Docket Summary
***If sending a message to PUC staff, please note that as of March 29, 2021, all emails end with @puc.oregon.gov (instead of @state.or.us).

Docket No:  ADV 299 Docket Name:  QWEST TRANSITIONAL INTRASTATE ACCESS SERVICE Submit Public Comment
Subject Company:  QWEST CORPORATION    
This, Quest's Advice No. 2128, filing is the fifth step in implementing the "Transitional Intrastate Access Service" reductions mandated by the Federal Communications Commission's November 18, 2011 Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed...
Filing Date:  5/18/2016 Advice No: 2128    Public Mtg: 6/7/2016   
Effective:  7/1/2016 Expiration:   Status:  ACCEPTED
Case Manager:  Armando FIMBRES Phone:  (503) 378-6665
Email:   armando.fimbres@state.or.us
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