Please only submit your public comments using the form below. If you have a complaint (service or billing), contact our
Consumer Services Section for assistance.
Form Notes: Please do not include account numbers or other personal information in your comments. The maximum comment
length is 5000 characters. Required fields have bold and italic titles, are marked with an asterisk (*),
and have blue borders.
Public Comment Guidelines
Please leave the following out of your comments:
Click here for detailed instructions on using this form.
Public Comment Guidelines
Please leave the following out of your comments:
- Offensive language: Any form of profanity, vulgar words, or derogatory terms.
- Hate speech: Comments that promote discrimination, prejudice, or violence against individuals or groups based on attributes like race, ethnicity, gender, religion, etc.
- Harassment: Intimidating, threatening, or bullying language targeting specific individuals.
- Discrimination: Comments that marginalize or demean others based on their characteristics.
- Personal attacks: Insults, name-calling, or derogatory remarks aimed at individuals.
- Explicit content: Comments containing graphic or inappropriate material.
- Spam: Repetitive, irrelevant, or promotional content that disrupts the conversation.
Click here for detailed instructions on using this form.
All information submitted on this page may be posted on Oregon Public Utility Commission web sites and may be publicly visible.