. Hard copy rec' 4/19/06. Persons qualified thereunder: Douglas C. Tingey, J. Jeffrey Dudley, Adam Menendez, Mary Draper, Sheila Cox, Jennifer Busch, Dmitri Jemel-janov, Marc Cody, Bruce Werner, Doug Kuns, Randy Dahlgren, Patrick G. Hager, Carol Lindenberg, Ted Drennan, Debra Horvath, Mary Tavares, Mark Starrett, Linda Ecker, Hilary Showers, Alex Tooman, Steve Schue, Lori Hemmele, Brian Moffenbeier, Judy Froedge, Joel Gunz, Sharon Noell, Jay Tinker, Launa B. Harmon, and Eric Christenson. 
Date: 3/27/2006 Action:  PROTECTIVE ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   06-142 
General Protective Order No. 06-142 signed by Kathryn A. Logan, Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER GRANTED. Copies served electronically 3/27/06 and via U.S. Mail 3/28/06. 
Date: 4/5/2006 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)   
SEE UE 180 for all docket, calendar, and service list enties. UE 181 - Consolidated with UE 180. 
Date: 2/14/2008 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   08-118 
UE 180/UE 184 - Order No. 08-118, signed by Commissioners Lee Beyer, John Savage, and Ray Baum; DISPOSITION: MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ORDER NO. 07-454 DENIED. Copies served via U.S. Mail on 2/15/08 and sent electronically 2/19/08. 
Date: 4/2/2007 Action:  ORDER   
  Order No:   07-122 
UE 180/UE 181/UE 184--Order No. 07-122, signed by Commissioners Lee Beyer, John Savage, and Ray Baum; DISPOSITION: Motion for Clarification Granted; Motion for Amendment of Final Order (07-015) Granted; Copies served electronically and via U.S. Mail 4/4/07. (SEE docket UE 180 for electronic version.) 
Date: 1/12/2007 Action:  ORDER   
  Order No:   07-015 
UE 180/UE 181/UE 184--Order No. 07-015, signed by Commissioners Lee Beyer, John Savage, and Ray Baum; Copies served electronically 1/12/07 and via U.S. mail on 1/16/07. (SEE docket UE 180 for electronic version.) IT IS ORDERED that: 1. Advice No. 06-8, filed on March 15, 2006, and Advice No. 06-10, filed on April 24, 2006, by Portland General Electric Company are permanently suspended. 2. The stipulations attached as Appendices A, B, C, and D are adopted in their entirety. 3. PGE shall file revised tariffs consistent with findings of fact and conclusions of law contained in this order, to be effective no earlier than January 14, 2007, for rates excluding costs related to the Port Westward generating facility. 4. PGE shall file revised tariffs consistent with the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained in this order related to Port Westward no earlier than March 1, 2007, and no later than April 30, 2007. The filing must include attestation by a PGE corporate officer that Port Westward's operational testing has been completed and the plant has been released to the system dispatcher for full communal operation. 5. The Commission shall open a new docket to review the appropriate method for determining the forced outage rate for generating plants after PGE submits its report on stochastic modeling, the Commission shall open a new docket to consider whether stochastic modeling should be used to forecast net variable power costs. 
Date: 10/19/2006 Action:  ORDER   
  Order No:   06-588 
UE 180/UE 181/UE 184-- Errata Order No. 06-588 (to Order No. 06-575), signed by Commissioners Lee Beyer, John Savage, and Ray Baum; Copies served electronically 10/19/06 and mailed via U.S. Mail on 10/20/06. (See docket UE 180 for electronic version.) 
Date: 10/9/2006 Action:  ORDER   
  Order No:   06-575 
UE 180/UE 181/UE 184 - Order No. 06-575 signed by Commissioners Lee Beyer, John Savage, and Ray Baum; DISPOSITION: RESOURCE VALUATION MECHANISM STIPULATION ADOPTED. Copies served electronically 10/9/06 and mailed via U.S. Mail on 10/10/06. SEE ALSO Order No. 06-588. (See Docket UE 180 for electronic version.) 
Date: 3/29/2006 Action:  NOTICE  Searchable Doc  
CITIZENS' UTILITY BOARD's Notice of Intervention; electronically filed by Lowrey Brown for Jason Eisdorfer. Hard copy rec'd 3/30/06. 
Date: 3/27/2006 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC's Motion for a Protective Order; electronically filed by Adam Menendez for Douglas C. Tingey. Hard copy rec'd 3/28/06. 
Date: 4/5/2006 Action:  LAW JUDGE CONFERENCE REPORT  Searchable Doc  
UE 180/UE 181 -- ALJ Christina Smith issues Prehearing Conference Report; DISPOSITION: PETITIONS TO INTERVENE GRANTED; SCHEDULE SET. Copies served electronically on 4/5/06 and via U.S. Mail 4/6/06 to the following service lists: UE 180, UE 181 and Electric. 
In the Matter of PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Annual Adjustments to Schedule 125 (2007 RVM Filing). Filed by Douglas C. Tingey. (See Direct Testimony submitted 3/28/06 for electronic filing of Testimony opening the docket.)