Docket Summary
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Docket No:  UM 2143 Docket Name:  INVESTIGATION INTO RESOURCE ADEQUACY IN THE STATE Submit Public Comment
         See also:  AR 660   
In the Matter of PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF OREGON, Investigation Into Resource Adequacy in Oregon. Opened at the Request of Utility Staff and will take to Public Meeting.
Filing Date:  12/29/2020    Public Mtg: 9/21/2023   
Case Manager:  CURTIS DLOUHY Phone:  503-510-3350
Email:   curtis.dlouhy@puc.oregon.gov
Law Judge:  CHRISTOPHER ALLWEIN Phone:  971-375-5058
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9/21/2023 9:30:00 AM PUBLIC MEETING Item No. RA1. Public Meeting to Request Formal Rulemaking.
 Location:  ZOOM
8/28/2023 COMMENTS/RESPONSES DUE Final Comments Due
8/11/2023 OTHER FILING DUE Updated Draft Rules Circulated
8/9/2023 COMMENTS/RESPONSES DUE Final comment period regarding Staff’s draft rules due
7/21/2023 OTHER FILING DUE Staff to post Updated draft rule language that integrates changes from last comment period and workshop.
6/30/2023 10:00:00 AM STAFF WORKSHOP See 6/16/23 Announcement for details
6/12/2023 COMMENTS/RESPONSES DUE Comments due regarding Staff’s draft rule language.
5/19/2023 OTHER FILING DUE Staff to submit draft rule language
4/6/2023 10:00:00 AM STAFF WORKSHOP See 3/10/23 Announcement for details
3/13/2023 COMMENTS/RESPONSES DUE Comments regarding Staff's straw proposal due
1/17/2023 MISCELLANEOUS Staff to circulate straw proposal. Staff to provide detailed timeline for stakeholder discussion.
1/10/2023 1:30:00 PM PUBLIC MEETING Special Public Meeting - Resource Adequacy Investigation Update/Technical Conference on the State of RA
11/21/2022 COMMENTS/RESPONSES DUE Comments Due
4/14/2022 COMMENTS/RESPONSES DUE All Party Comments Due
4/8/2022 STAFF WORKSHOP Staff Workshop to Review Public Aggregate Data.
 Location:  VIRTUAL
3/24/2022 COMMENTS/RESPONSES DUE Staff Comments Due
10/27/2021 1:30:00 PM STAFF WORKSHOP Staff lead workshop.
8/16/2021 12:00:00 PM STAFF WORKSHOP INFORMAL PHASE: Staff's Workshop August 16, 2021, 12:00 P.M. by Teams.
 Location:  MS TEAMS
1/12/2021 9:30:00 AM PUBLIC MEETING Item No. RA2
 Location:  VIRTUAL