Docket Summary
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Docket No:  UM 2100 Docket Name:  PACIFICORP'S 2019 RPS COMPLIANCE REPORT Submit Public Comment
Subject Company:  PACIFIC POWER    
In Matter of PACIFICORP, dba PACIFIC POWER, 2019 Renewable Portfolio Standard Compliance Report. Filed by Michael Wilding. Sent to Electric List. Confidential CD of Intial Application in locked cabinet, env. no. 1109
Filing Date:  6/1/2020    Public Mtg: 8/25/2020   
Order:  20-287Order Signed:  8/28/2020 
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Date: 7/27/2020 Action:  COMMENTS/RESPONSE  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Supplemental Comments, filed by Natascha Smith.  
Date: 7/16/2020 Action:  COMMENTS/RESPONSE  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Comments, filed by Natascha Smith.  
Date: 9/28/2020 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Compliance per Order No. 20-287, WREGIS. Filed by Etta Lockey.  
Date: 6/1/2020 Action:  INITIAL (APPLICATION, COMPLAINT, PETITION)  Searchable Doc  
In Matter of PACIFICORP, dba PACIFIC POWER, 2019 Renewable Portfolio Standard Compliance Report. Filed by Michael Wilding. Sent to Electric List. Confidential CD of Intial Application in locked cabinet, env. no. 1109 
Date: 5/26/2020 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PACIFICORP's Motion for General Protective Order filed by Matthew D. McVee. Copies served to ELECTRIC List 
Date: 8/28/2020 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   20-287 
Order No. 20-287, signed by Nolan Moser, Chief Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Copies served on 8/28/20.  
Date: 5/27/2020 Action:  PROTECTIVE ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   20-172 
Protective Order No. 20-172, signed by Traci A. G. Kirkpatrick, Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER GRANTED. Copies served on 5/27/20. Copies also sent to Electric List.  
Date: 7/17/2020 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Pages related to Protective Order No. 20-172, filed by Etta Lockey. Qualified persons thereunder: Riley Peck, Jessica Zahnow, Cathie Allen, Jennifer Angell, Betsy Watkins, Mary Penfield, Dagmar Stanfill, Kaley McNay, and Katie Savarin.  
Date: 8/20/2020 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
Staff Report for the August 25, 2020 Public Meeting (Item No. CA8), by Paul Rossow.