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Comment Number Created Date Email Received Date Company Name Comment Type Source Type First Name Last Name Email Nearest City Comment
UW 199-1 4/3/2024 6:09:01 PM SUNRIVER WATER LLC Oppose Docket Web John Shoemaker SUNRIVER As a resident of the Sunriver community, I appreciate the service that Sunriver Water LLC/Environmental has provided despite the extravagant request for a rate increase that will result in an annual revenue increase of 21.08%, yes that is correct, 21.08%. This request comes 2 years after another rate increase was requested and approved and instituted in May of 2022 that was 21.64% and when combined would result in a total rate increase of 42.72% over the course of approximately 3 years. This will negatively and significantly impact the majority of the Sunriver year around community members/rate payers who I guarantee you have never seen any such increase in their pensions, Social Security checks or retirement accounts that could come close to keeping up with the requested rate increase. As Oregon politicians and bureaucrats make more and more noise about the housing crisis, cost of living for the vulnerable or elderly and numerous other vulnerable populations they seem to forget that they are helping to increase those numbers due to their decisions and programs that add to the inflationary pressures causing much of the problem. For all these reasons and more I strongly oppose any such rate increase at this time. We are currently living in what is considered one of the highest cost housing and cost of living areas in the country. Many year round residents live on fixed incomes and cannot afford to absorb such a drastic increase as proposed especially after suffering the same increase just 2 years ago.
UW 199-2 6/6/2024 4:39:31 PM SUNRIVER WATER LLC Oppose Docket Web Robert Gamble SUNRIVER 6-6-24 letter converted to Word for posting by Consumer Services staff - dr 18160 Cottonwood Rd PMB 443 Sunriver, OR 97707-9317 5 41-977-1740 26 May 2024 Oregon Public Utility Commission P.O. Box 1088 Salem, OR 97308-1088 Subject: Opposition to Sunriver Utilities' Proposed Water Rate Increase in PUC Docket UW 199 Dear PUC Sta? and Commissioners, I am writing to formally oppose Sunriver Utilities' request for a 21.08% increase in water rates as outlined in Oregon PUC docket UW 199. As a resident of Sunriver, Oregon, I am concerned by this proposed increase, particularly in light of the 25% rate hike granted just two years ago in docket UW 186. Revenues Sunriver residential customers already face a substantial monthly bill of $110, excluding actual water consumption. This amount includes a flat rate sewer usage fee of $93.80. Per Oregon Administrative Rule OAR 860-037-0101, wastewater service charges are typically based on the volume of water delivered to the customer's property. However, the current flat-rate charge significantly exceeds the water usage fee, which seems disproportionate and financially burdensome. Compared to nearby utilities, Sunriver Utilities' no consumption rates are substantially higher. For instance, monthly rates in the City of La Pine are $56.91, and in the City of Bend, $73.48. This stark di?erence raises questions about the fairness and justification of Sunriver's rates. Sunriver Utilities reported annual revenue of $2,447,262 in 2023. However, considering that 80% of over 4,700 accounts are residential customers paying $110 monthly bills without consumption, the actual revenue from residential customers alone nears $5,000,000 per year. This suggests a lack of transparency in revenue reporting during rate increase requests. According to Oregon Administrative Rule OAR 860-037-0010 (36), a 'Wastewater utility' includes all public water utilities providing wastewater service. This implies that all related revenue should be fully reported. This transparency is crucial for a fair assessment of rate increase requests. Expenses There are also significant concerns regarding the expenses reported by Sunriver Utilities. Notably, the president of Sunriver Water Utilities received a summary compensation of $973,052 in 2022 and $1,367,060 in 2023, as reported by NW Natural Holding Company. Additionally, the costs for products or services from a?liated interests have surged from $301,409 in 2020 to over $1,265,109 in 2023. This included “Payroll & Benefits Costs - Employees & benefits paid by NW Natural Holdings of Oregon, passed through without markup to Sunriver” for $1,009,701. Questions These figures raise important questions: Under Oregon law, all water belongs to the public. Is it the PUC’s position that this public resource should fund million-dollar executive salaries, 5% investor dividends, and investor-owned utility charges that are 50% higher than public utility charges? Why should customers bear all the costs of infrastructure upgrades and other investments, rather than the utility and its shareholders? What is or would be the justification for: • Sunriver residents already paying $110 monthly, excluding water usage, with a disproportionate flat-rate sewer fee of $93.80. This rate is significantly higher compared to nearby areas like La Pine and Bend. • Sunriver Utilities reporting annual revenue of $2,447,262 in 2023, when the $110 no consumption charge would provide revenue from residential customers alone closer to $5,000,000. • Sunriver Utilities president receiving compensation of $1,367,060 when the company reports annual revenue of $2,447,262. • Sunriver customers having to bear a 46.08% water rate increase in four years as well as the 15% sewer rate increase e?ective January 2024. Given these concerns, I urge the Oregon Public Utility Commission to rigorously scrutinize Sunriver Utilities' request, considering the significant financial burden already borne by residents. It is imperative to ensure that any rate increases are justified, equitable, and in line with regulatory guidelines. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response. Sincerely, Robert Gamble