Docket Summary
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Docket No:  UE 420 Docket Name:  PACIFICORP 2024 TRANSITION ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM (TAM) Submit Public Comment
* This docket is a contested case. See the Internal Operating Guidelines and OAR 860-001
Subject Company:  PACIFIC POWER    
         See also:  ON APPEAL   LEGAL HOLD
In the Matter of PACIFICORP, dba PACIFIC POWER, 2024 Transition Adjustment Mechanism. Filed by Matthew McVee. Tariff Sheets are located in PAC/302, Ridenour Highly Confidential, Confidential, and Native Non-Confidential Documents Saved to Agency...
Filing Date:  3/28/2023 Advice No: 23-021      
Effective:  1/1/2024 Expiration:   Status:  ACCEPTED
Case Manager:  MARC HELLMAN Phone:  971-239-2561
Email:   marc.hellman@puc.oregon.gov
Law Judge:  KATIE MAPES Phone:  
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Date: 3/28/2023 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Motion for Modified Protective Order, Expedited Consideration Requested. Filed by Ajay Kumar. (Note the ongoing GPO for the TAM is Order No. 16-128) 
Date: 3/28/2023 Action:  PROTECTIVE ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   23-120 
MODIFIED PROTECTIVE ORDER NO. 23-120 signed by ALJ Katharine Mapes; Disposition: Motion for Modified Protective Order Granted. Copies served to Electric List 3/28/23. Note: There is an ongoing GPO for the TAM, Order No. 16-128. SEE 6/13/23 Amended Modified Protective Order No. 23-211. 
Date: 4/3/2023 Action:  INITIAL UTILITY FILING  Searchable Doc  
In the Matter of PACIFICORP, dba PACIFIC POWER, 2024 Transition Adjustment Mechanism. Filed by Matthew McVee. Tariff Sheets are located in PAC/302, Ridenour Highly Confidential, Confidential, and Native Non-Confidential Documents Saved to Agency Folder Copies served to Electric List.  
Date: 4/3/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS   
PacifiCorp's Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Ramon Mitchell (PAC/100-106, Mitchell), James Owen (PAC/200-205, Owen), and Judith Ridenour (PAC/300-303, Ridenour). See Initial Utility Filing for Electronic Version Confidential and Highly Confidential saved in in agency folder  
Date: 4/4/2023 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC)'s Petition to Intervene with contact of Brent L. Coleman, Jesse O. Gorsuch, and Corinne O. Olson. Filed by Jesse O. Gorsuch. 
Date: 4/4/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Notice of Intent to Request Issue Fund Grant. Filed by Corrine Olson.  
Date: 4/6/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club's Signatory Page Related to Protective Order No. 16-128, filed by Rose Monahan. Qualified person thereunder: Leah Bahramipour.  
Date: 4/6/2023 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
Calpine Solutions Petition to Intervene, with contacts of Gregory Adams, Greg Bass, and Kevin Higgins. Filed by Gregory Adams.  
Date: 4/6/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
Calpine Solutions' Request for Huddle Access, filed by Gregory Adams.  
Date: 4/11/2023 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club's Petition to Intervene, with contacts of Rose Monahan and Leah Bahramipour. Filed by Rose Monahan.  
Date: 4/11/2023 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club's Motion to admit Rose Monahan Counsel Pro Hac Vice. Filed by Joshua Smith.  
Date: 4/12/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Notice of Intent to Request Issue Fund Grant, filed by Michael Goetz.  
Date: 4/12/2023 Action:  NOTICE  Searchable Doc  
CUB's' Notice of Intervention, with contacts of Michael Goetz, Bob Jenks, and Oregon CUB Dockets. Filed by Michael Goetz.  
Date: 4/13/2023 Action:  CONFERENCE  Searchable Doc  
NOTICE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE. Copies served to UE 420 and Electric Service Lists on 4/13/23. CONFERENCE scheduled 4/24/2023 10:00 AM Room: VIA ZOOM Reporter: ZOOM RECORDING Law Judge: MAPES, KATIE  
Date: 4/17/2023 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: PETITIONS TO INTERVENE GRANTED. Notice of Contested Case Rights and Procedures attached. Copies served on 4/17/23.  
Date: 4/17/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order No. 23-120, filed by Brent Coleman. Persons qualified to receive Highly Protected Information: Tyler Pepple, Brent Coleman, Corrine Olson, Jesse Gorsuch, and Bradley Mullins.  
Date: 4/17/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Request for Huddle Access, filed by Jesse Gorsuch.  
Date: 4/17/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
AWEC Proposed Budget for Issue Fund Grant filed by Brent L. Coleman. 
Date: 4/21/2023 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse's Petition to Intervene, with contacts of Irion Sanger, Dennis Bartlett, and Liz Ferrell. Filed by Irion Sanger.  
Date: 4/21/2023 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   23-151 
Order No. 23-151 signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Nolan Moser; Disposition: Proposed Budget for Issue Fund Grant Approved. Copies served 4/21/23. 
Date: 4/21/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Request for Huddle Access, filed by Michael Goetz.  
Date: 4/21/2023 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: MOTION TO ADMIT COUNSEL PRO HAC VICE GRANTED. Copies served on 4/21/23.  
Date: 4/21/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 16-128, filed by Michael Goetz. Qualified person thereunder: John Garrett.  
Date: 4/21/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Signatory Page related to Modified Protective Order No. 23-120, filed by Michael Goetz. Persons Qualified under Paragraph 12 to Receive Highly Protected Information: Michael Goetz, Bob Jenks, William Gehrke, Jennifer Hill-Hart, John Garrett, and Kate Ayres.  
Date: 4/24/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
Parties Proposed TAM Schedule  
Date: 4/24/2023 Action:  LAW JUDGE CONFERENCE REPORT  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Prehearing Conference Memorandum. Notice of Contested Case Rights and Procedures attached. Copies served on 4/24/23.  
Date: 4/24/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Calpine Solutions' Signatory Pages related to Protective Order No. 16-128, filed by Julie Gilster. Persons qualified thereunder: Justin Farr, Shantell Garrett, and Jason Kiengsiri.  
Date: 4/24/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club's Signatory Pages related to Protective Order No. 16-128, filed by Leah Bahramipour. Persons qualified thereunder: Joseph Walderman and Devin Gaby.  
Date: 4/24/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club's Signatory Pages Related to Modified Protective Order No. 23-120. Persons qualified under Paragraph 13 to receive Highly Protected Information: Leah Bahramipour, Edward Burgess, Maria Roumpani, Devin Gaby, and Joseph Walderman.  
Date: 4/25/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 16-128, filed by Cathie Allen. Qualified persons thereunder: Joe Dallas.  
Date: 4/25/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Pages to Modified Protective Order No. 23-120, filed by Matthew McVee. Persons qualified to receive Highly Protected Information: Ajay Kumar, Joseph Dallas, Carla Scarsella, Cathie Allen, Santiago Gutierrez, Matthew McVee, Daniel Moody, David Webb, Jennifer Angell, Baltazar Guzman, Carrie Meyer, James Owen, Siu Kee Wong, Brian Greer, Kaley McNay, Ramon Mitchell, Eshwar Vyakarna Rajshekar Rao, Isaiah Zacharia.  
Date: 4/28/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse' Request for Huddle Access, filed by Dustin Prater.  
Date: 5/1/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club's Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order No. 23-120. Persons qualified under Paragraph 13 to receive Highly Confidential Information: Joseph Goodenery.  
Date: 5/1/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club's Request for Huddle Access. Filed by Rose Monahan.  
Date: 5/5/2023 Action:  PETITION TO INTERVENE  Searchable Doc  
Klamath Water Users Association (KWUA) Petition to Intervene, with contacts of Paul Simmons and assist@kwua.org. Filed by Paul Simmons.  
Date: 5/5/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Request For An Issue Fund Grant & Proposed Budget, filed by Michael P. Goetz. 
Date: 5/8/2023 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's New Coal Supply Agreement Key Terms. Filed by Matthew McVee. Confidential and HC to agency folder.  
Date: 5/11/2023 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: PETITIONS TO INTERVENE GRANTED. Notice of Contested Case Rights and Procedures attached. Copies served on 5/11/23.  
Date: 5/16/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Amended Proposed Budget, filed by Brent Coleman.  
Date: 5/18/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
KWUA's Signatory Pages related to Protective Order No. 16-127, filed by Paul Simmons. Qualified persons thereunder: Tracey Liskey and G. Moss Driscoll.  
Date: 5/18/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
KWUA's Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order No. 23-120, Persons qualified under Paragraph 13 to receive Highly Confidential Information: Paul Simmons, Crystal Rivera, Lloyd Reed, Tracey Liskey, and G. Moss Driscoll.  
Date: 5/18/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
KWUA's Request for Huddle Access, filed by Paul Simmons.  
Date: 5/19/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse Signatory Pages related to Protective Order No. 16-128, filed by Dustin Prater. Qualified persons thereunder: Steven Johnson and Steve Edburg.  
Date: 5/19/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Request for Amendment of the Proposed Budget. Filed by Michael Goetz.  
Date: 5/23/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse's Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order No. 23-120. Persons qualified to receive Highly Protected Information: Irion Sanger, Joni Sliger, Ellie Hardwick, Steven Johnson, Min Hu, and Dustin Prater.  
Date: 5/25/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse Signatory Pages related to Protective Order No. 16-128, filed by Dustin Prater. Persons qualified thereunder: Timothy Belden and Mitchell Johnson.  
Date: 6/2/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's List of TAM Corrections or Ommissions. Filed by Joelle Steward.  
Date: 6/7/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club Request for Huddle Access, filed by Rose Monahan.  
Date: 6/7/2023 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   23-202 
Order No. 23-202 signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Nolan Moser; Disposition: Amended Proposed Budget for Issue Fund Grant Approved. Copies served 6/8/23. TAGS: Intervenor Funding Amended Proposed Budget AWEC 
Date: 6/8/2023 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   23-207 
Order No. 23-207 signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Nolan Moser; Disposition: Amended Proposed Budget for Issue Fund Grant Approved. Copies served 6/8/23. TAGS: Intervenor Funding Amended Proposed Budget CUB 
Date: 6/8/2023 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Motion to Amend Modified Protective Order No. 23-120 [Expedited Consideration Requested]. Filed by Ajay Kumar.  
Date: 6/13/2023 Action:  PROTECTIVE ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   23-211 
Amended Modified Protective Order No. 23-211, signed by Katharine Mapes, Administrative Law Judge; DISPOSITION: MOTION FOR AMENDED MODIFIED PROTECTIVE ORDER GRANTED. Copies served on 6/13/23.  
Date: 6/21/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Signatory Pages related to Amended Modified Protective Order No. 23-211, filed by Brent Coleman. Persons qualified to receive Highly Protected Information under Paragraph 12: Tyler Pepple, Brent Coleman, Corinne Olson, and Jesse Gorsuch. Person qualified under Paragraph 13 to receive Highly Protected Information: Bradley Mullins.  
Date: 6/22/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse's Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order no. 23-211. Persons qualified to receive Highly Confidential Information under Paragraph 12: Irion Sanger, Joni Sliger, Ellie Hardwick, Min Hu, and Dustin Prater. Persons qualified to receive Highly Confidential Information under Paragraph 13: Steven Johnson.  
Date: 6/22/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Signatory Pages related to Amended Modified Protective Order No. 23-211, filed by Michael Goetz. Persons qualified to receive Highly Protected Information under Paragraph 12: Mike Goetz, Bob Jenks, Jennifer Hill-Hart, Will Gehrke, Kate Ayres, John Garett, Alyssa Forest, and Sharif Morton.  
Date: 6/22/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order No. 23-211, filed by Ajay Kumar. Persons qualified under Paragraph 12 to receive Highly Protected Information: Ajay Kumar, Joseph Dallas, and Carla Scarsella. Persons qualified under Paragraph 13 to receive Highly Protected Information: Cathie Allen, Jennifer Angell, Brian Greer, Kaley McNay, Carrie Meyer, Daniel Moody, Eshwar Rao, Dave Webb, and Siu Kee Wong. 
Date: 6/22/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club's Signatory Pages related to Amended Modified Protective Order 23-211, filed by Rose Monahan. Persons qualified to receive Highly Protected Information under Paragraph 12: Rose Monahan, Leah Bahramipour. Persons qualified to receive Highly Protected Information under Paragraph 13: Ed Burgess, Joe Goodenbery, Joseph Walderman, and Maria Roumpani.  
Date: 6/23/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Calpine Solutions' Signature Pages related to Amended Modified Protective Order No. 23-211, filed by Gregory Adams. Person qualified under Paragraph 12 to receive Highly Protected Information: Gregory Adams. 
Date: 6/23/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
Calpine Solution' Opening Testimony and Exhibit of Kevin Higgins (Calpine Solutions/100-101, Higgins). Filed by Peter Richardson.  
Date: 6/23/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club's Opening Testimony and Exhibits of Ed Burgess and Leah Roumpani (Sierra Club/100-108, Burgess and Roumpani). Filed by Rose Monahan.  
Date: 6/23/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse's Opening Testimony and Exhibits of Steve Johnson (Vitesse/100-102, Johnson). Filed by Dustin Prater.  
Date: 6/23/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Page related to General Protective Order No. 16-128, filed by Cathie Allen. Person Seeking Qualification under Paragraph 13: Joelle Steward. 
Date: 6/23/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Opening Testimony and Exhibits of Anna Kim (Staff/100-102, Kim), Julie Jent (Staff/200-203, Jent), Curtis Dlouhy (Staff/300-304, Dlouhy), Rose Anderson (Staff/400-402, Anderson), Madison Bolton (Staff/500-502, Bolton), Itayi Chipanera (Staff/600-601, Chipanera). Filed by Kay Barnes.  
Date: 6/23/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Opening Testimony and Exhibits of Bradley Mullins (AWEC/100-105, Mullins). Filed by Jesse Gorsuch.  
Date: 6/23/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Opening Testimony and Exhibit of Bob Jenks (CUB/100-101, Jenks). Filed by Sharif Morton.  
Date: 6/26/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No 16-128, filed by Katherine McDowell. Person qualified thereunder: Rachel Perry.  
Date: 6/26/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Pages related to Amended Modified Protective Order No. 23-211, filed by Katherine McDowell. Persons qualified to receive Highly Protected Information under Paragraph 12: Katherine McDowell, Adam Lowney, Rachel Perry, Alisha Till, and Suzanne Prinsen.  
Date: 6/26/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Request for Huddle Access, filed by Suzanne Prinsen.  
Date: 6/27/2023 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
AWEC’s Request to Update Service Lists by removing Corinne O. Olson and adding Tyler C. Pepple; filed by Jesse O. Gorsuch. 
Date: 6/27/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Request to Update Huddle Users, filed by Jesse O. Gorsuch. 
Date: 6/28/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Signatory Page related General Protective Order No. 16-128 filed by Brent L. Coleman. Person Qualified pursuant to Paragraph 12 is Anna V. Congdon.  
Date: 6/28/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Signatory Page related to Modified Protective Order No. 23-211 filed by Brent L. Coleman. Person Qualified pursuant to Paragraph 12 (Highly confidential information) is Anna V. Congdon 
Date: 7/11/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order No. 23-211, filed by Matthew McVee. Persons qualified under Paragraph 13 to receive Highly Confidential Information: Santiago Gutierrez, Baltazar Guzman, Matthew McVee, Ramon Mitchell, James Own, Joelle Steward, and Isaiah Zacharia.  
Date: 7/11/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Calpine Solutions' Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order No. 23-211. Persons qualified under Paragraph 12 to receive Highly Protected Information: Gregory Adams, Peter Richardson, and Julie Glister.  
Date: 7/24/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Reply Testimony and Exhibits of Ramon J. Mitchell (PAC/400-404, Mitchell), James Owen (PAC/500-502), Zepure Shahumyan (PAC/600,Shahumyan), and Matthew D. McVee (PAC/700, McVee). Filed by Matthew McVee.  
Date: 8/3/2023 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Memorandum on Hearing Procedures. Copies served on 8/3/23.  
Date: 8/16/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Rebuttal Testimony of Bob Jenks (CUB/200, Jenks). Filed by Michael Goetz.  
Date: 8/16/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
Calpine's Rebuttal Testimony of Kevin C. Higgins (Calpine Solutions/200, Higgins). Filed by Greg Adams. 
Date: 8/16/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits of Anna Kim (Staff/700-701, Kim), Julie Jent (Staff/800,Jent), Curtis Dlouhy (Staff/900,Dlouhy), Rose Anderson( Staff/1000-1001, Anderson), Madison Bolton (Staff/1100, Bolton), and Itayi Chipanera (Staff/1200, Chipanera). Confidential Saved to the Agency Folder. ALSO SEE 8/31/23 Staff's Errata to Rebuttal Testimony (Staff/1000, Anderson/17).  
Date: 8/16/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club Rebuttal Testimony of Ed Burgess (Sierra Club/200-201, Burgess), filed by Leah Bahramipour. Highly Confidential and Confidential Both Saved to the Agency Folder.  
Date: 8/16/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits of Bradley G. Mullins (AWEC/200-203, Mullins), filed by Jesse O Gorsuch. Confidential Saved to the Agency Folder.  
Date: 8/16/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse's Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibit of Steve Johnson (Vitesse/200-201, Johnson), filed by Dustin Prater. Confidential Saved to the Agency Folder.  
Date: 8/22/2023 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse's Request to Change the Service List, removing Liz Ferrell, adding Joni Sliger.  
Date: 8/24/2023 Action:  HEARING  Searchable Doc  
NOTICE OF HEARING. Copies Served on 8/24/23. This meeting will be held in a hybrid format. Participants can join in person or via zoom. HEARING scheduled 9/7/2023 9:30 AM City: SALEM Room: HEARING ROOM Building: PUC Address: 201 HIGH ST SE STE 100 Law Judge: MAPES, KATIE  
Date: 8/24/2023 Action:  HEARING  Searchable Doc  
NOTICE OF HEARING. Copies Served on 8/24/23. This meeting will be held in a hybrid format. Participants can join in person or via zoom. HEARING scheduled 9/8/2023 9:30 AM City: SALEM Room: HEARING ROOM Building: PUC Address: 201 HIGH ST SE STE 100 Law Judge: MAPES, KATIE  
Date: 8/30/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 16-128, filed by Dustin Prater. Person seeking qualification under Paragraph 13: Etta Lockey.  
Date: 8/30/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Surrebuttal Testimony and Exhibits of Ramon Mitchell (PAC/800, Mitchell), James Owen (PAC/900-902, Owen), Matthew McVee (PAC/1000, McVee), Ryan Fuller (PAC/1100-1104, Fuller), and Michael Wilding (PAC/1200-1201, Wilding). Filed by Matthew McVee. Exhibit 1104 is attached in Excel format and will be kept in the agency folder. Confidential and Highly Confdiential in agency folder.  
Date: 8/31/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 16-128. Filed by Katherine McDowell. Person qualified under Paragraph 12: Skylar Sumner.  
Date: 8/31/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Page to Amended Modified Protective Order No. 23-211, filed by Katherine McDowell. Person qualified under Paragraph 12 to receive Highly Protected Information: Skylar Sumner.  
Date: 8/31/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Errata to Rebuttal Testimony (Staff/1000, Anderson/17). Filed by Stephanie Andrus.  
Date: 8/31/2023 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Cross-Examination Statement, filed by Michael Goetz.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Pages related to Protective Order No. 16-128, filed by Cathie Allen. Persons seeking qualification under Paragraph 13: Ryan Fuller, Zepure Shahumyan, and Isaiah Zacharia. 
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Pages related to Modified Protective Order No. 23-211, filed by Cathie Allen. Persons seeking qualification under Paragraph 13: Ryan Fuller and Zepure Shahumyan.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
Calpine Solutions' Cross-examination Statement, filed by Gregory Adams.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
Calpine Solutions Hearing Exhibits, filed by Gregory Adams. Confidential to agency folder.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Cross-Examination Statement and Motion for Leave to Present Live Testimony, filed by Katherine McDowell.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club's Cross-examination Statement, filed by Rose Monahan.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Motion to Admit Pre-filed Testimony and Exhibits, together with Witness Declarations of Ramon J. Mitchell, James Owen, Judith M. Ridenour, Zepure Shahumyan, Matthew D. McVee, Ryan Fuller, and Michael G. Wilding. Filed by Ajay Kumar.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Cross-examination Statement, filed by Stephanie Andrus.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Memorandum. Copies served on 9/1/23.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Exhibit List and Cross-Examination Exhibits, filed by Katherine McDowell. Confidential and HC to agency folder  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse's Cross-examination Statement. Filed by Joni Sliger.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Cross-examination Statement, filed by Brent Coleman.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  CROSS EXAM STATEMENT  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Amended Cross-Examination Statement and Response to PacifiCorp Request to Submit Live Direct Testimony, filed by Stephanie Andrus.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
Staff Cross-examination Exhibit, filed by Stephanie Andrus.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club's Motion to Admit Testimony and Exhibits, and Excuse Witnesses from Hearing, together with Declarations of Ed Burgess and Maria Roumpani. Filed by Rose Monahan.  
Date: 9/1/2023 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
Calpine Solutions' Motion to Admit Pre-Filed Testimony and Exhibit, together with the Declaration of Kevin Higgins. Filed by Gregory Adams.  
Date: 9/5/2023 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Motion to Admit Testimony and Exhibits, together with Declaration of Bradley Mullins. Filed by Brent Coleman.  
Date: 9/5/2023 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Motion to Admit Testimony and Exhibits, together with Declarations of Anna Kim, Julie Jent, Curtis Dlouhy, Rose Anderson, Madison Bolton, and Itayi Chipanera. Filed by Stephanie Andrus.  
Date: 9/5/2023 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse's Motion to Admit Pre-filed Testimony and Exhibit, together with Declaration of Steven Johnson. Filed by Irion Sanger.  
Date: 9/5/2023 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
Date: 9/6/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Supplemental Cross Examination Exhibit; filed by Katherine McDowell.  
Date: 9/6/2023 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
Chief ALJ Nolan Moser issues Memorandum Regarding Tomorrow's Hearing. Copies served on 9/6/23  
Date: 9/7/2023 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Pages related to Modified protective Order No. 23-211, filed by Cathie Allen. Persons Seeking Qualification under Paragraph 13: Michael Wilding and Faqiha Zahra.  
Date: 9/8/2023 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Scheduling Memorandum. Copies served on 9/8/23.  
Date: 9/12/2023 Action:  STIPULATION  Searchable Doc  
Stipulating Parties' Stipulation, filed by Adam Lowney, Stephanie Andrus, Matthew McVee, Irion Sanger, Michael Goetz, Greg Adams, and Paul Simmons. 
Date: 9/12/2023 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
Stipulating Parties' Joint Brief in Support of Stipulation, filed by Adam Lowney. 
Date: 9/12/2023 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Motion to Admit Stipulation, filed by Adam Lowney. 
Date: 9/13/2023 Action:  TRANSCRIPT   
Transcripts for the 9/7/23 and 9/8/23 Hearing. Please contact transcriber Jenny Muir for transcript at: Jennifer Muir, CET Certified Digital Legal Transcriber 541-207-7412 jmuirtranscriber@gmail.com www.CourtScriptsllc.com 
Date: 9/15/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Corrections to Testimony of James Owen at hearing (in response to "subject to check"). (Pac/503, Owen/3; PAC/205, Owen/1; PAC/501, Owen/6) Filed b Matthew McVee. Testimony is highly confidential, only cover letter posted. HC to Agency Folder 
Date: 9/15/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Certain CSA Provisions discussed at the 9-8-23 Hearing. The CSA provisiions are designated as highly confidential. Filed by Matthew McVee. HC to Agency Folder 
Date: 9/22/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse Letter regarding Opening Brief, filed by Irion Sanger.  
Date: 9/22/2023 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Opening Brief, filed by Adam Lowney. Confidential and HC versions to agency folder. 
Date: 9/22/2023 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club's Opening Brief, filed by Rose Monahan. Confidential and HC versions to agency folder. 
Date: 9/22/2023 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Opening Brief, filed by Tyler Pepple.  
Date: 9/22/2023 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Opening Brief, filed by Stephanie Andrus.  
Date: 9/26/2023 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Response to Stipulating Parties' Joint Brief in Support of Stipulation. Filed by Brent Coleman.  
Date: 9/29/2023 Action:  HEARING  Searchable Doc  
NOTICE OF HEARING AND HEARING PROCEDURES. Copies served on 9/29/23 HEARING scheduled 10/13/2023 9:30 AM Room: VIA ZOOM Reporter: J. MUIR Law Judge: MAPES, KATIE  
Date: 10/2/2023 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
Sierra Club's Reply Brief, filed by Rose Monahan. Confidential Saved to Agency Folder. 
Date: 10/2/2023 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Reply Brief, filed by Katherine McDowell.  
Date: 10/2/2023 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Reply Brief, filed by Stephanie Andrus.  
Date: 10/2/2023 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Reply Brief, filed by Tyler Pepple.  
Date: 10/3/2023 Action:  TESTIMONY & EXHIBITS  Searchable Doc  
Stipulating Parties’ Joint Reply Testimony in Support of Stipulation (Joint Stipulation Parties/100, McVee, Mitchell, Kim, Jenks, Higgins, Johnson). Filed by Adam Lowney.  
Date: 10/3/2023 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Bench Request. Copies served on 10/3/23.  
Date: 10/10/2023 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Motion to Admit Testimony and Exhibits, together with Declarations of Ramon J. Mitchell and Matthew D. McVee. Filed by Ajay Kumar.  
Date: 10/10/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Declaration of Kevin C. Higgins in Support of Stipulation Testimony, filed by Gregory Adams.  
Date: 10/10/2023 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's email from Ajay Kumar stating there will not be cross-examination and a hearing will not be necessary.  
Date: 10/11/2023 Action:  CANCELLATION/CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
NOTICE OF 10/13/23 CANCELLATION HEARING. Copies served on 10/11/23  
Date: 10/11/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse's Declaration of Steve Johnson in Support of Joint Testimony, filed by Irion Sanger.  
Date: 10/12/2023 Action:  COMMENTS/RESPONSE  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Response to ALJ Bench Request No. 1, filed by Matthew McVee.  
Date: 10/16/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Declaration of Anna Kim, filed by Stephanie Andrus.  
Date: 10/18/2023 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Motion to Admit Testimony and Exhibit, together with the Declaration of Bob Jenks. Filed by Michael Goetz.  
Date: 10/20/2023 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
Stipulating Parties' Closing Brief, filed by Adam Lowney.  
Date: 10/20/2023 Action:  BRIEF  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Brief in Opposition to Non-unanimous Stipulation. Filed by Brent Coleman.  
Date: 10/23/2023 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
Date: 10/27/2023 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   23-404 
Order No. 23-404 signed by Commissioners Megan W. Decker and Letha Tawney. DISPOSITION: STIPULATION ADOPTED; RECOVERY OF CERTAIN COSTS DENIED. Copies served on 10/27/2023. Highly Confidential Sent to the Parties via Email. ALSO SEE 11/14/23 Errata Order No. 23-433.  
Date: 11/2/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Request for Huddle Access, filed by Lauren Richards.  
Date: 11/7/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Request for Final Payment of the Issue Fund Grant. Filed by Tyler Pepple. Confidential to Agency Folder  
Date: 11/8/2023 Action:  COMPLIANCE  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Compliance per Order No. 23-404, Net Power Cost Indicative Update for 2024. Filed by Matthew McVee.  
Date: 11/9/2023 Action:  NOTICE  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Notice. Copies served on 11/9/23.  
Date: 11/14/2023 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   23-433 
Errata Order No. 23-433, signed by Commissioners Megan W. Decker and Letha Tawney; DISPOSITION: ORDER NO. 23-404 CORRECTED. Copies served 11/14/23. 
Date: 11/15/2023 Action:  ADVICE  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Advice No. 23-021 in Compliance with Order No. 23-404. This filing sets net power costs (NPC) for 2024 and the final transition adjustments for the 2024 direct access options.  
Date: 11/17/2023 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   23-434 
Order No. 23-434 signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Nolan Moser; Disposition: Issue Fund Grant Request Approved. Copies served 11/17/23. 
Date: 11/17/2023 Action:  OTHER FILING/PLEADING  Searchable Doc  
CUB Request for Final Payment of Issue Fund Grant filed by Bob Jenks. Confidential to Agency Folder. TAGS: Intervenor Funding Issue Fund Payment Request CUB 
Date: 11/27/2023 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse's Service List Change Request to remove Dennis Bartlett and add Kyle Moore.  
Date: 12/22/2023 Action:  STAFF REPORT  Searchable Doc  
Staff Report for the December 28, 2023 Public Meeting (Item No. CA 22), by Anna Kim.  
Date: 12/22/2023 Action:  RECONSIDERATION  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Motion for Reconsideration, filed Katherine A. McDowell. Responses due: 1/8/24 Order Due: 2/20/24  
Date: 12/22/2023 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   23-483 
Order No. 23-483 signed by Chief Administrative Law Judge Nolan Moser; Disposition: Issued Fund Grant Request Approved. Copies served 12/22/23. TAGS: Intervenor Funding Issue Fund CUB Payment Request 
Date: 12/26/2023 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)  Searchable Doc  
Staff Memo to file recommending acknowledgement letter be sent filed by Rose Pileggi. 
Date: 12/26/2023 Action:  ACCEPTED UTILITY FILING  Searchable Doc  
Letter sent.  
Date: 12/26/2023 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)  Searchable Doc  
Proof of service of letter 12/26/2023. 
Date: 12/29/2023 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
ALJ Katharine Mapes issues Memorandum. Copies served on 12/29/23.  
Date: 1/8/2024 Action:  MOTION  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Request for Extension of Time to File Response to Mation for Reconsideration [Expedited Consideration Requested], filed by Stephanie Andrus.  
Date: 1/8/2024 Action:  LAW JUDGE RULING/MEMORANDA  Searchable Doc  
Chief ALJ Nolan Moser issues Ruling; DISPOSITION: EXTENSION OF TIME GRANTED. Copies served on 1/8/24.  
Date: 1/12/2024 Action:  COMMENTS/RESPONSE  Searchable Doc  
Staff's Response to PacifiCorp's Motion for Reconsideration, filed by Stephanie Andrus.  
Date: 1/12/2024 Action:  COMMENTS/RESPONSE  Searchable Doc  
AWEC's Response to PacifiCorp Motion for Reconsideration, filed by Tyler Pepple.  
Date: 1/17/2024 Action:  ORDER  Getdocs  
  Order No:   24-013 
Order No. 24-013, signed by Commissioners Megan W. Decker and Letha Tawney; DISPOSITION: MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION DENIED. Copies served on 1/17/24.  
Date: 1/23/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Vitesse Signatory Page related to Protective Order No. 16-128. Person seeking qualification under Paragraph 13: Kyle Moore.  
Date: 3/15/2024 Action:  APPEAL  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp d/b/a/ Pacific Power's Petition for Judicial Review of Public Utility Commission of Oregon Order No. 24-013 and Order No. 23-404 filed with the Oregon Court of Appeals on March 14, 2024; filed by Matthew McVee. 
Date: 3/18/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
PacifiCorp's Signatory Pages related to Protective Order No. 16-128, filed by Dallas DeLuca. Qualified persons under Paragraph 12: Dallas DeLuca, Josephine Kovacs, Rebecca Dodd, Alysa Goodfellow, and Michelle Robles. 
Date: 3/21/2024 Action:  NOTICE  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Notice to Change the Service List, removing Mike Goetz and adding Jennifer Hill-Hart. Filed by Jennifer Hill-Hart. 
Date: 3/21/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
CUB's updated Signatory Pages related to Protective Order No. 16-128, filed by Jennifer Hill-Hart. Qualified persons under Paragraph 12: Claire Valentine-Fossum, Bob Jenks, Ryan Tran, John Garrett, Sarah Woehele, and Sharif Morton, and Jennifer Hill-Hart. 
Date: 3/21/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Signatory Pages related to Amended Modified Protective Order No. 23-211, filed by Jennifer Hill-Hart. Persons qualified to receive Highly Protected Information under Paragraph 12: Sarah Wochele, Ryan Tran, Claire Valentine-Fossum, and Jennifer Hill-Hart.  
Date: 3/22/2024 Action:  HUDDLE REQUEST  Searchable Doc  
CUB's Request to Update Huddle Access; filed by Jennifer Hill-Hart. 
Date: 6/20/2024 Action:  SERVICE LIST CHANGE  Searchable Doc  
Sanger Law's Request to Change the Service List by Removing Joni Sliger, filed by Dustin Prater. 
Date: 7/15/2024 Action:  SIGNATORY PAGES  Searchable Doc  
Sanger Law Signatory Withdrawal Letter removing Joni Sliger from signatory page GPO 23-211and Modified Protective Order No. 23-120 filed on 6/22/23. 
Date: 8/1/2024 Action:  APPEAL  Searchable Doc  
Transmittal of Shortened Record and Certificate of UE 420, for Court of Appeals, Appellate Court No. A183803, electronically routed to Schon Hoeschen, Department of Justice, Appellate Division. PUC appeal #24-01.