Docket Summary
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Docket No:  UE 428 Docket Name:  PACIFICORP ADVICE NO. 23-018 MODIFICATIONS TO RULE 4 Submit Public Comment
* This docket is a contested case. See the Internal Operating Guidelines and OAR 860-001
Subject Company:  PACIFIC POWER    
         See also:  ADV 1545   
In the Matter of PACIFICORP, dba PACIFIC POWER, Advice No. 23-018 (ADV 1545), Modifications to Rule 4, Application for Electrical Service. Filed by Matthew McVee. Copies served to the Electric List.
Filing Date:  10/24/2023 Advice No: 23-018      
Effective:   Expiration:   Status:  PERM SUSPEND
Case Manager:  ROSE PILEGGI Phone:  
Email:   rose.pileggi@puc.oregon.gov
Staff Contact:  SCOTT SHEARER Phone:  971-239-3801
Email:   scott.shearer@puc.oregon.gov
Law Judge:  KATIE MAPES Phone:  
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9/27/2024 FINAL ORDER DUE DATE Order to GEI, Sierra Club, CUB, and OCJ's Application for Hearing or Reconsideration due
8/13/2024 COMMENTS/RESPONSES DUE Responses to GEI, Sierra Club, CUB, and OCJ's Application for Hearing or Reconsideration due
3/12/2024 3:00:00 PM BRIEF DUE All Parties Cross-Answering Briefs and PacifiCorp Reply Brief due
3/8/2024 COMMENTS/RESPONSES DUE Response to Notice of Intent Due, or 14 days after the notice of intent is filed (note: Responses to Budget due 14 days after submission, and Commission Decision on Budgets is 21 days following submission).
2/28/2024 MISCELLANEOUS Budget Due, or 30 days following order granting certification
2/28/2024 MISCELLANEOUS Notice of Intent and Request for Case Certification Due, Budget Due
2/27/2024 3:00:00 PM BRIEF DUE Staff and Intervenor Opening Breifs
1/23/2024 3:00:00 PM BRIEF DUE PacifiCorp's Opening Brief due
1/11/2024 3:00:00 PM COMMENTS/RESPONSES DUE Drevo's Reply to PacifiCorp's Objection to Petition to Intervene due
12/29/2023 3:00:00 PM COMMENTS/RESPONSES DUE Responses or Objections to Samuel Drevo, Individually and on behalf of the Certified Class in James v. PacifiCorp due
12/19/2023 2:00:00 PM CONFERENCE NOTICE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE. Copies served to UE 428 and Electric Service Lists on 12/1/23.
 Location:  VIA ZOOM
11/28/2023 9:30:00 AM PUBLIC MEETING Item No. RA1
 Location:  ZOOM