ORDER NO. 96-054
UM 384
In the Matter of an Investigation into Alternative Means of Intrastate Separations and Settlements. | )
)ORDER ) |
On November 15, 1995, U S WEST Communications (USWC or
Company) filed Advice No. 1625 in its intrastate Access Services
tariff to be effective January 1, 1996. The company also filed a
Petition for Waiver of Transition Cost Factors and Adherence to
Part 69 Access Elements in Docket UM 384. The company extended
the filing to February 1 and again to February 21, 1996, to allow
time to address staff's cost, demand and rate design concerns. On
February 8, 1996, USWC revised its filing and petition.
At its public meeting on February 20, 1996, PUC staff
presented a memorandum recommending that the February 8, 1996,
revised filing be allowed to go into effect and that the revised
petition for waiver be granted. The Commission adopted staff's
report, which is attached as Appendix A and is incorporated in
this order by reference.
Based upon the application and the Commission's records, the
Commission makes the following:
Order No. 93-1133 adopted the 1994 Oregon Customer Access Plan (OCAP). The OCAP anticipates a four year transition time frame; however, a company can petition to accelerate the transition period. USWC was granted a waiver to accelerate the Subscriber Plant Factor (SPF) to Subscriber Line Usage (SLU) transition by one year in Order No. 94-318.
Order No. 94-2075 continued the waiver granted in Order No.
94-318 and granted USWC's revised filing of December 13, 1994, to
be effective January 1, 1995.
The current filing seeks continuation of the waiver from the
FCC Part 69 rules regarding development of the Local Switching
rate. USWC wants to continue the current rate until the
conclusion of Docket UM 351. The proposed access rates would
reflect the fourth and final year of the transition. In addition,
USWC proposes to implement local transport restructure in
accordance with FCC Part 69, but is seeking waivers from FCC Part
69.108, Transport Rate Benchmark; Part 69.111(2)(g) Tandem
Switching Charge; and, Part 69.124, Interconnection Charge. The
difference between the revenues collected at the proposed local
switching and transport rates versus the respective Part 69
revenue requirement for those elements will be recovered through
the Carrier Common Line rate.
Appendix A gives a detailed explanation of the revised petition and Advice
No. 1626 filing. The annual revenue effect of this filing is a
reduction in intrastate access revenues, however, not all
customers will experience a decrease.
Order No. 93-1133 established the procedure by which a local
exchange carrier may petition for a waiver of the transitional
cost factors. The Commission concludes that USWC has submitted
the information required in that procedure. The Commission has
examined the petition and staff's memorandum recommending
approval and concludes that the filing meets requirements set out
in Order No. 93-1133. The petition for waiver should be granted.
IT IS ORDERED that the revised filing (Advice No. 1626) of
February 8, 1996, to be effective February 21, 1996, and the
revised Petition for Waiver of Transition Cost Factors and
Adherence to Part 69 Access Elements are granted.
Made, entered, and effective______________________________.
_______________________________ Roger Hamilton Chairman |
_______________________________ Ron Eachus Commissioner |
_______________________________ Joan H. Smith Commissioner |
A party may request rehearing or reconsideration of this order pursuant to ORS 756.561. A request for rehearing or reconsideration must be filed with the Commission within 60 days of the date of this order. The request must comply with the requirements of OAR 860-14-095. A copy of any such request must also be served on each party to the proceeding as provided by OAR 860-13-070(2)(a). A party may appeal this order to a court pursuant to ORS 756.580.