Docket Summary
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Docket No:  PL 168 Docket Name:  QWEST ADVICE NO. 2021-003-PL RAY BAUM ACT Submit Public Comment
Subject Company:  QWEST CORPORATION    
This filing, Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advice No. 2021-003-PL, adds language pursuant to 47 C.F.R § 9.16(b)(3), pertaining to Ray Baum's Act. Specifically, these revisions document the requirements that multiline telephone systems and fixed...
Filing Date:  5/26/2021 Advice No: 2021-003-PL      
Effective:  6/1/2021 Expiration:   Status:  ACKNOWLEDGED
Case Manager:  RUSSELL BEITZEL Phone:  971-209-0533
Email:   russell.beitzel@puc.oregon.gov
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General information about Tariff Filings.

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Date: 6/8/2021 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)  Searchable Doc  
Proof of service of letter 06/08/2021. 
Date: 6/8/2021 Action:  ACKNOWLEDGED UTILITY FILING  Searchable Doc  
Letter Sent. 
Date: 6/2/2021 Action:  OTHER CORRESPONDENCE (ACKN, SVC, LTR)  Searchable Doc  
Staff Memo to file recommending acknowledgement letter be sent filed by Russ Beitzel. 
Date: 5/26/2021 Action:  INITIAL UTILITY FILING  Searchable Doc  
This filing, Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advice No. 2021-003-PL, adds language pursuant to 47 C.F.R § 9.16(b)(3), pertaining to Ray Baum's Act. Specifically, these revisions document the requirements that multiline telephone systems and fixed and non-fixed voice services must be capable of conveying the dispatchable location of a 911 caller to a public safety answering point (PSAP). 


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