Docket Summary
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Docket No:  ADV 1600 Docket Name:  IDAHO POWER ADVICE NO. 24-01 SCHEDULE 84 NET METERING Submit Public Comment
Subject Company:  IDAHO POWER COMPANY    
         See also:  UE 440   
Idaho Power's Advice No. 24-01, Schedule 84-Customer Energy Production Net Metering. This filing seeks Commission approval to offer net metering services to its nonlegacy Oregon customers in accordance with its recently modified on-site generation tariff...
Filing Date:  2/29/2024 Advice No: 24-01      
Effective:  6/1/2024 Expiration:   Status:  NO ACTION NEEDED
Case Manager:  CURTIS DLOUHY Phone:  503-510-3350
Email:   curtis.dlouhy@puc.oregon.gov
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5/28/2024 1:30:00 PM PUBLIC MEETING
 Location:    - 
 ,  , OR
4/22/2024 COMMENTS/RESPONSES DUE Comments due
4/4/2024 11:00:00 AM STAFF WORKSHOP See 3/8/24 Schedule Announcement for Details